
June 2022

In This Issue
NGCP Updates
Board Spotlight
STEM Events
The Connectory Spotlight
STEM Resources
Global Resources

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NGCP Updates

NGCP Annual Survey

The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) is committed to using an informed approach when serving its vast network of educators and organizations committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue STEM careers. In order to do this effectively, we are administering a survey to investigate OUR reach and impact. Responses are confidential and reported in aggregate. We are asking all individuals who have been involved with NGCP in any way to please respond.


The survey will close on June 17, 2022. Contact Brenda Britsch at with any questions. Your feedback is important to us. If you have already responded to the survey, thank you!

Board of Directors Spotlight

Throughout 2022 we will be highlighting the work and passions of NGCP Board Members.

Siobahn Day Grady is an Assistant Professor of Information Science/Systems in the School of Library and Information Science at North Carolina Central University, an AAAS IF/THEN Ambassador, and a North Carolina Central University OeL Faculty Fellow. Amanda K. of NGCP's Youth Advisory Board interviewed Siobahn to learn more about her STEM journey. Siobahn shared how she had to navigate and dispel misconceptions about women in computer science throughout her career journey, accrediting her resilience and support system for enabling her to overcome challenges. "If I could complete the journey, it's possible for anyone! Focus on your potential, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it." Read Amanda K's blog of the interview. 

Upcoming STEM Events
Intrepid Museum's Virtual Youth Summit: Transform Hope to Action
Online, June 11, 2022
Through hope and action, the summit will amplify diverse youth voices in science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) and civics. Youth ages 14-20 will have the opportunity to participate in diverse workshops, presentations, and panel sessions, including keynotes from Dr. Dominic J. Bednar and Danielle Boyer, with a dance party DJ, Leecy T. Register.

Serious PLAY Conference

Orlando, FL, June 13-17, 2022

A leadership conference for both those who create serious games/simulations and those who implement game-based learning programs. Speakers are experienced developers and designers in the industry, the top academic researchers, and senior program heads from education, corporate, healthcare, government/military, museums, and other emerging areas. A virtual conference option is available on the registration portal. Register.

American Library Association Annual (ALA) Conference and Exhibition
Washington D.C., June 23-28, 2022
ALA brings together librarians and library staff, educators, authors, publishers, friends of libraries, and trustees. Participants will have access to educational programing, News You Can Use sessions, featuring research, innovations, advances in libraries, and the Library Marketplace exhibit hall. NGCP and SciStarter are presenting strategies on successfully scaling STEM programming in libraries from Leap into Science and Libraries as Community Hubs for Citizen Science. Register.
National Marine Educators Association logo

National Marine Educators Association Conference  

Long Island, NY, July 9-13, 2022

Centered on the theme of "Charting the Course with Perseverance", attendees will have the opportunity to make professional connections, share innovative ideas, and learn about new resources, tools, and technologies for use in classrooms, laboratories, and education programs. A virtual conference option is available on the registration portal. Register.

STEM Leadership Alliance Summit

Orlando, FL, July 11-14, 2022

This global leading education conference brings together key shareholders across the STEM education ecosystem for critical conversation to build capacity, knowledge, and skills for inspiring youth and strengthening the future of the STEM workforce. Register.


Esri User Conference

San Diego, CA, July 11-15, 2022

Attendees will explore how geographic information system (GIS) education strengthens communities through holistic thinking. Participants will discover how GIS capabilities are used to solve problems, create shared understanding, and map common ground. A virtual conference option is available on the registration portal. Register.

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Conference

Online, July 14-17, 2022

The CSTA conference is a professional development opportunity for CS and IT teachers and administrators seeking practical, classroom-focused information to help prepare their students for the future. Participants will have the opportunity to learn, network, and interact while exploring issues and trends relating directly to the classroom. Register.

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference
Chicago, IL, July 21-23, 2022
Educators will share experiences, present new ideas, and teaching techniques on topics such as developing scientific literacy, sensemaking, equity, and assessment. The conference includes workshops, poster share-a-thons, speed-sharing sessions, and an exhibit hall. Register.

Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) Conference

Pittsburgh, PA, September 12-15, 2022 

ASTC is an organization of science centers and museums dedicated to furthering public engagement with science among diverse audiences. This year's theme “Traversing Tomorrow Together” will explore a refined vision of the future for science and technology centers, museums, and allied professionals working at the intersections of science, technology, and society. Join NGCP for two workshops, Dream It, Plan It, Evaluate it: Inspiring Equity in STEM Environments, and Connecting Museums and Libraries to Promote Community Engagement in Science, and visit our exhibit hall booth. Early bird registration ends August 16, 2022. Register.


American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Conference

Palm Springs, CA, October 6-8, 2022

The AISES conference focuses on educational, professional, and workforce development for Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in STEM studies and careers. Includes the largest college and career fair in the U.S. for Indigenous students and professionals. Exhibitors represent a diverse range of corporations, educational institutions, government agencies, nonprofits, Tribes, and Indigenous-owned businesses. Early bird registration ends August 12, 2022.  Register.

CSforALL Summit

Memphis, TN, October 19-21, 2022

The summit theme is “Game Changers in CS", exploring ways to shift the movement to ensure computer science is an equitable and sustainable part of the K-12 experience. With Memphis partner CodeCrew, the Summit will feature high-level conversations with national thought leaders highlighting strategies for equity, removing barriers to access, and building meaningful engagement for all students. Call for 2022 Commitments is open. Early bird deadline for commitments ends August 1, 2022. 

The Connectory Spotlight
The Connectory showcases STEAM opportunities for youth to families and is a free online collaboration tool for providers to help find partners based on interests and needs.
Innovate tech charlotte logo.jpg

Innovate Tech Charlotte, prepares youth for the 21st century with innovative technologies and leadership skills. This summer they are hosting a virtual Super Summer Camp open to youth grades 9-12 anywhere in the U.S. This course introduces youth to leadership skills along with innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and Blockchain. Participants will have opportunities to receive certifications, internships, mentors, and work with Harvard University and Wharton University of Pennsylvania staff. Scholarships are available. 

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STEM Resources

June is National Zoo and Aquarium Month

Association of Zoos and Aquariums provides a collection of links including Educator Resources. Many of the websites have educational resources such as videos, wildlife facts, lesson plans, and activities.

NASA's Universe of Learning logo

NASA’s Astrophoto Challenges

Youth of all ages are encouraged to join NASA’s Universe of Learning and participate in the Summer 2022 NASA’s Astrophoto Challenges. Participants will capture their own telescope image of the Carina Nebula or work with NASA's images of Carina Nebula or Eta Carina. Youth will engage in scientific practices through accessible data tools and experiences, and their work may recieve feedback from NASA scientists. Enter the challenge


NCWIT's Women and IT: By the Numbers

The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) presents the most compelling statistics on women's participation in computing (updated March 1, 2022) on Women and Information Technology: By the Numbers.

Summer of Love for STEM

This new blog coauthored by Linda Kekelis and Teresa Drew of the STEM Next Opportunity Fund, offers seven family-friendly ideas to bring STEM fun into summertime.

Techbridge Girls Logo

Techbridge Girls Workshop Ready Lessons 

Workshop Ready Lessons are a collection of curriculum and resources to assist educators in building girls' and gender-expansive youth's interest and sense of belonging in STEM through lessons centered on diverse women scientists and STEM's real-world application. Lessons are designed for middle and high school-aged youth and include lesson plans, customizable slide decks, and youth-facing one-pagers.

Global Resources

World Ocean Day

June 8, 2022

World Ocean Day supports collaborative conservation, working with its global network of youth and organizational leaders in more than 140 countries, and providing free and customizable promotional and actionable resources. World Ocean Day is powered by the World Ocean Youth Advisory Council. The website includes free resources available in 20 languages.


International Women In Engineering Day

June 23, 2022

International Women in Engineering Day, brought to you by Women's Engineering Society (WES), is an international awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focus attention on the amazing career opportunities available to girls in this exciting industry. This year will celebrate the amazing work that women engineers around the world are doing, by profiling the best, brightest, and bravest women in engineering, the inventors and innovators who dare to be part of the solution and are helping to build towards a brighter future. Visit the WES website for #INWED22 Resources.


Girl Up Global Leadership Summit

Online, July 12-13, 2022

The Girl Up Leadership Summit is an opportunity for youth leaders (ages 13-22) to gain the skills, resources, and confidence to make an impact on gender equality in their communities. Summit participants will learn from influential speakers, engage in skill-based workshops, and participate in a day of action. Live captioning will be available in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Register.

About Us
The National Girls Collaborative Project™ promotes equity and STEM experiences as diverse as the world we live in. Our mission is to connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth. If you are in a position to support these efforts, please consider making a donation.
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