August is National Immunization Awareness Month!

Check out the CDC’s resources and toolkits for improving communication strategies for routine vaccines.
Monkeypox: Workplace risks and ADA Guidance

SHRM provides updates on who is most at risk of contracting monkeypox at work, as well as the importance of adhering to ADA Guidelines and avoiding discriminatory practices.
2022 National Breastfeeding Month

The U.S. Breastfeeding Committee’s theme for 2022 is “Together We Do Great Things!” Read on to learn about this year’s National Breastfeeding Month observances.
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Participate in National Wellness Month!

“Check out these timely tips and ideas for how you can help employees increase healthy habits, take time for themselves, and focus on the positive.”
Work-based Coverage and Health Disparities

“The more than 150 million Americans who get their health coverage through work face significant inequities by race and ethnicity while managing complex health conditions, a new analysis from Morgan Health and NORC at the University of Chicago finds.”
Metro Nashville Public Schools Launches Virtual Migraine Education Program

Learn more from this case study about migraine disease and its impact on employee health and well-being, employers' direct healthcare costs, and employers' indirect lost productivity, absenteeism, and disability costs.
Trying Out the Four Day Work Week

 “For the past eight weeks, thousands of people in the United Kingdom have tested a four-day schedule — with no cut to their pay — that could help usher in a new era of work.”
Give Your Eyes Some Love This Month

Learn how to observe National Eye Exam Month and some fun facts about eyes. Also, Prevent Blindness has declared 2022 as the “Year of Children’s Vision.” Check out these resources for improving children’s eye health and safety.
Unplugging on Vacation a Challenge to Many

“With policies like unlimited PTO becoming more common, most people find it hard to disconnect from work during their time off, a new poll shows.”