Welcome to the CPYD Monday Rundown:
A weekly email to keep us all connected during this time.
Please share with parents and community members!
Please note, our team is continuing our great work remotely
as a precautionary response to COVID-19.
It is best to reach us via email during regular business hours at this time.
For up-to-date information, visit us on social media:
Wishing you Health and Wellness!
This week is National
STI Awareness Week!

This article is all about YOU
and your sexual health.
I know the past few weeks have been shifting our priorities, but we shouldn’t forget about taking care of ourselves. Maintaining our health, including our sexual health, during this time is extremely important. If someone leaves a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) untreated, it can lead to health problems that make them more susceptible to other infections/pathogens that can attack the immune system.

Many people are unaware that they have an STI because they haven’t experienced any symptoms, they assume at every check-up they’re automatically tested for STIs, and some people are simply afraid of the unknown, so they decide against getting tested.

A guide to make your time
in quarantine as effective (and fun) as possible
for your sexual health
While the public practices social distancing, sex can feel like the last thing on people’s minds.

Following Social Distance guidelines can make maintaining a relationship feel frustrating or creates feelings of loneliness. The best way to prevent COVID-19 is to not come into physical contact with someone that doesn’t live with you. However, there are ways that people can protect themselves and connect with their partner(s) while in social isolation.

What Does "U=U" Mean?

Did you know?
If someone is living with HIV and has achieved and maintained an undetectable *viral load, they cannot pass it on to a sexual partner!

Yes, that is correct! Many years of research have proven that an individual who has been diagnosed with HIV and has been using Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) as prescribed, cannot transmit the virus sexually.

PReP 101
PReP is an HIV prevention option that allows people to protect their health!

In July 2019, a youth PReP bill passed allowing youth in the state of IL to be tested and treated without notification being sent home to parents. What does this mean? For youth that are sexually active and think they are at risk for contracting HIV, they can now be prescribed PReP.

Sober Truth on Preventing (STOP) Underage Drinking Act Grant awarded!
We are excited to announce that we have received new funding to address underage drinking among youth and young adults (ages 12- 20 years old) in Schaumburg, Hoffman Estates, Palatine, and Elk Grove Village! The Sober Truth on Preventing (STOP) Underage Drinking Act will be effective April 30, 2020 through April 29, 2024 and will allow us to continue the work of the current IDHS-funded underage drinking prevention grant (also known as the Strategic Prevention Framework- Partnerships for Success Grant) ending on June 30, 2020. In addition, with new funding we are able to expand services to Elk Grove Village!

Are you struggling with alcohol or substance use?
Need resources?

For more information about the online Smart Recovery Meetings at
Kenneth Young Center, contact: smartrecovery@kennethyoung.org  

It's on!

Whether you can join us in-per­son or if you will be par­tic­i­pat­ing
vir­tu­al­ly from a walk­ing path near you, you can count on KYC’s largest event to car­ry on.

Funding provided in whole or in part by the Illinois Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS-SUPR), the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Office of National Drug Control Policy and through a State Opioid Response grant (T1081699).