October 28, 2022

National Study on the Wellness of Legal Professionals in Canada

The report on The National Study on the Psychological Health Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada is now available. Undertaken by a research team at the Université de Sherbrooke led by Dr. Nathalie Cadieux, with funding from the Federation of Law Societies of Canada and the Canadian Bar Association, the study fills a critical gap in knowledge about the mental health of legal professionals.

Findings show that legal professionals in all areas of practice and in all jurisdictions suffer from significantly high levels of psychological distress, depression, anxiety, burnout and suicidal ideation, with those in the early years of practice experiencing some of the highest rates of distress.

FAQs about the national wellness project have also been published.

Read the News Release

2022 Women in Law Leadership Award Winners

The Law Society of Alberta is pleased to share that Susannah Alleyne, the Law Society’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Counsel and Equity Ombudsperson, is this year’s recipient of the Women in Law Leadership (WILL) Tomorrow’s Leader Award. 

Read the article

In addition, Moira Váně, Crown Prosecutor at Government of Canada and Bencher with the Law Society of Alberta, has been recognized with the WILL Award for Leadership in the Profession – Government/In-House.

Read the article.

Congratulations to the other WILL award winners for 2022:

  • Meenu Ahluwalia – Leadership in the Community
  • Alicia Quesnel – Leadership in the Profession – Private Practice
  • Heidi Schubert, KC – Leadership in the Profession – Broader Roles
Learn more

Thank you from the Law Society of Alberta 

The Law Society would like to thank all lawyers who completed The Path – Your Journey Through Indigenous Canada (Law Society of Alberta) by the Oct. 20, 2022 deadline.


The decision to mandate this training for all active lawyers in Alberta was integral to the Law Society’s commitment to responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #27, which calls upon Canadian law societies to ensure all lawyers receive Indigenous Cultural Competency Training. This decision is also consistent with our Strategic Plan, where we have made Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, along with Lawyer Competence, two of the four strategic goals.


This was the first time a specific course was mandated for all active Alberta lawyers and we want to commend the profession for your participation in this shared professional development requirement. We are also appreciative of the helpful feedback we’ve received about the course and the process along the way.


While this was an important step, the Law Society remains committed to advancing truth and reconciliation in the profession and will continue to engage lawyers with further opportunities.

New Student Resource: Letter to My 1L Self 

A 3L student shares three pieces of advice to guide 1L students through their law school journey. 

"My first piece of advice is something your 1L professor will tell you and your peers in the first week of law school: 'trust your method'.

Although you may not understand the meaning behind these words now, you will come to learn that trusting your method means to have faith in the way you approach things — faith in the way you study, the way you prepare for exams, the way you manage stress and the way you succeed..." 

Read more

Letter to My 1L Self

Federal Court Announcement 

Update #9 and Consolidated COVID-19 Practice Direction – October 24, 2022 

The Court issued Update #9 and Consolidated COVID-19 Practice Direction, published on the Court’s website. The purpose of this update is to announce the next two phases of the Court’s transition back to in-person hearings.


This transition will be subject to the continued evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Court is hopeful that by the end of the second phase, an appropriate balance between in-person and remote hearings will have been achieved. 

As this process unfolds, the Court will seek to optimize the extent to which it can provide parties with the mode of hearing they prefer, while ensuring that the Court maintains a physical presence throughout Canada. The Court will also continue to actively pursue the digital shift described in its 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, as it simultaneously safeguards its foundational itinerant nature. 

Upcoming Events

Access to Justice Week 2022 | Oct. 24 - 28, 2022

Alberta International Humanitarian Law Conference: Climate Change and Armed Conflict | Nov. 3, 2022 

Mental Health and the Criminal Code | Nov. 22, 2022

Visit our website for a full list of upcoming events.

Events Calendar
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