Fellow Republicans,
Because the 2020 Presidential elections are so critical, we need to GET OUT THE VOTE in large, even record numbers in Los Angeles County! Please make sure that you, your family, and friends vote as soon as you get your ballots which should be around October 5th. October 19th is the last day to register so please check your registration at https://www.sos.ca.gov/.
It will be a long ballot with a number of candidates—from President Donald Trump to congressional and local candidates. Additionally, there will be many propositions—which can be quite confusing, so please check out our LAGOP recommendations (Endorsed Candidates, Ballot Propositions). Our Propositions and Initiatives Committee members put in a lot of time researching all the legal intricacies before coming up with their assessments.
The Democrats are still angry that they lost the Presidency in 2016 and they are going to do everything possible to distort, manipulate, and, where possible, “steal” the election. We can't let that happen! We have learned that in 2016 approximately 1% of the votes cast were never counted because they missed the deadline for ballots to be delivered to election officials! We definitely cannot trust the last-minute actions of the Democrats. For example, during the Mike Garcia Special election this past spring, there was a push by the Democrats to add, at the last possible minute, another local polling place. On the surface, that may sound reasonable, yet the Democrats strategically pushed for the vote center to be placed in an area with a high percentage of registered Democrats. Surprised—I don’t think so!
To ensure that your vote is counted, please do the following:
1.) Make sure that you are currently registered to vote. For whatever combination of reasons, people have been “kicked off” the voter rolls which could delay or even prevent your vote from counting.
2.) Vote as early as possible—do not wait until election day!
3.) If you are concerned about problems with the Post Office, personally return your ballot to one of the several local Vote Centers—full list of nearby Vote Centers and their locations can be found at lavote.net.
4.) After you return your ballot, check to see if it was received and counted through the LA County Registrar's Ballot Trax Vote by Mail Status Tool.
Remember it is not too late to volunteer to help our LAGOP’s GOTV efforts. Please contact us at info@lagop.org if you would like to help us or one of our great candidates. And if volunteering is not possible, please consider donating to the Republican Party of Los Angeles County. Every Dollar raised will help ensure that we elect great Republicans this November.
Thank you for your continued support.
Dr. Richard Sherman,
Dr. Richard Sherman,
LAGOP, Chairman