Today, civic participation occurs at many levels. We make impactful decisions about our community every time we make a purchase, vote, post on social media and, of course, volunteer. We think any awareness we can bring to the many resources that might spur individual action for good, falls right in line with what we’re up to at HandsOn.
August 22, 2022
National Wellness Month
August is national Wellness month. I hope this serves as a reminder for you to take care of YOU! Here are some tips on how to improve your physical, mental, and emotional wellness:

Drink more water
We hear about this one all the time, you should be drinking 8 cups of water a day. However, it isn't that simple. Depending on your lifestyle and body you may need more or less than this usual suggestion. If you aren't sure, you can use a hydration calculator to find what's the right amount of water a day just for you.

Go Outside
Studies have shown that being surrounded by nature can improve your mood, boost your immune system and even lowers your blood pressure. Taking a 30 minute walk outdoors can greatly improve your overall health.

Stretch Out
Stretching helps to keep your muscles flexible and strong and protects your joints and muscles from injury. If you aren't sure where to start, here are 21 stretches to start your day with.

Get enough Sleep
It is imperative to get good sleep for your physical and mental well-being. To get the best night's sleep it is recommended to stop using your phone and devices at least an hour before bed and to stop eating 3 hours beforehand. Check out more recommendations for a good nights sleep.

Call an old friend
Nourish the soul and call a loved one that you haven't seen in a while. Friends and family play a huge role in our mental health, and social connection can be an instant mood-booster.
Better Understand Your Purchase Power
Purchase power is one of the many actions in the Civic Circle to foster positive change. Purchase Power is the idea that our buying decisions touch nearly every aspect of our lives. Apps have been created to help better understand where your money is going when buying products from corporations.

A current favorite is the Good On You app. The Good On You app gives you the power to easily check the impact of your favorite fashion brands on the issues you care about.

Three Cheers for our AmeriCorp VISTA
Congratulations to one of our previous AmeriCorp VISTA members, Ali Guttenberg for their new position as Planting Program Manager at Trees Matter! During Ali's time as a HandsOn VISTA member at Trees Matter, they planted 182 trees at 6 different schools with 45 different classes ranging from K-8​. We are so excited to see Ali continue the Trees for Schools program in their full time role.
Community Corner
  • It's back to school season! Volunteer in the classroom to connect with students and aid in their learning of English, Math, and Science.

  • Grab your swimsuit, sunscreen, and the family for Salt River Tubing. Enjoy the sights along the river bank as you kick back and float for a 2 hour trail on the Salt River!

HandsOn Greater Phoenix
Physical Address: 1125 E Southern Ave | Suite 200 | Mesa, AZ 85204
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4107 | Mesa, AZ 85211