Dear , maybe you know it's Giving Tuesday but do you know that it's also Fair Tuesday?

Click here for the latest Peace & Justice Newsletter
Also in this issue:
PJC Educational Programs and Events
High School Leaders Conference  
Saturday, December 2, 12-4pm, UVM. FREE. Register.

Empowering Women in Bulgaria to be Agents for Peace Friday, December 1, 5-7pm, PJC. Join the monthly Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) meeting with guest speaker Marina Kisyova de Geus. FREE

Benefit Bake at American Flatbread Monday, December 4. $3.50 from each large pizza and $1.75 from each small will be donated to the PJC. Call  802-861-2999 to make a reservation.

Toxic Whiteness Discussion Group Friday, December 8, 12-1pm, PJC. FREE

Free Trade vs Fair Trade Presentation Sunday, December 10, 3-4pm, PJC.  Arrive at 2:30pm to join the New Volunteer Orientation. FREE

Seeing and Disrupting Racism Wednesday, December 13, 3-4pm, Shelburne Town Offices. FREE

John Lewis- Get in the Way Screening  Thursday, December 14, 7-9pm, Big Picture Theater & Cafe, Waitsfield. FREE. You can pick up your tickets at the PJC store or at the Joslin Memorial Library Central Library in Waitsfield. 
Nonviolent Activism 101  Saturday, December 16, 3-6pm, PJC. Kyle Silliman-Smith & Kina Thorpe. Register.

For more info on these events visit the Upcoming Events page on our website or contact us at 863-2345 x6 or

Quick Links

Center Hours 

Monday-Friday: 10am-6pm
New Store Hours
Monday-Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 9am-4pm

Hours are subject to change. Call (802) 863-2345 x2 to confirm.
60 Lake Street, Suite 1C
Burlington's Waterfront.
(Next to Skinny Pancake
Grab a bite and help the PJC
What's better than eating good food? Eating good food AND giving back at the same time!

Join us for a benefit bake at American Flatbread on  December 4th . $1.50 of each small pizza and $3.00 of each large pizza will be donated to the PJC. You can make a reservation starting at 4PM by calling 802-861-2999. In the meantime, check out their menu to see all of the delicious options!

Watch Through Survivors Eyes
Sally & Paul Bermanzohn are two survivors of the 1979 Greensboro Massacre that left five dead and nine injured. They came to Burlington in early November to share their experience and discuss the issue of white supremacy and what we, as a community, can do to combat this hate. You can watch their
presentation here.
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Flynn Center Vouchers
Pick up a voucher for this show at PJC and pay $2 cash at the door. For current PJC members and volunteers. For information on membership click here. Come to the Peace & Justice Store to pick up your voucher. Limited supply!
Thursday, Nov. 30, 10:00am
Outside is the story of Daniel, a teen who triumphs over homophobic bullying, depression, and suicide.   
Support the PJC when you shop online!

November 28, 2017
#Giving Tuesday
Likely your email and texts were flooded with notices that today is Giving Tuesday. 
What is less well known is that it is also Fair Tuesday -- a movement for ethical shopping that started in response to Black Friday and Cyber Monday to feature fair trade, ethical, and eco-friendly brands.

If you are able to donate to PJC today, to support our fair trade and other programs, and are willing to do it on facebook, all donations will be doubled and the regular fees will be waived! This is good for today only. You can go to the facebook fundraiser here. If it is no longer Tuesday, you can still give online at!
9th Annual Shake Off!
Feeling emotionally or physically fatigued from Thanksgiving week? Come shake it off at this all ages benefit for Vermont Access to Reproductive Freedom!

Sat, December 2
by donation
Main Street Landing Union Station

More info on Facebook. Hope to see you there!

VARF has been paying for abortions since 2000 and needs your support as much as ever. While Vermont laws are solid, the reality of accessing abortions is often dismal. Women regularly have to travel out of state and spend two days and $1000+ to access legal health care.

About 400 people turned out last year for the Shake Off and together we raised almost $5,000!!! This money covered about one third of the total grants given to the 37 women who received support from VARF.
From the Blog: Study Group on Militarism in Central VT 
by Joseph Gainza
Founder of Vermont Action for Peace  (and PJC member)

What is militarism, how does it influence American society, economics, politics and culture? These are some of the questions we will be exploring as a study group on militarism. Vermont Action for Peace has been examining militarism in all it varied forms and manifestations for several years. As our understanding deepened, we began to see the influence of militarism in almost every aspect of our common life: in fashion, education, domestic policy ("wars" on social problems like poverty, crime, drugs), foreign policy (real wars instead of diplomacy), our national budget, and even the language we use. We have come to see militarism as an ideology.

Resistance, Renewal, and Laughter: Our Fight to Protect Mother Earth.
Native Activist Dallas Goldtooth will be a featured speaker at Champlain College's Native American History Month event on December 5 at 6PM. 

Goldtooth is an organizer for the Indigenous Environmental Network, one of the co-creators of the 1491s comedy group, an organizer of the Keystone XL Campaign, Standing Rock activist, a Dakota linguist, artist, comedian, and powwow emcee.


This event is free and open to the public, but RSVP tickets are required. Public tickets will be available November 29 through December 5 by emailing

Community Calendar
This is a partial listing. See more events in our public calendar.

November 28, Tuesday         
November 29, Wednesday         
  • 6:30-8pm Earth Matters meeting. The Tutorial Center, Manchester Center.
November 30, Thursday         
  • 5-6pm Champlain Area NAACP needs Volunteers.
December 1, Friday             
December 2, Saturday        
  • All day: 25th Annual Vermont International Festival at Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction.
  • 10am-12pm Caroline Fund Pro Se Legal Clinic at Lawline of Vermont, Burlington. Every Saturday.
  • 12-4pm High School Leaders Conference at UVM, Burlington.
  • 7-10pm 350VT ResisDANCE at Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Brattleboro.
December 3, Sunday        
  • All day: 25th Annual Vermont International Festival at Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction.
  • 4-5:30pm March for Our Future planning meeting at 135 College St, 2nd floor, Burlington.
December 4, Monday        
  • 5:30-11:30pm Benefit Bake for the PJC at American Flatbread Burlington.
  • 6-9pm Pride Center: Uncorked for a Cause at Burlington City Arts, Burlington.
December 5, Tuesday         December 6, Wednesday        
  • 5:30-7pm VT Stands for a World Beyond War Coalition meeting at PJC, Burlington.
December 7, Thursday        
  • 7-9pm Mark Bray on the history of anti-fascism. Fundraiser to benefit Vermont J20 Defendants at Unitarian Church, Montpelier.
December 8, Friday        
  • 12-1pm Toxic Whiteness Bag Lunch Discussion Group at PJC, Burlington.
December 10, Sunday  International Day of Human Rights   
  • 2pm Nuclear Holocaust or Human Hope , Fletcher Free LIbrary, Burlington. Share holiday cheer, and learn about the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize and the hope it offers. We will watch the award ceremony and acceptance speech from Oslo, followed by a brief educational session and discussion with John Reuwer, MD of Physicians for Social Responsibility. 
  • 3-8pm The Farmers Banquet on Climate Change at the Capital City Grange, 6612 VT-12, Berlin.
December 11, Monday       
  • 6-7:30pm VTJP meeting at PJC, Burlington.
December 13, Wednesday        
  • 4-5:30pm Seeing and Disrupting Racism at Shelburne Town Offices (opposite), Shelburne.
December 14, Thursday      
  • 5:30-7pm WILPF Winter Potluck and Get Together at Robin Lloyd's home, 300 Maple Street, Burlington.
  • 7:30-11pm Roy Wood Jr. at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington. Also Friday and Saturday.

Please email events for our google calendar and enews. 
Action Highlight: Fair and Impartial Policing 
Fair and impartial policing is a crucial part of maintaining a just society. Act 54 (H.308) passed earlier this year after a broad community campaign and requires that by January 1st, 2018, the Criminal Justice Training Council, "in consultation with stakeholders... shall update its model fair and impartial policing policy to provide one cohesive model policy for law enforcement agencies...". However, there are many issues with the current version including creation without stakeholder input, limiting accountability, and a change in language regarding limiting local law enforcement's role in immigration enforcement. 
Here's how you can help:
  • Sign this petition to members of the Criminal Justice Training Council telling them to approve the version of the FIPP that the community is demanding.
  • Participate in photo mobilization by taking a picture of yourself with a sign that says "The Fair and Impartial Policing Policy protects us all. #Don'tGutTheFIP" and post on social media to help increase visibility on this issue.
  • Write a letter to the editor highlighting how members of your community could be impacted if the FIPP doesn't contain the demanded protections. Contact Migrant Justice organizer Will Lambek at for tips on how to write a strong letter.
  • Organize a community meeting or accountability session with local officials. FIPP is creating teams to meet with law enforcement officials and legislators who can help put pressure on the Criminal Justice Training Council. If you'd like to help assemble or join a team in your area, contact ACLU organizer Nico Amador at
  • Stay in touch with FIPP. If the Criminal Justice Training Council doesn't meet their demands FIPP will need your help to create action in anticipation of the December 12 meeting. 
You can find more information on the petition and the community demands here.

Peace & Justice Center | 802-863-2345 |
60 Lake St, Ste 1C
Burlington, VT 05401