A Citizen Science Project Exploring Bee Biodiversity in Northern Colorado
Native Bee Watch Newsletter #10
Welcome to the Native Bee Watch Newsletter! This newsletter provides the current buzz on bee monitoring, tips for best practice observing, and other fun, educational resources. Enjoy! 
Happy New Year from Native Bee Watch!
The Beauty of Pollination

Got the winter blues? Here is a reminder that spring is coming and pollinators will soon be out and about!  This is a beautiful TED Talk by  Louie Schwartzberg. He is a filmmaker with a passion for pollinators. If you enjoy this video, I recommend watching Disney Nature's Wings of Life, currently available on Netflix. 
The Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee is Protected!

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  released their final rule on listing the rusty-patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis)—and they will be protecting it under the Endangered Species Act! Check out more information at The Xerces Society. You can also view the  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service final rule in the Federal Register
Buzzing Information on Bees 
Scientists Consider Potential of Honey Bee Brood as Food Source. Have you ever thought of honey bee brood as a tasty snack? You could be part of the the 2 billion people around the world that eat insects, a practice called entomophagy. Insects are high in protein and other nutrients, honey bee brood included. 

Alzheimer's Cure: Honeybee Brains And Memories Give Clue For Dementia Treatment . From the article: "Honey bees can form complex memories through processes much like those happening in human brains. But, the honeybee brain is simpler and they have a smaller genome. This makes them an ideal model for investigating how the different processes needed for long-term memories happen."
Native Plant Events Coming Up
Interested in adding more native plants to your garden this year? Check out this upcoming webinar!

Native Plants for Every Landscape Situation - March 16th, 12-1pm, taught by Irene Shonle, CSU native plant expert

A full list of events by CSU Extension's Native Plant Master Program is here

Two bees in the Megachilidae family (leaf cutter and mason bees)  at the Gardens at Spring Creek.
Photo: Lisa Mason
Native Bee Watch: A Citizen Science Project Exploring Bee Biodiversity in Northern Colorado

Website: nativebeewatch.wordpress.com     Contact: Lisa Mason at Lisa.Mason@ColoState.edu