A Citizen Science Project Exploring Bee Biodiversity in Northern Colorado
Native Bee Watch Newsletter #15
Welcome to the Native Bee Watch Newsletter! This newsletter provides the current buzz on bee monitoring, tips for best practice observing, and other fun, educational resources. Enjoy! 
Bee WILD for Pollinators! 

Join us to celebrate pollinators at this free, educational event at Wolverine Farm Letterpress and Publick House on June 14th from 6-8 pm. 

You will learn about:
  • Honey bee health and nutrition
  • How to create pollinator habitats in your own backyard
  • Bee identification basics
  • How to make bee homes
  • Native plants and more! 
Wolverine Farm Letterpress and Publick House is a non-profit that helps to host and organize community events and projects. They graciously donated the space for us to hold this event. You can support them by purchasing drinks and snacks at the event.  

Bring your friends and family! 
Bee Monitoring Schedule  - Week of June 4th

Wednesday, June 7th - Gardens at Spring Creek
  • Diana D. 
  • Julia M.

Thursday, June 8th - Trial Gardens
  • Julia M.
  • Sunny H. 

Friday, June 9th - Nix Farm
  • Kandice D. 
  • Suzy D. 

We need more volunteers to monitor next week! Email Lisa if you are available at Lisa.Mason@colostate.edu

A bumble bee (top) and a honey bee (bottom) at the Gardens at Spring Creek on May 29, 2017. Photos: Lisa Mason
More Citizen Science Sessions Available! 

Need to sign up for monitoring sessions? There are more sessions available than there were at the training. 

Click here to look at the calendar.

Please email Lisa with the dates you would like to monitor. 

If you monitored bees last summer, you can add additional monitoring sessions to the calendar. Just let Lisa know the day and the garden. 

Buzzing Information on Bees 
Bees and butterflies continue to add political buzz, as Colorado governor gives them a June commemoration. June is Pollinator Month in Colorado! How will you celebrate pollinators?

A bee in the "Tiny Dark Bee" category at the CSU Trial Gardens on June 2, 2017. Photo: Lisa Mason
Native Bee Watch: A Citizen Science Project Exploring Bee Biodiversity in Northern Colorado

Website: nativebeewatch.wordpress.com     Contact: Lisa Mason at Lisa.Mason@ColoState.edu