January 19, 2024





January 20

5:00 PM Holy Eucharist - Sayre Chapel


January 21 - The Third Sunday after the Epiphany

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Spoken - Cathedral

9:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Contemporary - Cathedral

10:45 AM Holy Eucharist w/music - Cathedral & Virtual

12:30 PM Santa Eucaristia en Español -

Cathedral &Virtual


January 24

9 AM Holy Eucharist & Healing - Sayre Chapel

Service Bulletin in English
Boletín de servicio en español

Annual Meeting

Our 2024 Annual Parish Meeting will occur on Sunday, January 28th at 11 AM in Sayre Hall.  Nativity is a bilingual community blessed with a multicultural church family, and for the first time in Nativity's history, our meeting will be bilingual so as to encourage greater participation from all members of our Cathedral.

A light breakfast will be served during the annual meeting, and there will be only two services on that Sunday (Holy Eucharist w/music in English at 10 AM and a Holy Eucharist in Spanish service at 12:30 PM). 

We have twelve parishioners running for four spots on this year's vestry, and because of this unusually large number of nominees, the vestry has agreed to use rank choice voting. Rather than voting for only four candidates, parishioners will be invited to vote for as many candidates as they choose in ranked order of preference. This eliminates the need for multiple ballots and will allow the candidates with the most support to win the election. This method of voting might be new to the Cathedral, but it is not new. In fact, the Convention of the Episcopal Church uses a similar method. A thorough orientation on voting will be given before the vote at the annual meeting. To learn more about rank choice voting watch the video by clicking HERE.

Activities for children will be provided during the annual meeting in a separate location in the Cathedral. 

Candidate profile packet
See this week's sermon by the Very Rev. Jon Stratton, from Sunday Worship on January 14th, 2024!
Watch last week's sermon here!

Set up a meeting with Fr. Jon - Fr. Jon is looking to meet with you, one-on-one, this is a great opportunity to get to know our Dean, as well as share your own story. If none of the times listed work for you, feel free to email Fr. Jon to set something up. He can be reached at [email protected] To set up a meeting click here.

Meet with Reverend Maryann - Want to chat? Need to talk about something? Book a meeting with our Curate, the Rev. Maryann Sturges. To set up a meeting click here.


Teenager Sunday School

Our Sunday school class for teenagers starts back up this Sunday, January 21 at 9:45 AM in the Youth Room (Rm 22) above Sayre Hall. Father Jon will begin a series with the youth on the Gospel of Mark and how scripture continues to speak in our current context. 

Classes will run Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 pm to 9 pm until June. For more information, reach out to Sally Doocey at [email protected], Sandy Milien at [email protected] or the Rev. Maryann Sturges at [email protected]. To register click on the link or scan the QR code above.

Bible Study - Our Bible Study has started. This new year, we are doing a six-week study on difficult topics in scripture. We are diving into the New Testament to look at scripture based on different thematic topics, including: Marriage and Divorce, Anti-Semitism, Homosexuality, Women's role in the church, Wealth and Poverty, and Slavery. Each week we will look at specific passages and how they have been used in the past, what they meant at the time they were written, and what they can mean for us today. Please join us for some or all of these classes. All classes will meet from 9:15-10:15 am on Tuesdays in room 23. Please feel free to reach out to Rev. Maryann at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to talk more. 

Discipleship Group Meetings - The Nativity Discipleship group will be beginning a study of Jesus & John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez in February. The book provides a history of the American evangelical movement and its entrenchment in our politics and culture throughout the 20th century and its echoes into today's discourse. The group meets from 7-9 PM on the third Monday of each month, with the exception of April where it will be on the 22nd, at the home of Clara Celebuski. Please email Kyle Mahaney ([email protected]) or Clara Celebuski ([email protected]) for more information.

Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering (BES) has started another year of ministering to the homeless of Bethlehem. The Cathedral continues to serve some of our most vulnerable neighbors. The season runs from mid-November to the end of April with the Cathedral hosting a number of nights. These are typically the first and third Thursdays of the month. This year, youth members of 16 and 17 years of age may also volunteer with appropriate supervision. If you are interested in this ministry, or simply have questions, please contact Deacon Rodney at [email protected], James Reader at [email protected] or Joe Tramontana at [email protected]. To sign up, please follow this link.

The LGBTQIA Spirituality Group - Are you looking to connect with others on the common ground of queerness and Christianity? The LGBTQIA Spirituality Group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 7PM in the Dining Room of the Cathedral Church of the Nativity! For more information and to stay in the loop, reach out to Vinny at [email protected].

Creation Care TIP of the week: New Year’s Resolution: Eat less meat – better for your health and better for the planet!

Covid Level GREEN — Masks optional. We have been following the CDC’s guidance for masking recommendations based on Covid-19 Community Levels. The Community Level in Lehigh and Northampton counties is now LOW, or level GREEN. At this level, people may mask at any time depending on your personal circumstances. Please remember to stay up-to-date with Covid 19 vaccinations.

Please see our website nativitycathedral.org for complete guidelines. 

Parking in the lower lot is reserved for handicap only. Parking is available in the upper lot, in the New Street garage at 324 S. New Street, at the Fourth and Wyandotte lot Sundays until 1 PM, and on the street along Fourth Street and in the 400 block of Wyandotte Street.

Healing and Wholeness

Those who are in need of healing – Lillian Lewis; Robert; Susan Mast; Carol Czechowski; Bebe Lockwood; Peggy Hilgert; Marion Chapman; Martha Golfphin; Emilia Isaacs; Tracy Kehoe; Carol Trexler; Jon Knauss; Cornelia Miller; Judith Warner; James Reader; Lois Turner; Madeline Orellana; Cameron Arcario; Carl Chegwidden; The Rev. Gwendolyn-Jane Romeril; Kate Sukla; Barry Bowman; Judy Trickey; Presiding Bishop Michael Curry; Dolores Cauller; Tim Peetz; John Friedel; Susan Kelley; Joan Brodt, Donna Janusko; Anne Nicodemus; Lee Beal; John Vandenbergh; Dr. Jeffrey L. Harris; Ramon Flores; Betty Isaacs; Richard Barsness.

Those serving in the military and places of danger – Nicole Albertson; Carlos Xavier Orellana; J.D.; Oriana Marcial; Dr. Elizabeth Drum.

Parish Cycle of Prayer –Olivia, Amy, James Weiss; Alexander, Joshua, Linda, Robert Wentling; Teresa Wentz; Derek, Kathryn, Anna, Ryan, Denise, Andrew Wescoe; Camille, Ava, Ella, Deana, Jeff West.

The Church and the World – Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Portland, Oregon; Grace Church, Allentown; Kajo Keji; St. Peter Tipere Parish; The Church of South India (United); the outreach ministries of Nativity, especially New Bethany.

For our Partner Cathedral  Emmanuel Cathedral in Romogi, for Pianaleh their Dean, and for the people of that Cathedral church, that we may grow stronger in our partnership and in our faith.

Special Prayers for Trinity Episcopal Church in Bethlehem. Our neighbor, Trinity Episcopal Church, suffered heavy water damage due to a water main break during the week between Christmas and the New Year. They will not be able to worship in their church for at least a year. Let us keep them in our prayers as they move forward during this challenging time.

Praying our Light to Shine! Praying our way to hope with Anglican Prayer Beads. An offering from our Ministry of Healing and Wholeness.

In the 1980’s a group of Episcopalians set out in group contemplative prayer using beads. The experience is similar to the Roman tradition of praying the rosary but unique in that there is a more meditative focus. This type of prayer will deepen and transform your devotions into a richer spiritual experience. Yet more transformative is to do so in community with Cathedral companions and our friends! Prayer beads are not required. Contact the church office for beads 610-865-0727 or email

Prayer Bead Meditations: Monday Evenings at 7 PM

Live virtually on Zoom

Meeting ID: 811 2302 4927

Passcode: 785220

Mindfulness Meditation Class Mindfulness Meditation Class is being held in person in the Good Shepherd Chapel on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm! The one-and-a-half hour class allows time for explanations, three 20 minute meditations (a 20 minute Guided Relaxation, 20 minute Walking Meditation, and 20 minute Silent Meditation) and discussion. The class will be led by Dr. Kevin Siddons. People new to meditation and seasoned meditators are all welcome. Masks are optional and supported. Newcomers are always welcome!

Our Healing Ministry resumes at the Cathedral 

As available, there will be a healing team at the front and/or in the chapel to offer prayers for healing, laying on of hands as requested and/or anointing with oil. If there is a team present, please do avail yourself of this opportunity during the distribution of communion. Shalom.

Comunidad Latina

Nuestra página de Facebook


Maryann Philbrook Sturges, Curate for Community Connections [email protected]

La Canóniga Sandy Milien [email protected]


Friday, January 19

10:00 AM Thrift Shop - open until 2PM

Saturday, January 20

9:00 AM Altar Guild Prep - Cathedral

10:00 AM Thrift Shop - open until 1PM

11:00 AM Cauller Memorial Service - Cathedral

12:00 PM Cauller Memorial Reception - Sayre Hall

5:00 PM Holy Eucharist - Sayre Chapel

Sunday, January 21

8:00 AM    Holy Eucharist, spoken - Cathedral

9:00 AM    Holy Eucharist, contemporary – Cathedral

9:00 AM    Sunday Morning Breakfast Buffet – Dining Rm

9:45 AM    Sunday School – Lower Level

9:45 AM    Mom’s Group Meeting – Goodwin Rm

10:45 AM  Holy Eucharist w/Music - Cathedral & Virtual

12:30 PM  Spanish Holy Eucharist – Cathedral & Virtual

Monday, January 22

3:45 PM     Fritz/Nativity Homework Club – The Welcome Place

7:00 PM     Prayer Bead Meditation – Zoom

Tuesday, January 23

10:30 AM  Staff Meeting – Rm 23

12:00 PM   Staff Appreciation Lunch – Dining Rm

3:45 PM     Fritz/Nativity Homework Club – The Welcome Place

7:00 PM      ESL classes – Sayre Hall, Rm 21 & Rm 22

Wednesday, January 24

9:00 AM    Holy Eucharist & Healing – Sayre Chapel

10:00 AM  Thrift Shop open until 2:00 PM

1:00 PM     Yarns of Love – Dining Rm

3:45 PM     Fritz/Nativity Homework Club – The Welcome Place

6:00 PM     EfM Meeting – Rm 21

6:00 PM     Body, Breath and Balance Class – G8

7:00 PM     Mindfulness Meditation – Good Shepherd Chapel

7:00 PM     Choir Rehearsal – Choir Rm 

Thursday, January 25

10:00 AM  Thrift Shop open until 2:00 PM

3:45 PM     Fritz/Nativity Homework Club – The Welcome Place

7:00 PM     ESL classes – Sayre Hall, Rm 21 & Rm 22

7:00 PM     LGBTQIA Spirituality Meeting – Dining Rm

** Visit nativitycathedral.org for links to virtual opportunities. **

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