October 20, 2023





October 21

5:00 PM Holy Eucharist - Sayre Chapel


October 22 - The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Spoken - Cathedral

9:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Contemporary - Cathedral

10:45 AM Holy Eucharist w/Music - Cathedral & Virtual

12:30 PM Santa Eucaristia en Español -

Cathedral &Virtual


October 25

9:00 AM Holy Eucharist & Healing - Sayre Chapel

Service Bulletin in English
Boletín de servicio en español

November 5th is the day that we will celebrate In-gathering Sunday, All Saints' Day and Nativity's Anniversary!

Please remember to bring your pledge cards on Nov 5!

All are invited! Nativity will be having a Bilingual Potluck Lunch on Sunday, November 5 at 12:00 pm in Sayre Hall after the 10:45 am service. We want to remind you that this will be the only service of the day and we want you present. We are asking everyone who is able to bring your favorite dish to the party! Those whose last names begin with the letters A through H, please bring an appetizer; those whose last names begin with the letters I through Q; please bring a main course, and those whose last names begin with the letters R through Z, please bring a dessert. We will be providing soft drinks, coffee, tea and water as well as dishes, napkins and utensils. This will be a family-friendly event! Come join us for food, fellowship and fun! For questions, please call the Parish Office at 610-865-0727.

"The Kingdom of Heaven is one of PEACE!"

Sermon by the Rev. Maryann Philbrook Sturges

See this week's sermon from the Rev. Maryann Philbrook Sturges! Sunday Worship is streamed live every week at 10:45am here on Facebook as well as on the...

Watch last week's sermon HERE!

Set up a meeting with Fr. Jon - During his first year at Nativity, Fr. Jon is looking to meet one-on-one with as many parishioners as he can. This is a great opportunity to get to know our new Dean as well as share your own story with the Cathedral's newest pastor. If none of the times listed work for you, feel free to email Jon to set something up. He can be reached at [email protected] 

To set up a meeting click here.

Meet with Reverend Maryann - Want to chat? Need to talk about something? Book a meeting with our curate, the Rev. Maryann Sturges. To set up a meeting click here.

Stewardship Campaign 2024:

Rooted in Abundance

You can pledge online by visiting  https://forms.gle/EKmwu9f3UJVp92gc7

Dear Beloved Community,


Jesus reveals abundance. The disciples didn’t think there was enough bread to feed the five thousand, but with Jesus there was more than enough and some left over. The self-righteous didn’t think there was enough grace for those cast out, but with Jesus there was more than enough and some left over. The respectable religious leaders didn’t think there was enough blessing for the poor, but with Jesus there was more than enough and some left over. Jesus reveals abundance, and it is out of that abundance that lives are changed, neighbors are served, and the Beloved Community grows.


The Cathedral Church of the Nativity is blessed with an abundance of resources and ministries. The testimonies on this page bear witness to that abundance and the eternal impact Nativity has on the lives of our siblings, friends, and neighbors. We are rooted in abundance, and during this season of stewardship, I ask that you make a generous financial pledge to the Cathedral for 2024 as a tangible sign and symbol of gratitude for the abundance with which God has blessed us. 


You can make your pledge by following the link on this page, or you can fill out a pledge card the next time you are at church and drop it into the offering plate. A pledge is simply a spiritual intention of what you plan to give to your church in the year 2024 that helps the Cathedral leadership create a sustainable, mission-focused budget for the coming year. 


I appreciate your generosity. No pledge is too small. No pledge is too big. All pledges are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for the abundance of grace found all around us. 


In Christ’s Love,                                                             


Fr. Jon Stratton, Dean & Rector    

Adult Forum

Where Do We Go from Here? By Dr. Jill Peters

Dr. Jill Peters recently left Moravian Seminary after designing and leading the

Crossroads Lay Leadership program for fourteen years. Jill was one of the eight authors

for Hear Us Out, all are ministry leaders in the LV. She resides in Bethlehem and has

worked with many local judicatories and congregations on issues of outreach, service,

conflict, and organizational coaching.


We are launching a Breakfast Buffet on Sunday mornings from 9AM to 2PM. We hope this will encourage parishioners from each of our four services to come together in Sayre Hall for food and fellowship every week.

If you like our breakfast and would like to see it continue, please sign up by scanning the barcode or clicking on this link.

Hi Nativity Moms!

We have restarted our meetings for the Nativity Mom's Group. Please JOIN US following the Contemporary Service every 3rd Sunday of the month, in the Goodwin Room above Sayre Hall. Please forward this to anyone that might be interested in coming to our meetings. Hope you can make it!

Join us this Sunday, October 22 at 1:30PM at the Episcopal Church of the Mediator (1620 W. Turner St. Allentown, PA 18102.) The Celebration begins with a bilingual mass, followed by a fellowship. We will have music, snacks, and exhibitions from our Latin-American countries.

What are Low Flutes?? You’ll have two opportunities to find out and to hear these wonderful instruments this weekend! One of Nativity's parishioners, Mary Joy Reinartz, is a low flute player, and she’s passionate about the instruments! Mary Joy has brought world-renowned performer, composer and teacher of Low Flutes, Dr. Christine Potter, to Nativity Cathedral this weekend! Dr. Potter has performed in London, Paris, Mexico City, Toronto, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Washington D.C., Boston and other U.S. cities. She is an

internationally recognized alto and bass flute virtuoso. Dr. Potter will be presenting a 4-day Workshop for Low Flute players here at Nativity Cathedral from Thursday, October 19 through Sunday, October 22. Participants in the workshop will be playing sacred works during the 10:45 am service as well as in a concert at 4:00 pm on Sunday, October 22. The performance will be free and open to the public. If you've never heard low flutes, come and hear the beautiful sounds of these instruments! And, if you have heard them, you'll want to hear them again!

Nativity will be hosting a Trunk-or-Treat Halloween Celebration on Friday, October 27th, from 6 PM to 8 PM. Children from the congregation and neighborhood (and adults who like candy) will be invited to Nativity’s upper parking lot where Nativity parishioners will pass out candy from vehicles decorated in Halloween fashion. Costumes are not required, but highly recommended. If you’d like to volunteer, help distribute candy, and/or decorate your vehicle, please click here.

Do you like to paint? Do you want to support our after-school program, the Nativity Homework Club? Please join us on Saturday, October 28th from 11 am - 1 pm as we paint a new mural on the wall of the Homework Club. This is in conjunction with Lehigh University. No prior experience necessary. For more information contact the Rev. Maryann, [email protected]

Support our Relief Efforts in the Middle East.

Since the start of the current Israel-Hamas war, Episcopal Relief & Development has been supporting long-time partners in the Holy Land including Al Ahli Hospital, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, to provide emergency medical support in Gaza. Despite being hit by two explosions that damaged buildings and claimed hundreds of lives, the hospital is still serving those who are in need of care. Episcopal Relief & Development stands with the brave staff of Al Ahli Hospital as they risk their lives to help others.

Please pray for peace in the Holy Land and consider making a contribution to the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund to help meet the growing needs of all people in the region.

Stay informed about the Episcopal Relief & Development response at episcopalrelief.org.

Read More

Day of the Dead Altar - On October 29th and November 5th, you may notice an addition to our cathedral, our Dia de Muertos ofrenda, or Day of the Dead Altar. This is a Mexican tradition that honors the lives of those who have died by creating a space to remember them, celebrate their lives, and pray for them. You'll see photos of loved ones. You'll see favorite foods and drinks of loved ones, we'll put out traditional pan de muertos (bread of the dead) and flowers like marigolds. If you'd like to add a photo please bring it and place it on the altar (with your name on the back) or email a digital photo to the Rev. Maryann ([email protected]). This is a way that we can honor and remember those we love who have already crossed over to the other side during this season of All Souls and All Saints Day. 

Celebration of Life for Gayle and Tony Hancock

Please join us to celebrate the life of Gayle and Tony Hancock. Luncheon to follow the memorial.

Click here to RSVP

Nativity Altar Guild - Our Altar Guild is looking for additional members. You can learn how to set up the Eucharist and how we keep the services going smoothly. Please reach out to our contact person, Catherine Alling, by email at [email protected] or let Dean Stratton or Rev. Maryann Sturges know that you are interested in this ministry

The LGBTQIA Spirituality Group - Are you looking to connect with others on the common ground of queerness and Christianity? The LGBTQIA Spirituality Group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Dining Room! For more info and to stay in the loop, reach out to Vinny at [email protected].

Fountain Hill Food Pantry Volunteer Training

We are excited to move into the fall with a new schedule. We will operate during the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 4PM - 6:30PM and the third Sunday of each month from 12PM - 1PM.

In moving forward, we ask all prospective and current pantry volunteers to review the volunteer training slide deck, attached. The sign-up form for this fall's operating hours can be accessed at the end of the training. 

Again, thank you for your consideration and willingness to support this important initiative.  Your commitment is truly appreciated.

Click here to review the Volunteer Training Slide and sign up

Creation Care TIP of the week: If you must go “over the river and through the woods”, turn down the thermostat and turn off the lights before you leave. 

Please contact the Director of Administration, Christa Warda via email at [email protected] or by calling the Cathedral office 610-865-0727 regarding the items found.

Covid Level GREEN — Masks optional. We have been following the CDC’s guidance for masking recommendations based on Covid-19 Community Levels. The Community Level in Lehigh and Northampton counties is now LOW, or level GREEN. At this level, people may mask at any time depending on your personal circumstances. Please remember to stay up-to-date with Covid 19 vaccinations.

Please see our website nativitycathedral.org for complete guidelines. 

Parking in the lower lot is reserved for handicap only. Parking is available in the upper lot, in the New Street garage at 324 S. New Street, at the Fourth and Wyandotte lot Sundays until 1 PM, and on the street along Fourth Street and in the 400 block of Wyandotte Street.

Healing and Wholeness

Those who are in need of healing Lillian Lewis; Robert; Susan Mast; Carol Czechowski; Bebe Lockwood; Dolores Cauller; Peggy Hilgert; Marion Chapman; Martha Golfphin; Emilia Isaacs; Tracy Kehoe; Carol Trexler; Jon Knauss; Cornelia Miller; Judith Warner; James Reader; Lois Turner; Madeline Orellana; Cameron Arcario; Carl Chegwidden; The Rev. Gwendolyn-Jane Romeril; Kate Sukla; Barry Bowman; Judy Trickey; Presiding Bishop Michael Curry; William Cauller; Tim Peetz; Svend la Rose; Jane Missimer; Jacqueline Reader.

Those serving in the military and places of danger – Nicole Albertson; Carlos Xavier Orellana; J.D.; Oriana Marcial

Parish Cycle of PrayerJenny, Jonathan, Peggy Stinson; Colleen, Katherine, Michelle, Thomas Stone; Patricia, Peter Stone; Bailey, Kyra, Melora, Meg Storm; Sebastian, Patricia, Nicholas Stout.

The Church and the WorldChrist Church Cathedral St. Louis, Missouri; St. James, Schuylkill Haven; Kajo Keji, Woro Parish and Romogi-Barebo Primary School; The Anglican Church of Korea; the outreach ministries of Nativity, especially The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

For our Partner Cathedral Emmanuel Cathedral in Romogi, for Pianaleh their Dean, and for the people of that Cathedral church, that we may grow stronger in our partnership and in our faith.

Praying our Light to Shine! Praying our way to hope with Anglican Prayer Beads. An offering from our Ministry of Healing and Wholeness.

In the 1980’s a group of Episcopalians set out in group contemplative prayer using beads. The experience is similar to the Roman tradition of praying the rosary but unique in that there is a more meditative focus. This type of prayer will deepen and transform your devotions into a richer spiritual experience. Yet more transformative is to do so in community with Cathedral companions and our friends! Prayer beads are not required. Contact the church office for beads 610-865-0727 or email

Prayer Bead Meditations: Monday Evenings at 7 PM

Live virtually on Zoom

Meeting ID: 811 2302 4927

Passcode: 785220

Mindfulness Meditation Class Mindfulness Meditation Class is being held in person in the Good Shepherd Chapel on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm! The one-and-a-half hour class allows time for explanations, three 20 minute meditations (a 20 minute Guided Relaxation, 20 minute Walking Meditation, and 20 minute Silent Meditation) and discussion. The class will be led by Dr. Kevin Siddons. People new to meditation and seasoned meditators are all welcome. Masks are optional and supported. Newcomers are always welcome!

Our Healing Ministry resumes at the Cathedral 

As available, there will be a healing team at the front and/or in the chapel to offer prayers for healing, laying on of hands as requested and/or anointing with oil. If there is a team present, please do avail yourself of this opportunity during the distribution of communion. Shalom.

Comunidad Latina

Nuestra página de Facebook


Maryann Philbrook Sturges, Curate for Community Connections [email protected]

La Canóniga Sandy Milien [email protected]


Friday, October 20

10:00 AM Thrift Shop - open until 2PM

Saturday, October 21

9:00 AM Altar Guild Prep - Cathedral

10:00 AM Thrift Shop - open until 1PM

5:00 PM Holy Eucharist - Cathedral

Sunday, October 22

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Spoken – Cathedral

9:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Contemporary - Cathedral

9:00 AM Sunday Morning Breakfast Buffet – Dining Rm

9:45 AM Sunday School – Ground Fl.

9:45 AM Adult Forum Conversation - Sayre Hall

10:45 AM Holy Eucharist w/Music - Cathedral & Virtual

1:30 PM Bilingual Eucharist and Festival – Church of the Mediator

4:00 PM Low Flutes Concert - Sayre Hall

Monday, October 23

3:45 PM Fritz/Nativity Homework Club - The Welcome Place

7:00 PM Prayer Bead Meditation - Zoom

Tuesday, October 24

9:15 AM Bible Study - Rm 23

10:30 AM Staff Meeting - Room 23

2:00 PM Building the Day of the Dead Altar - Cathedral

3:45 PM Fritz/Nativity Homework Club - The Welcome Place

7:00 PM ESL Classes - Rm 21, 22 and Sayre Hall

Wednesday, October 25

9:00 AM Holy Eucharist & Healing, English - Sayre Chapel

10:00 AM Thrift Shop open until 2:00 PM

1:00 PM Yarns of Love – Dining Room

3:45 PM Fritz/Nativity Homework Club - The Welcome Place

6:00 PM EfM Meeting - Rm 21

6:00 PM Breath, Balance and Body w/Regina – Rm G8

7:00 PM Mindfulness Meditation - Good Shepherd Chapel

7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal - Choir Rm

Thursday, October 26

10:00 AM Thrift Shop Open until 2:00 PM

3:45 PM Fritz/Nativity Homework Club - The Welcome Place

7:00 PM ESL Classes - Rm 21, 22 and Sayre Hall

7:00 PM Worship at Lehigh Univ. – Packer Chapel

7:00 PM LGBTQIA Spirituality Meeting - Dining Rm

** Visit nativitycathedral.org for links to virtual opportunities. **

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