The Connecticut legislative session convened on January 4, 2023. We have summarized below various bills that are currently pending before the Labor and Public Employees Committee. While some of these bills have a much better chance of passing than others, it is important to keep a pulse on proposals that are made and considered.
SB 21: ACT PROHIBITING EMPLOYERS FROM CHARGING EMPLOYEES FOR TRAINING COSTS UPON SEPARATION FROM EMPLOYMENT. Prevents employers from charging training costs to employees upon an employee leaving employment.
SB 91: ACT EXPANDING WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS INJURIES FOR ALL EMPLOYEES. Extends workers' compensation coverage for post-traumatic stress injuries to all employees. Another bill, SB 491, would allow workers’ compensation coverage to all workers for mental or emotional injuries.
SB 93: ACT CONCERNING COMPENSATION FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES WHOSE SCHEDULED SHIFT HAS BEEN REDUCED OR CANCELLED. Requires employers with at least 500 employees within the US or globally to pay retail and hospitality employees half of their regular rate of pay for any scheduled hours that are cancelled after the employee reports to work or with less than 7 days advance notice.
SB 228: ACT CONCERNING EMPLOYEES LOSS OF HEALTH CARE COVERAGE AS A RESULT OF A LABOR DISPUTE. Allows employees to obtain health insurance coverage through the Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange should they lose coverage due to a labor dispute.
SB 229: ACT CONCERNING UNEMPLOYMENT FOR STRIKING WORKERS. Allows employees participating in a labor dispute to collect unemployment benefits.
SB 486: ACT CONCERNING STATE EMPLOYEES AND THE PAID FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT. Requires state employees to participate in the Paid Family and Medical Leave Program.
SB 489: ACT LIMITING THE DAYS AN EMPLOYER CAN MANDATE AN EMPLOYEE TO WORK. Prohibits an employer from mandating an employee to work more than six consecutive days without a day off during such six-day period.
SB 825: ACT CONCERNING TEMPORARY WORKERS AND PAID SICK LEAVE. Requires temporary employment agencies to provide temporary workers with annual paid sick leave.
HB 5243: ACT CONCERNING THE DISCLOSURE OF SALARY RANGES IN JOB POSTINGS. Requires employers to disclose salary ranges in all job postings
HB 5858: ACT ESTABLISHING A FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT PROGRAM FOR CHILD CARE EXPENSES. Requires the Labor Commissioner to establish a state-administered flexible spending account program for expenses incurred for child care.
HB 6129: ACT ALLOWING INDIVIDUALS TO OPT OUT OF THE PAID FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE PROGRAM. Allows individuals to choose whether to participate in the paid Family and Medical Leave program.
HB 6275: ACT CONCERNING USE OF AN EMPLOYEE'S PERSONAL VEHICLE FOR EMPLOYMENT PURPOSES. Requires employees be reimbursed when they are required to use their personal vehicle to carry out job duties.
HB 6278: ACT EXPANDING THE PAID FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE PROGRAM. Provides additional options to a worker under the Paid Family and Medical Leave program, such as the ability to work remotely.
HB 6363: ACT CONCERNING PAID SICK TIME AND MENTAL HEALTH. Requires employers to provide two mental health days per calendar year to eligible employees.
HB 6365: ACT CONCERNING UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS AND UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. Allows undocumented individuals to be eligible for unemployment benefits.
HB 6594: ACT CONCERNING NONCOMPETE AGREEMENTS. Invalidates non-compete agreements unless numerous conditions are met. For example, a non-compete agreement would be enforceable against a non-exempt employee, could not have a duration greater than one year, and would not be enforceable if the employee terminated the employment relationship “for good cause attributable to the employer.”
Governor’s Bill, HB 6668: AN ACT MODERNIZING THE PAID SICK DAYS STATUTES. Requires all employers with 11 or more employees to provide 40 hours of paid sick leave, and employers with 10 or fewer employers to provide 40 hours of unpaid job-protected sick leave. Also increases the rate by which sick leave is accumulated and can be used by employees.
This information is for educational purposes only to provide general information and a general understanding of the law. It does not constitute legal advice and does not establish any attorney-client relationship.