We are the Episcopal Cathedral in the Diocese of Massachusetts , located in the heart of Boston. 
We are A House of Prayer for All God's People .
Donate | Website  |  Email  | Hours Thursday, October 24, 2019

Signs of ending all around us; darkness, death and winter days
shroud our lives in fear and sadness, dumbing mouths that long to praise.
Come, O Christ, and dwell among us! Hear our cries, come set us free.
Give us hope and faith and gladness. Show us what there yet can be.
-- Dean W. Nelson, lyrics for hymn 721 in Wonder, Love, and Praise
Even a quick glance at the headlines recently evidences "signs of endings all around us." It is hard to just "keep on keeping on" when so much seems so uncertain. What endings need we fear or work against? Which ones are actually part of a process leading to a deeper peace or freedom? Where does our lived experience come alongside the scriptural story of endings, of new life, and of God's providence?
This year, the cathedral will be joining a growing movement in the Episcopal church to recover the ancient practice of observing seven weeks of Advent. The 4-week Advent most of us are accustomed to was not common until the 12 th or 13 th century. Orthodox churches still observe a longer Advent. 
A longer Advent offers two beautiful gifts. The first is that it invites us to extend our season of reflection and preparation for the celebration of the incarnation of Christ. In an era when Christmas carols start playing at the supermarket as soon as Halloween is over, we have more time and space for a quieter, prayerful tone in our lives. 
The second gift of a longer Advent is that it folds into the Advent season the eschatological readings already present in the lectionary in the weeks following All Saints Day. A longer Advent invites us to wonder together about how the Christian understanding of history informs how we might read the newspaper, and how to connect the second coming of Christ "to judge the quick and the dead" with the first coming of Christ as a child. The primary focus of Advent is the full manifestation of the Reign of God. ​
So look for Advent blue (for Mary and for hope) when you visit the cathedral from November 11th through December 23rd. And make time in your own life to dwell with the questions about what is, what is coming, and how the grace of God is at work in it all.

Our Cathedral at a Glance...
10 AM service - Sanctuary

11:45 Nigerian Thanksgiving Service with Holy Baptism
The preacher this Sunday is:

The Very Rev. Amy E. McCreath
Dean of the cathedral

Missed the latest Sermon?
Here you go!

About this week's music...
This week, the Nigerian community will offer two special processions during our worship service, dancing to Nigerian music they have selected as their prayer of thanksgiving to God. As a cathedral, our music program aims to offer the best and the broadest range of Anglican music. We are so thankful to be including music that is deeply meaningful to Nigerian Anglicans. Come celebrate and dance with us this Sunday!
Click here for list of upcoming anthems.
Upcoming Events...
Abraham Exhibit opens this Sunday!
Abraham: Out of One, Many - An exhibit of art by acclaimed Jewish, Christian, and Muslim artists presented by CARAVAN , will be on display at the cathedral from October 27 to December 6 . Join Bishop Alan Gates and other faith leaders at this opening night gala - October 27 at 4 pm. Learn more about the exhibit at the cathedral here .

Nov 23rd The acclaimed musical ensemble
et al . will present an interactive concert called “Sacred Service” incorporating Jewish, Christian, and Muslim music. Doors open at 7 pm, Concert at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $20.
Special Lunch-time Concert on October 31 : Join us Thursday when The Bath Male Choir from the UK will offer a free concert at 12:30 pm as part of their week-long tour of the East Coast. Please bring a friend along and enjoy the songs!
All Saints Day
Sunday, Nov. 2 with guest preacher Byron Rushing. Come "sing a song of the saints of God" and hear one of the church’s finest preachers and leaders. Byron Rushing serves as vice president of the House of Deputies of the General Convention. We will remember by name our beloved departed: Please send up to 4 names to Kevin Vetiac by October 31 for inclusion in our litany of remembrance.
Interreligious Book Study : Although the art exhibit we are hosting this fall focuses on Abraham, the Boston planning team seeks to lift up the stories of Sarah and Hagar, who are also central to our shared spiritual lineage as Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

All are welcome to a book study of  Hagar, Sarah, and Their Children: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Perspectives , co-sponsored by the Bishops' Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, which will gather at the cathedral on the afternoons of  Nov. 10 and 17 and Dec. 1 and 8 .

Commission co-chair Jane Redmont will host, along with with a female leader from a different Abrahamic tradition. For details and to sign up, click here
November 17, 5 - 8 pm

The Cathedral will be hosting this Transgender Day of Remembrance and invite the people of the trans community and their allies .The annual Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) memorializes individuals who have died throughout the world in the previous year because of anti-transgender hatred. Each November, the worldwide transgender community turns its attention to family, friends and loved ones lost to violence and prejudice. A tradition inspired by the Allston, MA vigil for Rita Hester, a trans woman murdered in 1998, this day has become the worldwide rallying point for a community long under siege.
Messiah Sing - Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - The Cathedral Schola will lead us in a Messiah Sing. Join us at 5:15 pm at the cathedral.
Prayer Circle . Fridays at noon: Prayer Circle with Deacon Cynthia in St. John’s Chapel. Come and pray, or be silent, sit and talk awhile! Everyone is invited.
Volunteer opportunities...
Climate Justice ministry: The Sunday congregation of the cathedral is embarking on a focused season of ministry around climate justice. Want to be part of this effort? Contact Life Together Intern Joyce Chae at the cathedral to be in the loop.

Cathedral Corps : Part of our core ministry as a cathedral is hosting diocesan events like ordinations, confirmations, and special programs. To exercise this role well, we need a corps of people who have a call to hospitality, enjoy large events, are reliable, and want to help our diocese thrive. The dean is now recruiting such folks from parishes, chaplaincies, and the cathedral congregations for a “Cathedral Corps.” Corps members will:
  • Be oriented to the space and safety procedures at the cathedral.
  • Be trained to serve as greeters, vergers, crucifers, or subdeacons at diocesan events.
  • Be invited to take roles at large events well ahead of time, so they can plan ahead for it.
  • Enjoy dinner with the dean once a year to celebrate and reflect on their experience.

Interested? Please contact Cathedral Administrator Kevin Vetiac ( [email protected] )
Rent with Us
Planning an event?
Host your next event here at the Cathedral. We offer competitive rates and have multiple spaces available. For more information click here .

Is where she lives
  Her sister is Circe
    Maybe a daughter
      Of Bronte
        She has blue eyes
          Has a tail
            I look into her
              eyes and they tell 
                me a tale 
                  bitter sweet
                    My love swims underneath the 
                        The dream moves in time to 
                           her beat
                             Maybe she was the woman 
                               who charmed Odysseus 
                                 for a spell
                                   her hips charm me into 
                                     An Ella Fitzgerald song
                                       Her voice, I know well
                                         Her hair is wild as seaweed
                                           I twirl it in my dreams
                                             I join her in the Underworld
                                               whenever I dream
                                                  Her song is a jazzy 
                                                       I look at her like treasure
                                                         I find a home in the Underworld
                                                           whenever we are together

Erren Kelly
The Pilgrim is a literary magazine written by our friends of the  Black Seed Writers Group . Sign up for an annual print subscription.
Diocesan Events ...
Our Cathedral serves as administrative, event and liturgical host to the  Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts  (DioMass).

To stay up-to-date on what's happening in DioMass:

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

This week we pray for

Parishes of the South Shore Deanery

St. John’s Church , Holbrook
Trinity Church , Marshfield

Order of St. Luke

Our Sunday congregation welcomes you to beautiful worship and life-giving fellowship. Our motto is
“When in doubt, we choose love.”

Join us Sundays at 10 a.m.!
The Crossing is our grassroots, justice-focused, do-it-yourself church community of hipsters, heretics, homeless, and other unlikely pilgrims. In August we do house church. Visit the Crossing website, or check their newsletter each week for more information.
MANNA (Many Angels Needed Now and Always) is a ministry of and with the homeless community in downtown Boston. We need each other. And this is why we gather each week to serve, to pray, and to create together. Join MANNA throughout the week for any number of our programs!
Our Episcopal Boston Chinese Ministry (EBCM) serves the Chinese-speaking community in Downtown Boston, hosting both traditional and contemporary worship services in Mandarin and Cantonese. We invite you to join us Sundays at 12:30pm.