Nautilus News, December 19, 2024

We are the Episcopal Cathedral in the Diocese of Massachusetts, located in the heart of Boston. 
A House of Prayer for all People.

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From the Dean

The Messiah Sing at the cathedral has become an annual turning point for me. Singing along with a room full of people who have traveled from near and far, clutching their well-worn scores and bursting with excitement to sing Handel's gorgeous work again, my spirit shifts. It happened again here, yesterday - that inner shift.


I shift from the quiet, sober, self-reflective focus of early Advent, to the expressive, joyful anticipation of the gobsmackingly amazing gift of the Incarnation. As Jeremy Eichler so compellingly explores in Time's Echo, music has a unique capacity to carry memory, to connect us to the past at a level beyond what words can hold.


There is so much about this moment, about our time, that is beyond what words can hold. We don't have words enough to pray the yearnings, fears, laments, and hopes we hold. We don't have words enough to reconnect us to one another and the God who connected with us by coming among us. We hold silence. We turn to the ancient, simplest words - phrases like "hallowed be thy name," and "Stir up your power, O Lord." And we sing.


I pray that your Christmastide bring joy, song, reconnection, and a renewal of wonder and hope as we kneel before the creche again. Let us adore this child who is the Prince of Peace, the one who calls us to sing, work, repair, and grow together!


Thank you to Director of Music Louise Mundinger and all the musicians who made the Messiah Sing so wonderful!

Dean Amy

This Sunday at Your Cathedral

This Sunday:


The Seventh Sunday of Expanded Advent

  • You can watch last Sunday's sermon here.

  • Join us each week to pray for our world! You can find a digital copy of our weekly Prayer Page here.

Preacher this Sunday

Christie Towers

MANNA Interim Program Director


Come join me for a wonderful concert on January 31st, 3 pm at The Mother Church, Boston. The Mother Church is located on Mass Ave across from Symphony Hall. You can get to the church from the Green Line Symphony stop, or Hynes Convention Center.

Louise Mundinger

Music Director

We invite you to join us in trying this week's microPractice (above) from Illustrated Ministry .

Christmas Flowers

As we prepare for the joyous Christmas season, we invite your generous donations that will help us purchase flowers to enhance our worship space and celebrate the birth of Christ.

Please consider making a donation in honor or memory of a loved one. Donations can be made:

  • Clicking here (our website) and selecting the designation "Christmas Flowers 2024;"
  • By dropping a check in the collection plate with "Christmas Flowers" in the memo line;
  • By mailing a check to our address (at the bottom on this newsletter) with "Christmas Flowers 2024" in the memo line.

*For memorials or tributes to appear in the Christmas Eve bulletin, donations for flowers need to be made by noon on Sunday, December 22.

Thank you for helping make this Christmas season special!

Your Cathedral from Christmas to Epiphany

Tuesday, Dec. 24, Christmas Eve  

4:00 – 6:30 pm – The Living Room Scene, in Sproat Hall. Join the MANNA community for carol singing, cookie decorating, tree trimming, cocoa, and fellowship, as the space is beautifully transformed into the living room we all need!  

7:00 pm – Candlelight Mass – The Cathedral brings this holy night alive in music, preaching, candlelight, and communion. Bring a friend who would otherwise be alone. Hot cider for all!  

The cathedral is closed on Christmas Day. We invite and encourage you to join common cathedral for worship at 10 am at Brewer Fountain.  

Sunday, Dec. 29 – Christmas Lessons & Carols with Eucharist, 10 am. It’s still Christmas and we’re still singing!  

Sunday, Jan. 5 – Feast of Epiphany (obs.). Games and a book exchange + festive coffee hour following worship.  

Saturday, Jan. 11 - The Ordination to the Sacred Order of Priests of the Rev. Molly Minnerath, 10:30 am. Pray and celebrate at St. Paul’s Church, Bedford MA.  

Blue Christmas

Inauguration Vigil: Love Casts Out Fear

The Episcopal Peace Fellowship and the Diocese of Massachusetts  

invite you to

Love Casts Out Fear: An Inauguration Eve Vigil

Sunday, January 19 at 5 pm

at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston



At this prayer service we will hold a sacred space that leans into our Christian faith, which tells us that love casts out fear, that we stand with the marginalized, and that love in practice looks like justice and peace. 


Join Bishop Julia Whitworth and other diocesan and EPF leaders, in-person at the cathedral

or via livestream on the Cathedral Church of St. Paul (Boston) YouTube page.

Childcare will be available on site, if registration is received by January 14.


Please register here so we can plan well.


Cathedral Church of St. Paul 

138 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02111 



We are currently most in need of:

  • Gloves
  • XL thermal underwear (tops & bottoms)
  • 2XL and L boxers or briefs
  • L sweat pants
  • Women's underwear (size 5, 6, S)

Thank as always for your generosity, but we currently do not need anymore:

  • Foil blankets
  • Hand or foots warmers
  • Scarves
  • Women's underwear sizes 7-14

You can purchase these and other needed items on MANNA's Amazon wish list

Thank you!

Winter Walk 2025!

February 9 - Boston Common

Registration for the 2025 Winter Walk has opened!

This is the link for folks who want to donate to MANNA's team or register to walk with us.

All donations to our team will go directly to the MANNA program!

The Crossing

  • Extra, Extended Advent Season continues this Thursday, December 5 with special music, worship, and prayer practices throughout the season. THIS WEEK we will have the chance to connect with Mary and her experience, as we reflect on birthing new things and prepare for what is next. Immerse yourself in Advent on Thursdays at 7pm.


  • Blue Christmas /Longest Night - Sat Dec 21 at 6pm at Emmanuel Church at 15 Newbury Street. The Crossing is an enthusiastic partner in this shared worship experience. Crossing Priest and Lead Organizer The Rev. Liz Steinhauser will be preaching.


  • No in-person worship - Thurs Dec 26 - Get your at home St. Stephen's Day worship materials


  • No in-person worship - Thurs Jan 2 - Virtual Compline (on Zoom)


  • Annual Meeting - Thurs Jan 9 - Join the Crossing to learn about our joys and accomplishments of 2024 and be part of dreaming and planning how to meet our Gospel goals for 2025.

The St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer

Creatio ex Amore and the Mission of God

An online seminar with Bishop Dr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm,

Moderator of the World Council of Churches.

January 11, 2025 at 9:00 - 10:45 am

In this time of climate crisis, what difference does our faith make? How does our understanding of God, and the meaning of God's creating work, ground and equip us to pray, serve, and act in this time? This Zoom seminar will deepen our capacity to preach and teach our claim that "God creates out of love," and enliven us for working with our faith communities for God's purposes.

Learn more and register here.

TSPC aims to be a resource for YOU. Read their latest newsletter here. If you haven't yet signed up to receive their newsletter, you can do so here. If you have questions, suggestions or requests, for them, you can reach them at 

Massachusetts Poor People's Campaign

*Please note our We Cry Justice study will not meet on 12/25 or 1/1. We will resume on 1/8/25.

We Cry Justice study

Each Wednesday morning from 9:00AM - 10:00AM

Each week is inclusive and no prep work is required - please join us as you're able! Zoom link!

If you have not yet done so, you can sign up to be on the Massachusetts Poor People's Campaign email list at Be sure to enter your zip code so you are on both the MAPPC and National Poor People's Campaign lists. 

Please contact Amelia Slawsby at for more information.

Resources to Help Our Immigrant Neighbors

Use the QR Code below, or click here to find a living document, created and maintained by the Massachusetts Interfaith New Neighbor Coalition, with tons of ways to help our immigrant neighbors right now.

The Massachusetts Interfaith New Neighbor Coalition which includes the Boston Immigrant Justice Accompaniment Network (BIJAN), UU Mass Action, Massachusetts Council of Churches, Jewish Community Relations Council, UniteBoston, Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston/Ten Point Coalition, Capuchin Mobile Ministries, UU Mass. Action Network, Episcopal City Mission, Boston Faith & Justice Network, SEND Relief Boston, Worcester Area Mission Society, Circle of Hope, and the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition.

Join us for Eucharist and Prayers for Peace every Wednesday at 12:15PM in the chapel at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul.

Writings from The Pilgrim



A poet starts in the classroom

as a kindergartener first –

then it has branches.

It starts with branches

to make the face within us

that makes the leaves within ourselves

and that gives us the hands to write


How we find ourselves

within our selves

by knowing the balance

that gives us the love

in the hands that goes around us

for all the hugs

that gives the big hearts

that cries on us.


David Santaniello

Cycle of Prayer

The Communities of Your Cathedral

The Sunday Morning Congregation welcomes you to beautiful worship and life-giving fellowship. Our motto is “When in doubt, we choose love.” Join us Sundays at 10 AM!

MANNA (Many Angels Needed Now and Always) is a ministry of and with the homeless community in downtown Boston. We need each other. And this is why we gather each week to serve, to pray, and to create together. Join MANNA throughout the week for any number of our programs! 

The Crossing is our grassroots, justice-focused, do-it-yourself church community of hipsters, heretics, homeless, and other unlikely pilgrims. In August we do house church. Be sure to visit the Crossing website!

The Episcopal Boston Chinese Ministry (EBCM) serves the Chinese-speaking community in Downtown Boston, hosting both traditional and contemporary worship services in Mandarin and Cantonese. We invite you to join us online Sundays at 12:30 PM.

Our cathedral serves as administrative, event and liturgical host to the 

Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts.

To stay up-to-date on what's happening in The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts:

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The Cathedral Church of St. Paul | 138 Tremont St | Boston, MA 02111

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