From: "Rev. Cory Newell, MDiv, BCC"
Subject: Secretary Del Toro, follow up from gay chaplain yesterday.
Date: April 11, 2023 at 8:30:00 AM MDT
To: Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro
Good morning Secretary Del Toro,
When you spoke yesterday you offered to talk about my concerns offline. I would like to take you up on your offer. Several things said yesterday left me upset and feeling even less than I already did.
When I asked about homophobia it’s very easy to unequivocally say- “homophobia, racism, sexism, gender discrimination, or any similar attitude or behavior has no place in the military or in American society. While we know there is still much to be done, we are actively working to create a culture that supports all people and celebrates the things that make each of us unique.”
But that isn’t what you said. My heart and hope is grieved.
My cell phone is (phone number withheld) and I am available today whenever is possible. I appreciate your time and offer to talk through these things, sir.
LTJG Cory Newell, CHC, USN