Did you know when you shop on Amazon a part of your purchase could go to JHF? Go to AmazonSmile and check out there and Amazon will make a donation to Joshua's Heart Foundation. Thank you, we appreciate your support.
Need flowers for Valentine's Day?
When you purchase your Valentine flowers from Luz Flora, they donate 5% of their sales to Joshua's Heart Foundation. They also provide nationwide free shipping!

Click here to purchase your flowers for Valentine's Day!
You Can Help Make a Difference
If you have not yet done so, please take 2 minutes out of your day to complete a review both on Google and Great Non-Profits for JHF.
These reviews help us make a difference.

JHF Still Needs Funds for our Broken AC Unit
Help! Our air conditioning unit in the building we rent for the Joshua’s Heart Food Pantry has quit working and, while we are grateful for the years of service we had, the reality is, we need a new AC unit and the cost is estimated to be around $8,000. We eventually want to own our own building, but in the meantime, replacing the AC unit appears to be our only option. 

We need air conditioning in the pantry building to help regulate the temperature of the nonperishable foods and other items, and to make the pantry’s internal temperature bearable for our volunteers. But we can’t do that without your help. 

If you were planning to donate to Joshua’s Heart Foundation this holiday season, might you consider contributing to this important cause right now? We would sure appreciate any help you can give. With your help, we can continue our mission to inspire and empower youth to tackle global issues and change the world through kindness, teamwork, and determination.
Follow and engage with our social media accounts! 
Newsletter Editor- Sophia Costa-Martinez