Looking at the weather this week it may not seem like spring is very close, but indeed, the first day of Spring is Sunday, March 20th.
Many businesses are already gearing up for a great spring - perhaps even a record spring! We sold three full page ads in our March issue already today and we don't even try to sell until this email goes out!
You can spring your business forward too if you get the word out about who you are and what you offer ... and KEEP IT in front of consumers. Consistency is the key to successful advertising and marketing. The Buzz Magazine is one of the most cost effective forms of advertising available. It's a way to reach a large audience, at an affordable price. And it's a publication that people love to read, and look forward to each month.
Consumers will also have more money to spend in the coming months, with expected tax refunds. They WILL spend it. Let's make sure it is with our local small businesses, the back bone of our communities!
Need some ideas for your ad? March includes St. Patrick's Day, International Women's Day, the first day of Spring and DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!
Please let us know if you want ad space reserved for the March issue. We can handle your ad placement and design entirely by phone and email, or we will be happy to stop by. Professional ad design for your ad is free, if needed.
(this is the 'drop dead' deadline - space reservations prior are appreciated)