Many law enforcement agencies now require training for their investigators in trauma-informed interviewing and investigations. Some states have even passed legislative mandates requiring law enforcement personnel to receive such training – and more states are likely to follow. In March 2022, the most recent reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) included the Abby Honald Act, designating a substantial amount of funding to support law enforcement training in trauma-informed interviewing and investigations.


Is your agency prepared to meet these new training mandates? EVAWI can help.

CVI Program 


Over the past year, EVAWI developed an intensive 2-day virtual course in trauma-informed interviewing and investigations, called Comprehensive Victim Interviewing (CVI).


Perhaps the most powerful aspect of the course is the opportunity for participants to watch recorded interviews with sexual assault survivors conducted by skilled investigators following best practices, including accompaniment by a victim advocate.

Register Your Team 

We plan to offer the CVI course three times in 2023 to help meet this ever-increasing demand. The training is high quality, ready to go, and it doesn’t require any travel.


Register now for the first 2023 course, offered January 11-12, and encourage the rest of your team to join you. Register five people and the fifth registration is FREE!

Date:January 11-12, 2023 

Time: 7:30AM - 3:30PM PT / 10:30AM - 6:30PM ET 

Registration: $299 


Group Registrations 

If your agency or SART is interested in registering multiple people for the course, email for group registrations and additional discounts. 

POST Credit 


If POST credit is important for agency participation, EVAWI can help with that too. 


CVI is currently accredited by the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) organization in three states: MinnesotaMissouri, and Tennessee. If you want to pursue accreditation in your state for POST credit, please email us at

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