2023 Neighborhood Key Dates

Hi Neighborhood leaders,

Now is a great time to set neighborhood goals for this year and see if there are any projects your community might be interested in organizing. As you prepare and look ahead keep these events in mind:


Neighborhood Membership Renewals Due March 1st

Neighborhood Matching Grant Released

Neighborhood Matching Grant Workshop

Bingo with Mental Health America March 25


Spring Litter Sweep

Neighborhood Matching Grant Deadline

Earth Day events

Bunny Run 5K and Festival

Bingo with Mental Health America April 15

Pollinator Garden Talks offered



Pollinator Garden Talks offered

Recognized Neighborhood Leadership Summit


Juneteenth Events

Solid Waste Changes Talks offered


Streetlight 5K and Festival

Solid Waste Changes Talks offered


National Night Out events August 1st


Fall Litter Sweep


International Festival October 7

Candy Crawl


Christmas Tree Lighting

Christmas Parade

Veterans Salute 5K/10K

Finally, we are starting a Neighborhood Spotlight section in our newsletter! We want to share what is happening in your neighborhood with the rest of our community. Don't miss February's featured neighborhood - Logan!

Katherine Ramirez

Community Outreach Coordinator


Membership Renewal Deadline is March 1

The Membership Renewal Form is required in order for Recognized Neighborhoods to maintain their active status within the Partnership for Stronger Neighborhood Programs. This helps ensure that I have the correct and up to date information for your neighborhood's board and leadership.

Neighborhoods that do not complete the Annual Review by the March 1st deadline risk being classified as dormant and will not be eligible for the Neighborhood Matching Grant among other program benefits, including their city liaison, access to free community room reservations, eligibility for any financial awards, and more.

Submit your Membership Renewal Form 

Neighborhood Spotlight

Logan Community Association Celebrates New Lincoln Street Townhomes

The Logan Community is proud to be the site of the new Lincoln Street Townhomes. The 26-unit town home community will be affordable, allowing long-time residents with dreams of homeownership a chance to stay in the historic neighborhood. WeBuild Concord and the City of Concord collaborated with community members, including members of the Logan Community Association, to work towards one of the most significant homeownership efforts in the area.

The 2023 Winter Litter Sweep Results Are In...

Congratulations to this season's Litter Sweep Competition winners!

First Place - Logan Community Association (top)

Second Place - Hallstead Homeowners Association (bottom left)

Third Place - Residents of Historic Concord Association (bottom right))

Each neighborhood was awarded cash prizes for their work. Together these neighborhoods collected 38 bags of litter and had over 30 volunteer hours!


Cabarrus County Homebuyer Forum

The City of Concord is partnering with N.C. Works Career Center, Salisbury-Rowan Community Action Agency, and Prosperity Unlimited, Inc. to offer a Cabarrus County Homebuyer Forum. This forum will equip prospective homebuyers with information about the steps to prepare for home ownership, available resources for possible assistance with down payments and closing costs, and eligibility, income and credit levels required to qualify to receive the assistance.

Register for the Cabarrus County Homebuyer Forum

Minority and Women Business Enterprises HUB Workshop

Join us on Thursday, February 23 for the Minority and Women Business Enterprise! During this workshop you will receive a step-by-step guide to the HUB certification process, learn how to secure business with state and local governments, and expand opportunities for growth through networking.

The workshop will begin at 10:00 A.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers then move to the Cabarrus Center at 11:00 A.M. for networking, where food will be served. Registration is required, to reserve your spot visit concordnc.gov/HUBworkshop.

If you have questions, reach out to the City of Concord Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategist, Jaime Brown, at 704-920-6206 or by email.

Register to Attend the HUB Workshop

ClearWater Arts Center & Studios Wants Your Input!

As we prepare to open the new ClearWater Ceramics Center, we are asking for community input to guide our programs and classes. Take the survey!

Take the Ceramics Center Survey

Indian Folk Art Exhibit Hosted at ClearWater Arts Center

“Pratibimb: Reflection of Indian Folk Arts” exhibits opened Tuesday, February 14 to the public and will remain open through Sunday, March, 26. Local artist and teacher, Gayathiri Selva served as the guest curator for this Exhibition of 6 forms of Traditional Folk Art from India, crafted by local artists!

Join us at the opening reception on Sunday, March 5 from 1:00 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the ClearWater Arts Center & Studios (223 Crowell DR NW). The nine participating artists will be present and hosting talks about their work. No registration is required.

Learn more about the event

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