With a turnout larger than usual, Saint Leo's Church hosted its annual Ravioli & Spaghetti Dinner March 5, serving over 1,100 sit-down meals in the school hall and close to 1,000 carry-out dinners. When usually the dinner ends at 6 pm, the last diners were seated at 7:15! In attendance once again was Governor Larry Hogan, along with the parish's former pastor, Father Sal Furnari. Saint Leo's extends a
to each attendee, and, certainly, to the plethora of dedicated volunteers who made it happen! See you at the next dinner in November! (date TBA).
Governor photos credited to Executive Office of the Governor
Pictured is Saint Leo's former pastor, Father Sal Furnari
and current pastor, Father Bernie Carman
annual passaporto raffle
offers restaurant gift cards & more!
This summer's PASSAPORTO RAFFLE is bigger! better! and with multiple winners! Soon you'll be able to purchase a $5 chance (5 for $20) for the opportunity to WIN one or more of these gift cards, cookbooks, cash, or B&B/hotel stays! Here's a partial list of prizes so far valued over $1,200 and we're still collecting more!
- 1840s Carrollton Inn overnight stay ($375 value)
- Aldo’s Restaurant $50 gift card
- Chiapparelli’s Restaurant $50 gift card
- Ciao Bella Restaurant $50 gift card
- Da Mimmo Restaurant $50 gift card
- Davidus Cigars $50 gift card
- Disability Support Services $50 cash
- Edge Evolution salon $50 gift card
- Germano’s Piattini $50 gift card
- Hyatt Place Baltimore: overnight stay with valet parking ($250 value)
- Isabella’s Brick Oven Pizza $25 gift card
- La Scala Ristorante $50 gift card
- Recipes My Nonna Taught Me cookbooks by Francena (each $12 value)
- Sabatino’s Restaurant $50 gift card
- Star Spangled Banner Flaghouse 2 family passes (each $40 value)
- Vaccaro’s Italian Pastry Shop $50 gift card
promotion center for little italy
elects new officers
In a recent board meeting, Promotion Center for Little Italy, Baltimore, has elected new officers.
Ray Alcaraz
Vice President: Craig Ross
Gianni Andracchio
Communications Coordinator
& Secretary:
Suzanna Molino
Treasurer: Cesare Morisi
- Christina Barbieri
- Darryl Campbell
- Mary Ann Cricchio
- Matt Daddio
- Deacon Doug Kendzierski
- Lou Mazzulli
- Rosalinda Mannetta
- PJ O'Neill
- Mike Renaud
- Rosalie Ranieri
GOT JUGS? Little Italy needs them! Little Italy's Light City resident artist is collecting plastic milk jugs or similar. These will be artfully painted, designed and strung overhead on High Street to create a vibrant, illuminant Canopy of Light. The city's Light Festival is March 31-April 8 with a procession and pageantry of music and live performers on opening night, March 31 & April 1. Email GiaDaniella@gmail.com to donate plastic jugs.
LANTERN ART: The Sweetness of Doing Something, Sun, March 26 at Little Italy Lodge 12-3pm:
Hosted by Neighborhood Lights Little Italy. An afternoon of art and culture with LI resident Light City artist, Laure Drogoul who will demonstrate and assist you in making colorful lanterns from plastic bottles plus spectacular headdresses to be used during the light parade. Light City is March 31 - April 8. More info >>>
CLARK BURGER to open in Little Italy:
A burger and poutine restaurant is opening a second location in the historic Fallsway Spring & Equipment Co. building at corner of Central and Eastern Avenues in Little Italy.
Read the full story >>>
CHURCH CLUSTER TOUR includes St. Leo's:
Parishes of the Harbor East Cluster are hosting tours of their churches located around Fells Point, Canton, Highlandtown, and Little Italy. View the interiors joyfully decorated for the Easter season. Tour begins 9 am at Sacred Heart of Jesus and continues to Saint Brigid, Saint Casimir, Saint Leo the Great (lunch provided), Saint Elizabeth, Our Lady of Pompei, and Holy Rosary. A 45-minute presentation will take place at each church to include its history, mission and heritage. Cost is $25 per person, includes bus and lunch. Reservations required. Contact Bernadette at 410-276-1981 or bvece@verizon.net.
LIPOA CALENDAR: LI Property Owners Assoc:
Wednesday, March 15: Community On Patrol (COP) Walk, 7 pm. Meet at St. Leo's Church. This 1-hour walk allows neighbors to walk Little Italy with police to discuss crime deterrence, pick up trash and meet more neighbors.
Tuesday, March 21:
Community Meeting 7 pm, St Leo's Church Hall.
All Little Italy property owners, renters and business owners are welcome.
SAINT LEO'S HOSTS SAINT JOSEPH TABLE: Saint Leo's Church continues the old tradition of the Saint Joseph Table which originated in Sicily. These tables, or "altars," offer cookies, cakes, bread, and beautiful decorations of candles, figurines and flowers. Saint Leo's Saint Joseph's Table
is March 18-19.
More info >>>
1970: Rosalia Scalia (center), age 13 in the 8th grade, receiving award recognition
at City Hall from Hyman Pressman.
Pictured right is
Will Matricciani.
submitted by Rosalia Scalia
"I just finished your book! [Baltimore's Little Italy: Heritage and History of The Neighborhood]. I can't imagine how many hours of research it took to write such a thorough and detailed account of Baltimore's greatest neighborhood.
The most interesting part are the stories about the Italian POWs. I had no idea that the U.S. brought prisoners back here, many to Maryland! I've also enjoyed telling some of the stories to my mother, who grew up on Spring Court, just outside Little Italy. She has been telling us for years how she was friends with
Naz Velleggia and Joe Chiapparelli. Chip's is still our family 'go-to' restaurant in Little Italy.
Great job with the book."
Ray Reed, Baltimore
Promotion Center for Little Italy, Baltimore
uzanna Molino,
Communications Coordinator
Ray Alcaraz, President
Promotion Center for Little Italy, Baltimore is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
established in 2010
with a mission to
promote Little Italy's events,
community organizations,
history and Italian heritage.