dicembre / DECEMBER 2022
Sudanos purchase Aldo's
Yosselin & Ben Sudano (pictured) are the proud new owners of 306 S. High Street, the former site of Aldo’s Ristorante Italiano in Little Italy.

Ben & Yosselin envision keeping the Sudano name alive in Little Italy while helping to revitalize our historic community in Baltimore City. Aldo’s is currently being used as a space for special events, parties and gatherings. The name will remain.

The Sudano roots are embedded in the neighborhood and the acquisition of this property holds special meaning for the couple. Ben’s grandparents, Giacamina and Sebastiano Sudano, purchased their family home on High Street in 1918, located two houses away from Aldo’s; it has been Ben’s home for 52 years. Ben is the nephew of the late Charlie "Bananas" Sudano (one of the 10 Sudano children), a nickname he had earned in his youth while hauling banana bunches in and out of the cellar where they were stored to ripen. That nickname stuck with him until he died at age 79 in May of this year.

The Sudano family operates Sudano's Produce where Ben is president/CEO and Yosselin is Comptroller; and S&S Winegrapes and Equipment Company where Ben is in Sales and Yosselin in Accounting.

"It is our hope that Little Italy is a place where people can make new memories while honoring the history of those who came before them," said the couple.

The Sudano produce company originated in 1920 when Sebastiano "Benny" Sudano immigrated from Catania, Sicily, Italy to America, arriving with determination and a dream. In 1922, he married Giacamina "Regina" Impallaria, another Italian immigrant with the same dreams; they produced 10 children. As they built their family, Sebastiano needed a way to support them while facing the challenges of the Great Depression in the 1930s. He did what he knew best - he sold fruits and vegetables as a huckster door to door from a horse and wagon. From sunrise to sunset, he peddled produce around the streets of Baltimore City. He earned the support within his neighborhood from Little Italy restaurants. As the children grew, they joined him in the family business, allowing it to expand to other parts of Baltimore. After Sebastiano’s death in the 1950s, his sons, Benjamin and Joseph, took over the business, naming it Sudano Brothers Produce Co. [read more >>>]

photos circa 1988:
Benny Sudano (left) and his dad Ben (right) at their previous
produce stand on Caroline Street.
A message from Sergio Vitale,
previous Aldo's proprietor

"We have only the fondest memories of all the many great people and experiences we’ve been able to enjoy at Aldo’s."
"After 24 years, I am officially no longer a resident of Little Italy and the building that was a living museum of my father Aldo’s talent, a labor of love and testament to the hard work of a very talented team of professionals, and the home of the former Aldo’s Ristorante Italiano, has changed ownership. We wish the new owners - Little Italy’s very own Mr. & Mrs. Ben Sudano - all the best in their endeavors at 306 South High Street in Little Italy, and we thank you, the loyal guests of Aldo’s, our friends and family, for your support and friendship over the last quarter of a century. We have only the fondest memories of all the many great people and experiences we’ve been able to enjoy at Aldo’s. We thank you for that. To the new owners, Godspeed! We wish them the very best!"

Around the neighborhood
A second batch of early-1900 to 1950s vintage Italian Festival medals, pins and sashes were donated to Saint Leo's Church.

"These belonged to my father, Frederick Petrella Jr., who grew up in Little Italy at 1017 Stiles Street," said Fred Petrella, III. "My father and grandfather, Frederick Joseph Petrellaboth born in the United States; my great-grandparents emigrated from Abruzzo, Italywere involved with the Feast of Saint Anthony's for many years and had collected these medals. My father died at age 84 in May 2018. My mother, Joan Bartkowski Petrella, 86, still living, wanted to donate his collection to Saint Leo's."

Promotion Center for Little Italy is creating shadow box displays to hang the collection in the Church Hall - these plus the first batch of similar vintage pins and sashes donated recently by the Moriconi Family. (see story)

As a small fundraiser for Saint Leo's Church, Promotion Center for Little Italy is offering these unique vintage festival pins for those of you who might wish to own a historic memento of parish Italian Festivals.

Proceeds are donated directly to Saint Leo's.
(LIMITED duplicates available, first-come-first-served.)
"Mr. Fred & Miss Joan (and Petrellas) hold a special place in our hearts.
We spent many a festival together. It will be a great honor to
share and display these beautiful treasures." ~ Tim Elliott
St. Anthony & Child
vintage pin, gold-rimmed
larger $10 (3 available)
smaller $5 (17 available)
St. Anthony & Child with
Virgin Mother & Child, gold-rimmed
vintage pin (21 available)
St. Anthony & Child
vintage pin
(17 available)
Blessed Mother & Child vintage pin with Saints Dominic & Catherine, the giving of the rosary.
(3 available)
Mini vintage pin of
St. Anthony & Child
(3 available)
San Gabriele della Addolorata
(St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows)
vintage pin
(4 available)
Ricordo Festa di San Leone
"I remember the Feast of St. Leo"
vintage pin
(only 1 available)
Vintage ribbon pin,
Honorary Member 1904-1939:
36th Anniversary of Feast
Saint Anthony of Padua
Baltimore, MD
(2 available)
Vintage ribbon pin,
Maria SS. Incoronata di
Pescasseroli Baltimore 1918
(Crowned Most Holy Mary of
Pescasseroli in Abruzzo)
(3 available)
Little Italy Lodge Elections - Nominations for the 2023-2025 Council term will open at the Lodge's December 13 General Membership Meeting. The entire Little Italy Lodge leadership structure is open. Nominations will be solicited at that meeting and during the January 10, 2023 meeting. Elections will be held in February and the new officers will take office in March.
Consider how you - or someone you know and respect - can serve the Little Italy Lodge. The Lodge appears to be well positioned for the future - you could be a part of that. Questions or need detailed post descriptions? Email Tony Montcalmo, Election Committee Chair.

Open Officer Posts
President ~ Vice President ~ Orator ~ Recording Secretary ~ Corresponding Secretary ~ Financial Secretary ~ Treasurer ~ 5 Trustees ~ 2 Masters & Mistresses of Ceremony ~ 5 Guard Arbitration Committee Members & Alternates ~ 13 Delegates & Alternates for Bi-Annual State Convention
lodge council photo
Father Bernie Carman, St. Leo's pastor, presents a $2,000 check to Helping Up Mission staff in Baltimore City to assist its Thanksgiving dinner for the needy and those in addiction treatment. Pictured left to right: Mike Cannon, Jennifer Bedon, Joe Welkie, Brian Vincer, Father Bernie, Mary Bracken, Mike Cosgrove, Francis Blattermann. Parishioners Joe, Mary and Francis represent our parish's Union of Catholic Apostolate / Saint Vincent Pallotti Society. The Society offers a huge THANKS to those of you who generously donated to this annual project sponsored by St. Leo's.

during CHRISTMAS season
(and any time!)

Saturday December 24
Christmas Eve
4 PM, Children's Mass
6:30 PM
12AM Midnight Mass

Saturday December 25
9:30 and 11:30 AM

Saturday, December 31
New Year's Eve
4:30 PM

Sunday, January 1, 2023
New Year's Day
9:30 and 11:30 AM

blast from the past
The Flying Cassie Brothers
submitted by Ron Cassie

"My great-grandfather Antonio Cassiere is pictured upper left—also pictured are great-great uncles Roberto, Sebastiano and Luigi. My great-grandfather, who I knew as a kid, and three of his brothers formed an acrobatic act, but apparently had a tough time landing vaudeville gigs because of anti-Italian prejudice. So, they began working as the Flying Cassie Brothers and eventually it stuck. They are not posed in period acrobatic outfits; this is only a publicity shot."

 Include caption, people ID, location, approximate year, and your name.
Photos must be Little Italy or Italian immigrant-related.
We are non-profit!
Gift a book for a favorite Italian in your life - or anyone who enjoys history! Share these splendid vintage photos and historical research about our beloved Piccola Italia.

NEWLY OFFERED! Only 6 available. Baltimore's Little Italy: Where it all started (first photo) is a 42-page commemorative booklet containing a wonderful collection of vintage photos provided by the families who hosted family pages. It also contains eight pages of the history of Saint Leo's School with vintage photos. Postage & tax included.

Book proceeds benefit our nonprofit 501(c)(3) org.

Andiamo! Let's go to Italy
Sicily: A Cultural Journey
with Rosalia Scalia
August 23 – September 6, 2023
Follow link to view full itinerary!

Lifelong Little Italy resident, Rosalia Scalia, the daughter of two Italian immigrants, the late Joseph Scalia and Philomena Cucco Scalia, has organized a trip to Italia. "The 2021 trip to Sicily was so successful, people asked me to coordinate another."

  • Explores northern coast of the island, including Aeolian islands
  • Lunch with Contessa Giovanna whose family owns a farm passed down from mother to daughter for over two centuries
  • Opportunity to add an extension
  • Reserve one of the limited spots before November 30
  • Email Rosalia with questions
from our email box
"Oh, I love it! Angie & John were wonderful people. May they rest in peace."
~ Maryann Tana in Maryland

"Loved reading your story - and your writing - on the Guerriero home. You brought the story to life for many who, perhaps, didn’t know what was behind the walls, or the backstory. Well done!"
~ Deb Carson in Florida

"Just a note of thanks for your great newsletter. I've moved to North Carolina and look forward to it every month. Keeps me in the loop!"
~ God Bless, Linda Drecchio in North Carolina

"Thanks so much for the monthly newsletter. It was very interesting. I liked seeing the house near St. Leo’s. Thanks again."
~ Rosemary Seminazzi in Florida, grew up in Little Italy

"Great Newsletter!!!"
~ Lou Mazzulli, Jr. in Maryland, business owner in Little Italy

"I absolutely LOVED your latest Neighborhood News. It has been a few years since I have been to my old digs. But time can never stop my knowing where my heart and soul was - and still is. Of course, there have been the inevitable changes - both good and bad. 
About the vintage photo in the November issue ... the girl with Mary Ann Boggio (married Alcarez) is Patricia Terzi, later to become Patricia Potter. May Ann, Patricia, and I were members of Saint Leo's School Class of 1952 - and I have the pictures to prove it."
~ Joe Pente in Maryland, former Little Italy resident

"A beautiful issue. Both of us read it from top to bottom. This is a great vehicle to welcome people to Little Italy. Thank you for all your effort."
~ Don & Jeannette Castronova in Maryland

"Very nice Neighborhood News. Complimenti! Veramente bello!
~ Saluti, Albert Marra, Little Italy Lodge president

newsletter sponsors
Mike DeSapio supported our October
Italian Heritage Festival as a vendor.
Promotion Center logo

Newsletter Editor:
Director & Co-founder

Editorial Advisor:

a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established 2010

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