Dear Members,

Happy Holidays - and welcome to year end!

The Dupont Circle Citizens Association had a busy and productive year during this second year of the pandemic. In our zoom meetings, we had lively discussions with DC elected officials and about the 17th Street redesign and the state of small businesses in Dupont. We also held an informative weekly series on homelessness early in the year, and invited UMBC Professor George Derek Musgrove, Ph.D. to discuss Dupont-related events in his book Chocolate City: A History of Race and Democracy in the Nation’s Capital. Although the House Tour has been on hiatus, we featured notable houses and other buildings in Dupont on our website. DCCA’s work on the T Street Park and the Freedom Garden got our volunteers outside, and we were pleased to see increased community use of the park during the pandemic. We kept up with our regulatory activities as well, negotiating settlement agreements with alcohol licensees, testifying about the Comprehensive Plan and other matters before the DC Council, and working with DDOT and other government agencies on a variety of issues. DCCA strives to keep you informed, connected, and help your voice be heard on important issues in our neighborhood. We look forward to when we can once again meet in person.

Thank you to our members for the continued support. Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Safe 2022.

Susan Volman
DCCA President
Member Alert: Online Social Hour
Tuesday, December 28th 6:00 PM

We are very excited to announce our final online social hour for 2021. This zoom social hour will include a presentation and interactive discussion.
Our invited guest, Adrienne L. Childs, will speak about the David Driskell exhibit at the Phillips Collection and about his life, with a focus on his time in DC.
Adrienne L. Childs, adjunct curator at The Phillips Collection, is the coordinating curator for the traveling exhibition David Driskell: Icons of Nature and History, on view through January 9th.

You must be a member and register to attend - members check your email boxes for the invite you were sent on Monday.

Not a member? Memberships start as low as $15. Click here to join!
Vehicle Crashes into Freedom Garden
Freedom Garden is the small triangular park at the corner of New Hampshire and T Streets (named after the Freedom Market at that corner), which is lovingly tended by DCCA members and other volunteers. On December 4 th , part of the fence and one of the rose bushes were destroyed by a vehicle crash. DCCA thanks astute volunteer gardener, Sara Cormeny, who first noticed the damage, contacted 311 to get the light pole straightened, and cleared some of the debris. DCCA is working to get the fence repaired, first with temporary fencing to protect the plantings.

The pictures below show of the damage and the clean up provided by our dedicated volunteer team.
Local Newslinks of Note
Leaf collection is behind schedule in D.C., leaving piles that can catch fire or clog storm drains - LINK

In Mount Pleasant, A Battle Over Balconies Threatens Longtime Residents Of A Historic Building - LINK

There’s a National Shortage of Covid-19 Tests—Here’s Where to Find Them Around DC - LINK

Where to find the most festive holiday light displays in the D.C. area - LINK

Here’s Where to Get Christmas Takeout Around DC - lavish prime rib feasts, casual barbecue spreads, and more. - LINK

The Ultimate Guide to ’90s Washington - LINK

A Bunch of DC Bars and Restaurants Are Closing Amidst a Covid-19 Surge- LINK
Happy New Year, Neighbors! 🥂
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | |