Helping People

Changing Lives


In Need

Community Action of Napa Valley Newsletter

July, 2023

CANV Upcoming Public Meeting & Annual Survey Ensures Community Needs Are Being Fulfilled

CANV is holding a public meeting on Monday, August 14, 2023, at 5:00pm via Zoom. We invite you to share your thoughts & experiences about needs, resources, and solutions related to poverty in the community, as well as your direct experiences with the CANV Food Bank, Meals-on-Wheels and CANV Kids. Your input will be combined with research on poverty in Napa County to form the basis of our 2024-2025 Community Action Plan.

Zoom Meeting ID: 875 4626 0223

Click here for 2023 Needs Survey

We want to hear from you! Please click here for our Community Action of Napa Valley 2023 Community Needs Survey. We do this each year in order to gain information that will assist us in helping people and meeting community needs moving forward. The CANV website has the survey is in English and Spanish and can be dropped off at any CANV location or emailed to

Helping & empowering people & communities throughout

Napa Valley is our mission.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Drene Johnson

Executive Director

Meals On Wheels Spotlight

A knock at the door might not seem like a big deal to many of us. But, to a homebound senior, it could signal the arrival of the only person they might see all day or all week long. It brings hope. It brings health. It brings the nutrition and care that will completely make their day. A knock from Meals on Wheels can even save lives.

Action In The Community

Browns Valley School Girl Scouts Work Together to Make a Difference

In June our friends at Napa Valley CanDo made a presentation to the Girl Scouts at Browns Valley School. The scouts learned about the Food Bank and the Food Project and received 30 green bags! They returned with 240 pounds of food and donated $1000 to Community Action of Napa Valley Food Bank from their cookie sales. The girls and their parents got an informative tour of the warehouse from CANV's very own James and had a great time. Amazing girls! Thank you!

Napa Table Event Draws 400 in support of CANV & Those in Need Across Napa Valley

A huge "CANV Thank You" to all those who helped us at the Do Napa - Napa Table event where 400 people all enjoyed a local meal, some strong winds, and good times all to support those in need across Napa Valley. Special thanks to those who helped from our community, The Salvation Army of Napa Valley Culinary Program, the Community Action of Napa Valley board of directors, staff, and all the fantastic volunteers from Justin-Siena High School.

Family Activity Guide

Helpful Resource for Families In Need

We know how much our children enjoy snack time. We gladly prep their grapes, yogurt and quickie mac & cheese. Imagine if your child missed a snack, or worse a meal. What would his or her attitude be like? It could certainly make focusing in school much harder. Roughly 1 in 8 children don’t have enough to eat in the United States—that’s around 9 million kids. Some of these kids may live in your neighborhood or go to school with your child. Despite the severity of this problem, hunger often gets overlooked. This guide from Feeding America will help your family talk about the issue of hunger and ways to address it in your community. 

Get The Guide Here

CANV Umbrella of Programs

CANV Manages Many Important Programs That Assist the Community

Let's Get Social

CANV is now on Nextdoor and LinkedIn. Follow us now on our social channels or drop us a review on Nextdoor so your neighbors know the impact CANV is having on the community.

You Can Make a Difference!

Get Involved Today

Did you know that nearly all of the Food Bank funding comes from donations? All of CANV’s programs & services depend on donations from individuals, corporations & foundations. Every dollar makes a difference.

Can you drive a truck? Deliver meals to people’s home? Help someone shop at the Food Pantry? Share a talent like music or art with a homeless person? Or do you have a professional service you can share? We need you!

Whether you are interested in doing a fundraiser, donating a vehicle, hosting a food drive, or looking to establish a corporate partnership with CANV there are so many ways to make an impact in our community.

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