Thursday, February 9, 2023

In this week's N4N:

  • Message from the Meeting Haus: The Village Vibe is _____!
  • German Village Society Member Spotlight: The Aminian Family
  • New to German Village? Willkommen!
  • Calendar of GVS Meeting Haus Events
  • German Village Business Community Ads & Announcements

The Village Vibe is _________!


Rachel Lewellen

Communications | Membership Engagement Coordinator

When asking our members to use one word to describe the energy and feel of this beloved neighborhood, we got so many descriptive words that really capture the layers of this historic community and organization.

German Village Society is 63 years young, and we are just as passionate today as we were in 1960 to promote and foster community, advocacy, and preservation. All of that continued work is possible because of the unceasing support of our members who are residents, local businesses, and those in the larger community that understand that this space is a special one that needs to be cultivated and cherished. During this month's membership drive, we thank you for being champions of this vibrant, beautiful, unique, historic neighborhood.

This week's GVS member's spotlight is shining on 8-year members, the Aminian family, Ash, Dana, and their two daughters, Ayla and Iris. We all have a favorite event here in the Village and the Aminian's is the same as many of ours, " Village Lights! This event has been a family tradition since our older daughter was born in 2016. We never miss it." It is so wonderful to hear that GVS creates events that become part of a family's traditions. What an honor that Village Lights can be part of Ayla and Iris' childhood memories.

Thank you to The Aminian Family for their continued support of the German Village Society and for being our Member Spotlight this week!

Please join or renew your German Village Society membership here. Not sure if your membership has lapsed? Have questions about membership? Please email Rachel at [email protected]

New to German Village? Willkommen!

Marcus W. Watson

Assist Director | Historic Preservation

Welcome to your new community, a unique neighborhood rich in history and full of exciting friendships. German Village has a rich history dating back to the mid-19th century and continues to make history today. As “Caretakers of a Legacy”, the German Village Society is committed to preserving the integrity and essence of the original German Village historic district, while encouraging the rehabilitation of existing properties and the creation of new structures to add vitality to the urban community.

While the German Village Society is a nonprofit organization here for our neighbors and the betterment of the community, the German Village Commission ( is the City board charged with the responsibility to guide architectural rehabilitation in accordance with the spirit and content of the German Village Guidelines. The German Village Commission’s assistant historic preservation officer, Morgan Graff, can be emailed at [email protected].

So, what does this all mean to you? The German Village Commission is the board that must approve all modifications to the exterior of your home or commercial building. The Commission has the authority to approve applications that are presented to them for remodeling projects, no matter the size or nature (i.e., house paint, window repair or replacement, sidewalk replacement, etc.).

The German Village Society is here to help. I am available to answer questions, provide forms, and even visit properties Monday through Friday. Call me at (614) 221-8888 or email me at [email protected]. So…. before you change your shutters or cut down that old tree, please give us a call so we can help walk you through the fairly simple process of Commission approval.

Not a member of GVS yet? Please consider becoming a member, or if you already are, please renew and consider upgrading your membership. Your annual dues not only fund many of the fun events of GVS, but they also help with historic preservation efforts and provide in-house assistance with your preservation questions. For more information about membership visit here! Current members and seasoned GV residents, please pass this information along to your new neighbors and join us in welcoming them to the Village!

Columbus City Council votes for

25 mph speed limit on all Downtown streets

The Columbus City Council voted 7-0 on Monday to lower the speed limits on all Downtown streets to 25 mph, which would knock 10 mph off many major routes.

While the issue officially now heads to the Ohio Department of Transportation, ODOT spokesman Matt Bruning said Tuesday that review should be perfunctory under the approach the city is using, which is to designate all of Downtown a "business district."

Read the full article from The Columbus Dispatch.

Upcoming St. Mary's Concert Series Dates

Sunday, February 12th, 4 p.m. Camarata Ensemble with Luis Biava The Brandenburg No. 5, and the Shulamit Ran for strings also Schubert No. 1 Purchase tickets for $25.

Sunday, February 26th, 7 p.m. “Vivaldi’s Four Seasons” with ProMusica Purchase tickets through the ProMusica Box Office

GVGC Upcoming Spring "How-to" Programs for Everyone!

All of the Garten Club's programs are held at the German Village Meeting Haus, 588 S Third Street, at 7:00 pm. These meetings are free and open to everyone.

  • Monday, February 20: Living in the Wild in German Village: Creating Pollinator Gardens (see below for more details)

  • Monday, March 20: Winter Care for Your Tropical Oasis: Raising Happy Houseplants

  • Monday, April 17: Designing Your Containers & Gardens, including GartenMarkt Plant Preview!

German Village Garten Club Membership Meeting

Monday, February 20th at 7 pm

Living in the Wild Without Leaving Home:

Pollinator Garden Species

Membership meetings are free and open to the public. Join us on the first floor Scheurer Room and bring your friend, neighbor, or partner for a fun evening of education, community, and refreshments.

Bring a little wild into the garden at our next membership meeting! Our speaker Barbara Ray, Nature Educator, will discuss how wildlife is everywhere and many species live, feed, and overwinter in our gardens. We can attract many beneficial species of birds, butterflies, bees, and more by selecting native flowering plants that will dress up any landscaping or garden area as well as support pollinators! We can also utilize garden design and key plant species to deter wildlife that can damage the garden, such as deer, rabbits, and woodchucks.

Old Trinity Lutheran Church

Tuesday, February 21st,

5:30 pm - 7 pm

Shrove Tuesday

Pancake Dinner

404 S. Third St.

Columbus, OH 43215

Cost: $5

Menu: Pancakes, Scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage, fruit, and various pastries and muffins

Ask Me, Tell Me
The GVS and the Board of Trustees value the engagement of our members to achieve our mission as the Caretakers of a Legacy and seek continual and regular community input of information, ideas, suggestions, concerns and advocacy to advance that effort. A form is available here for all your inquiries. We look forward to hearing from you!
Share with Us, to Share with Others
Do you have information that other members would find interesting? We'd love to hear from you. Please send all submissions to [email protected]. The deadline each week is 5 p.m. Tuesday for that Thursday's newsletter. Submissions subject to editing and approval.
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Direct Amazon Smile To GVS
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