Foundations of Faith 

URJ member 
 Services & Events
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Tonight, June 7th, 7:00pm

Bat Mitzvah of Lucy Haney


June 13th 8:00pm

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Strand Theatre at Marietta Square Family Friendly Event


June 15th 1:00pm - 4:00pm

CNT Volunteer Day at Atlanta Community Food Bank

Event Registration


June 21st, 7:00pm

Traditional Shabbat Service

Special musical performance by Charlie Schwartz


July 12th, 6:30pm

"Pizza Shabbat."  This is the last regularly scheduled service of Congregation Ner Tamid at Christ Lutheran Church.A Shabbat Sing Along with Rabbi Liebschutz will follow the service.


July 26th, 8:00pm

URJ Shabbat at Temple Kol Emeth.CNT will be one of nine participating Reform synagogues in the Greater Atlanta area participating in the service. Rabbi Liebschutz and many of his rabbinic and cantorial colleagues will be on the bimah.



Women's Group


June 22nd 7:00pm Farewell to Harriman Family Elevations Chophouse

Click for Evite


July 20th at Artscape on the Marietta Square

Evite to come


Shabbat Candle Lighting

  8:29 pm
Friday, 06/07/13
Havdalah Candle
10:00 pm
Saturday, 06/08/13

Yom Huledet Same'ach

 Happy Birthday



2-Joan Stuart
2-Morgan Kohler
3-Emily Gutenstein
3-Kyle Morse
4-Alex Haney
8-Alexis Ficarro
8-Evelyn Orenbuch
8-Stuart Napshin
10-Kristine Goldstein
13-Jacob Kohler
14-Matthew Kaplan
15-Katie Beal
17-Brad Seitel
18-Sue Goldstein
19-Wendy Meyer
22-David Landau
29-Bess Gutenstein
29-Ethan Catlin
29-Paige Ashworth-Harbas


Mazel Tov

Happy Anniversary




4-Beth & Tom Ficarro 
4-Enid & Hal Schwartz 
4-Rachel & Harvey Beal 
6-Karen & Robert Goldstein (20)
8-Heidi & Paul Meyer 
11-Amy & DJ Barker (10)
11-Daryl & Dennis McMillan 
11-Kristine & Michael Goldstein  12-Larry & Susan Goldstein 
19-Caren & Tom Doleys 
19-Caren & Tom Doleys 
19-Vanessa & Chad Morse 
22-Emily & Harry Lembeck 
27-Jennifer & Brad Seitel  




   Refuah Shleima 

Please keep Sue Goldstein in your prayers for a return to health.


Please keep Mel Krupnick in your prayers for a return to health.


Please keep Hal Schwartz, husband of Enid and father of Charlie Schwartz in your prayers for a return to health


Please keep Francine Bochakoff,  Gayle Kaplan's Mother in your prayers for a return to health.


Please keep Elaine Gutenstein's father in your prayers for a return to health.


 Please keep Jule Kagan's mother, Mildred Kagan, in your prayers for a return to health.


Please keep Linda Kamisher in your prayers for a return to health.



Have we left off a birthday or anniversary? Please let us know.


Articles, Events and Mazel Tov's can be submitted to [email protected] 



Foundations of Faith Archive 










Foundations of Faith


Kim Epstein

Mel Krupnick 


CNT Logo  
Clergy and Staff  

Rabbi Thomas P. Liebschutz


Religious School Principal

Heidi Meyer


Hebrew Director

Joe Rosenfeld


Religious School Admin. Asst.

Karen Goldstein



CNT's Board Members 



Vice President:
Director of Communications: Kim Epstein 
Director of Education:
Director at Large:
Director at Large:
Past President:


































This has been an active year for CNT's Adult Education Program and if you haven't been attending the adult education sessions, you are missing out.


After starting off the Adult Ed program on Yom Kippur with the stimulating afternoon "break" discussion of "The G-d Survey" , CNT sponsored two terrific programs at the KSU Holocaust and WW II Museum, the second of which was a sellout and was shown to an overflow, standing room only audience. The Rabbi led three adult ed programs, with sessions on The Jewish Reformed Movement, The "Choreography" of Services, and a discussion on the three major wings of Judaism.


We can look forward to another great discussion during the Yom Kippur "break" this year and the Adult Education Committee is planning some stimulating programs and hope to see everyone at programs like: "Judaism and Social Change", Judaism and The Civil Rights Movement, and others in the works for the coming Jewish New Year.


The Adult Education Committee is also sponsoring a monthly book club and invite everyone to join in for discussions of some wonderful books selected by the club.
Our next book club reading is a tale of survival and struggle in Russia during the 1800's ending finally with emigration to the United States after a difficult journey across Siberia to China and then the U.S. It is the story of so many of our family ancestors that we know you will be anxious to read this book and will have a hard time putting it down. It can be purchased on Amazon or you can contact Jule Kagan or Joel Landsberg and we will get a copy for you.


I have been a member of Ner Tamid for three years. I have served on the Board as Secretary and I am currently the chair of the Adult Education with Joel Landsberg, Michelle Hainey and Elaine Guttenstein. Professionally, I have a clinic The Sensory Affective Play Clinic LLC where I provide Occupational Therapy for all types of children; from Autism , ADHD to Sensory Processing Disorder. I share my home with Michat (14yr cat) and Simcha (11yr dog). I enjoy gardening, tango dancing and studying Spanish.


Jule Kagan
Board Secretary
Adult Education Chair
Congregation Ner Tamid  


This Week's Torah Portion
Korach Numbers 16:1−18:32
Now Korach, son of Izhar son of Kohath son of Levi, betook himself, along with Dathan and Abiram sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth--decendants of Reuben--to rise up against Moses, ... - Numbers 16:1-2
Korach and his followers, Dathan and Abiram, lead a rebellion against the leadership of Moses and Aaron. God punishes the rebels by burying them and their families alive. Once again, God brings a plague on the people. (16:1-17:15)
The chief of each tribe deposits his staff inside the Tent of Meeting. Aaron's staff brings forth sprouts, produces blossoms, and bears almonds. (17:16-26)
The Kohanim and Levites are established and assigned the responsibility of managing the donations to the Sanctuary. All of the firstborn offerings shall go to the priests and all the tithes are designated for the Levites in return for the services they perform. (18:1-32)
Korach for Tots
Korach, Numbers 16:1−18:32
By: Ellen and Peter Allard (Excerpt)
Included in the Book of Numbers is the story of Korach and his followers, Dathan and Abiran, who lead a revolt against Moses and Aaron. While still wandering in the desert, these rebels question Moses' and Aaron's authority. They are unwilling to listen any longer to instructions, and they clearly are unhappy with the hierarchy of power. They accuse Moses and Aaron of elevating themselves above the community. Their rationale is that the entire community is holy, not just Moses and Aaron. But Moses' reaction is particularly interesting: He falls on his face, as if bowing to Korach. Many theories exist about Moses' intentions and the lessons that can be learned from his response.
By "falling on his face," Moses teaches us how to act upon our rights as parents. He doesn't act rashly. He takes the time to carefully reflect upon the situation at hand so that he can respond judiciously. After a nights' sleep (although it's not clear from the text whether he sleeps fitfully or not!), he lets the rebels know in no uncertain terms that their behavior has been aberrant, that they have overstepped their boundaries.
Aberrant behavior, overstepping of boundaries, questioning of authority-We've all experienced these acts one way or another, either with our own children or as the teachers of children. It's natural for children to push the envelope, to see how far they can go in an attempt to get their way. It's part of the growing-up process. How we handle ourselves as parents or teachers will set the stage for future situations and the acquisition of life skills.
How much easier it might be if our children came with a manual! Because this isn't the case, we instead learn how to be parents by modeling our own parents, by seeking their advice or the advice of friends who are parents, by following examples we see demonstrated by other parents, as well as by trial and error. Some of us visit therapists to learn how to deal more effectively with our children. Some read self-help books about rearing offspring.
While Moses waited until morning to respond to Korach, as parents, we sometimes find ourselves in situations that demand our immediate attention, where quick reactions are important to the health and safety of our children. We don't have time to explain patiently the importance of not standing in the front seat of a grocery shopping cart when our 4-year-old is about to fall out face first. Our adrenalin rushes, we raise our voice, we grab the child, and we ensure his or her safety. Only when the child is seated safely again in the cart and our heart has stopped racing can we then explain patiently why he/she mustn't do that again. In such situations, there is no other option. Certainly, our child's safety is uppermost in our minds.
However, when circumstances allow us to think and consider all the dynamics of a situation, like that of Moses, we can model a thoughtful and measured response. Whether it means waiting a day or more to think about our answer or taking a deep breath and not spitting out the first words that come to us, our children will benefit by this behavior.
Parshat Korach helps reinforce the idea that parents and teachers need to think about how to handle difficult situations, whether with their children or students, or even with their peers. They also need to be aware of the ramifications of their choices. Moses, with his measured, reflective response to a subordinates' challenge, can teach all parents to think beyond the immediate moment, to think about how their actions will shape the future actions of their children.
Questions and Ideas for Parents:
1.Do you think a parent is justified in saying the words "Because I said so" to his/her children? What other messages are being sent when a parent says these four words?
2.If you were Moses, how would you have reacted to Korach and his band of rebels?
3.Do you think children should be allowed to participate in important family decisions? What do children learn by participating in decision-making discussions?
4.What kind of daily decisions do you encourage your children to make?
Questions for Children:
1.If you ask your parents for a new toy and they say no, how do you feel?
2.Do you think children should get everything they want?
3.Have you ever had a temper tantrum when you didn't get what you wanted? How did you feel when you were finished? Can you think of other ways you can get what you want that doesn't involve having a tantrum?  


Links for full Articles: 


Torah Portion

Torah for Tots

Torah for Tweens



With fondness and affection we recall those 

whose Yahrzeits are in June

We remember ...     



Mary Sherrill, Grandmother of DJ Barker
Mildred Perlman, Aunt of Robin Flake
Sam Perlman, Grandfather of Robin Flake
Doris Betty Kamisher, Mother of Linda Kamisher
Lawrence Kamisher, Father of Linda Kamisher
Peter Liebschutz, Brother of Thomas Liebschutz
Leonard Segal, Father of Ken Segal
Jeanne Friedman, Grandmother of Julie Berenson
Rabbi Samuel Zakuto, Grandfather of Matthew Berenson
Bernard Berenson, Grandfather of Matthew Berenson
Abe Stern, Grandfather of Matthew Berenson
George Malin, Grandfather of Caren Doleys
Abbie Jan Huebsch, Daughter of Sue and Robert Huebsch  

Yehi zichronam l'vracha - may their memories be for a blessing; 

may they rest in peace. Amen. 


Observe the tradition of giving tzedekah (charity) to commemorate 

the annual Yahrzeit of a loved one's passing by making a 

donation in his or her memory.

Click to donate


Contribution Opportunities 


Whether it is in honor of a Bar Mitzvah, birthday, anniversary, or in memory of someone special there are several lifetime events to consider a donation towards Congregation Ner Tamid.


 Did you know that we have the following funds in place?


Rabbi Thomas and Marilyn Liebschutz Scholarship Fund

Education Fund

General Fund

High Holiday Fund

Future Building Fund

CNT Summer Camp Grant

Sunshine Fund (for assisting those in need) 


We would like to acknowledge the following for their

generous gifts to Congregation Ner Tamid


Julie and Matt Berenson - In Memory of Bill Hawley

Julie and Matt Berenson - in Honor of Marci and Ernie Zied's 50th Wedding Anniversary  



Please consider a donation towards Congregation Ner Tamid as a way to honor or celebrate those that you care about. 


Recognition letters are sent for all donations and contributions made. 


Click to donate   



Volunteers Needed
Do you love children?
Do you want to share your knowledge or learn something new?
The Religious School needs YOU!!
What a MITZVAH to bring joy and education to children.
We are in need of energetic and fun people for Congregations Ner Tamid's Dynamic Religious School for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year.
  • Lead pre-K through first grade mixed class (less than 10 children)
  • Assistant pre-k through first grade mixed class
  • Assistant for fourth grade
  • Assistant for seventh grade

Please contact Heidi Meyer for more information. 

Congregation Ner Tamid is now on Facebook
Visit our page and Like Us!
There is a wealth of information on Judaism, dates for events around town, current articles and more.
Visit often to be the first to know!
 Like us on Facebook


CNT Gift Shop Now Online

Check out our Gift Shop!!


Visit CNT's virtual Gift Shop for eveything you need!


Plus- a portion of the proceeds from everything you purchase through our Gift Shop comes right back to our Community!


 Available Gifts

The Gift Shop offers a wide variety of gifts found on, including:




B'nai Mitzvah Items

If there is something you would like to purchase from that is not in our onlinestore, please email Jen Harriman to have items added.

Once you purchase anything through our store, Gives Back a percentage to CNT

What's Happening in the Religious School







Early Registration ends June 15th!!


Early enrollment is in full swing for the 2013-2014 CNT Religious School year. Please go to to register today. Early registration, which ends June 15, will save you $50 per child! Open enrollment begins June 16. Classes are available from Pre-K up to 12th grade. Student volunteers are always welcome for 8th graders and older. We are looking forward to another great year.  



 Upcoming Community Events

Anyone interested in attending any of these events as a group,

Contact [email protected] 

Congregation Ner Tamid Members and Community
Are Invited to Attend The Bat Mitzvah of
Lucy Alexis Haney
Daughter of Michelle and Shane Haney

Please join us as Lucy is called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah

 This Friday, June 7th 2013 at 7:00 pm


Oneg reception hosted by the Haney family to follow

Service will be led by Rabbi Thomas P. Liebschutz


Congregation Ner Tamid
(Christ Lutheran Church)
176 West Sandtown Rd.
Marietta, GA 30064

Lucy is a rising 8th grader at Woodland Middle School in Cartersville GA. Her interests include dance, acting, and traveling. She is very interested in learning about how to promote social justice in her community. Lucy's mitzvah project involved helping with a food collection project for a program called Back Pack Buddies, which provides a backpack filled with food a child can eat on the weekends for children who may not have enough food to eat. She worked with her the school counselor at Mission Road Elementary to support this program.

Shabbaton in Columbus, GA Weekend of June 7th

The weekend of June 7th, Congregation Temple Israel in Columbus, Georgia is holding a Shabbaton. It begins with a Friday evening service. There is a Saturday morning service and a study session in the afternoon. Sunday, you can join a group that goes to Ft. Benning and participates in a service with service men and women from the base and then provides breakfast.  Several from CNT are planning to attend the event, and it should be a great opportunity to learn and meet new people.  Registration has just ended, however if you want to attend, contact Matt Berenson; he'll look into the possibility of getting you added.



Volunteer Opportunity

You are invited to spend a day with CNT as we volunteer at the Atlanta Community Food Bank!


Saturday, June 15th.
 1:00pm to 4:00pm


We have an opportunuty for 30 volunteers to make a diference for a day!

Please see detailed information below for instructions and guidelines

Volunteers must be at least 8 years old.


Click to Register




Play Your Game @ The Breman Museum

Come visit the Project Mah Jongg Exhibition with your group and stay with us for an afternoon! Host your weekly game in a different setting, share our space and join our community! Free with admission.

Reservation required.
Game On @ the Breman Museum

Calling all families! Bring your kids to the museum, explore Project Mah Jongg, play board games in our gallery. Experience the Breman in a fun new way.

Sundays, June 23 through August 11, 2-4 pm.



For more information about programming tel. 678.222.3724, [email protected]



Jewish Family & Career Services Volunteer Orientations

Wednesday, June 12th 12:00 noon

JF&CS Dunwoody, 4549 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Atlanta, GA 30338 770.677.9300

Volunteer orientations provide a 60-minute overview of JF&CS and volunteer opportunities.

Click for more information

RSVP to [email protected]



There are just a few spots left to attend Kutz:

NFTY's Campus for Reform Jewish Teens this summer!

Nearly 200 teens are already registered for the Reform Movement's premiere teen leadership program (
If you a teen who would be a perfect fit for this program, please e-mail Melissa Frey, Kutz Camp Director, at [email protected].

