On August 27, the National Dental PBRN held a face-to-face meeting for network staff from all regions. The hosts of this year’s meeting were the Southwest Node Director, Dr. David Cochran, and Assistant Director, Dr. Rahma Mungia. Local practitioners, Drs. Sridhar Eswaran, Cheryl Davis, Thomas Linton, and Michael Bates as well as practitioner executive committee members Drs. Theresa Madden and Deidra Snell joined Network staff in-person or online.
In the welcome dinner, Dr. Vasan Ramachandran, from UT Health San Antonio, gave a very engaging presentation about the Framingham and the RURAL studies. Dr. Ramachandran shared insights on how lessons from these cohort studies could benefit future dental research. The meeting included presentations from network staff and study principal investigators, and lots of discussions about the Network’s ongoing studies, and upcoming publications.
We look forward to the continued growth and success of the Network as we apply these insights and ideas to our future activities.