Network Connection
November 2020
Greetings Missouri Community Action Network,  

By the time you receive the November edition of Network Connection, Election Day will have come and gone for our nation. As of this writing, though, it is only a few days away and I’m looking forward to exercising my right to vote. Having been an employee and member of the Community Action movement for a little over seven years now, I am more deeply committed to my civic duty. I would guess that most of our jobs today, regardless of our roles, would not exist without the advocacy and activism efforts that spurred the creation of Community Action. Those efforts, and so many efforts since, have propelled our movement for over 55 years! Has your connection with Community Action been a call to action, or a call to more action, for you? 

It certainly has for me.  

At the heart of each of our agency’s missions is the commitment to serve those living with poverty and to address the conditions and suffering caused by a lack of financial and other basic resources in our communities. Donna Beegle, a longtime anti-poverty advocate, recently shared this question on social media: 

“Do you believe that ending poverty and racism starts with you?”  

She went on to say, “Every single one of us has to do deep identity work to unveil our own attitudes and beliefs about poverty, racism, and the people impacted by both.” Of course, she’s spot-on. But I would add that if you believe ending poverty and racism starts with you, it is equally important to engage with your local, state, and federally elected leaders and political processes. Through deep identity work and through advocacy, we should elevate and further the interests of the poor and those who’ve been marginalized for far too long.  

When discussing this election, a colleague of mine identified 2020 as a “crucible moment” for our nation and more specifically for those of us in Community Action. A crucible moment is, by definition, a transformative experience by which an individual, or in this case, a collective of individuals, comes to an altered or new sense of identity. 

We have been challenged this year in so many ways. In Community Action, we’ve been faced with our identity and what it’s become over time. We have been called to develop a renewed focus; to pick up the mantle once again against the institutionalized isms that perpetuate suffering, oppression, and lack of economic power. 

Do you feel that in your community? In your Community Action?

I truly hope so. And if you have, what are you doing in response?  

Advocate, act, and fight for equity.

Exercise your civil rights and civic duties—on behalf of you and your family, yes.
But also on behalf of those you serve as an employee of Community Action. 
Dawna Fogarty
Executive Director, Missouri CAN
Network Capacity - Helping you help others
UPCOMING WEBINAR: Stress Management and Compassion Fatigue

Registration is open for our Stress Management and Compassion Fatigue webinar, which will be held on Wednesday, November 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This was the most requested topic on our annual Training and Technical Assistance survey, and we are excited to kick off the fiscal year by bringing it to you! 
During the webinar, participants will learn myths and facts about stress, understand how to identify their own personal stressors, brainstorm healthy habits to eliminate stress, and work towards an understanding of compassion fatigue and its personal impacts.  This webinar will be heavily focused on personal methods of dealing with stress rather than interpersonal or workplace conflicts. Be prepared for an engaging, interactive session that will allow you to do some work on an individual plan to combat your own stress.

Register today to save your spot for this November 18 webinar. Webinar access information will be provided in your registration confirmation email.
Stress Management and Compassion Fatigue
November 18, 2020
9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Equipping Staff Through Robust Orientation and Training:
Digging Deeper into Organizational Standards 7.8 and 7.9

Organizational Standards 7.8 and 7.9 address the need for timely employee orientation and ongoing training/development. While the minimum requirement is to conduct the orientation within 60 days of hire and ensure ongoing training opportunities are available, a training plan that ties these activities together and connects to the performance evaluation can better equip staff to excel in their positions and improve employee retention.

Join this National Communication Action Partnership webinar on November 12 to learn about meeting this standard, as well as components of orientation and training to consider as the CAA moves beyond compliance.   
Equipping Staff Through Robust Orientation and Training
Digging Deeper into Organizational Standards 7.8 and 7.9
November 12, 2020
1 p.m. CST
Let's Chat! Missouri CAN Coffee Klatch

Grab a hot cup of coffee or your favorite beverage of choice and join Missouri CAN for a casual discussion of our FFY 2021 Training and Technical Assistance plan. We’ll be sharing the results of our annual T/TA Survey and taking you through an overview of this year’s training calendar to give you a preview of what’s to come. We also want to hear from you. Is there a training that you’d really like to see? Do you have a suggestion for the kind of formatting that works best for you? This is an opportunity for you to share with us and connect with your neighbors in Community Action in a laid-back, informal environment. We know how busy you all are, and we want to extend this opportunity to enjoy something good to drink, share, and be present with one another. 
Missouri CAN Coffee Klatch
December 3, 2020
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
UPCOMING TRAINING: United in Purpose

Did you know that the Community Action movement has its roots in the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964? Or that by 1965, all 114 of Missouri’s counties were served by a local Community Action Agency? 

Today, there are more than 1000 Community Action Agencies nationwide that serve nearly 99% of the counties and territories of the United States. As an employee, you are part of a vast network of individuals united around a common mission to alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty. 

The United in Purpose training is designed to introduce new employees to the history, vision, and values of Community Action. On December 9, your staff has an opportunity to learn more about the structure of this nationwide movement, what makes it so unique, and the things that bind us together, regardless of the programs or individuals that we serve. Anyone who is employed by or has a stake in the work of a Community Action Agency is invited to participate in this training.
United in Purpose
December 9, 2020
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Advocacy - A voice for low-income Missourians
COMING SOON: 2021 Legislative Relationship Survey

With the recent general election, it's time to see what relationships you have with elected officials. Look for the 2021 legislative relationship survey in the coming month.
Amendment 3 Passes - Rolls Back Clean Missouri

Although the outcome of the presidential race hung in the balance, we knew the outcome of Missouri-specific elections and ballot measures on election night. Sadly, Amendment 3 passed, which Missouri CAN opposed.

This effectively rolls back "Clean Missouri" and means there will NOT be a non-partisan demographer. Boundary lines for political maps will be redrawn to disenfranchise communities of color and communities with large populations of children.

Individual local governmental entities expect significant decreased revenues of a total unknown amount. State governmental entities expect no cost or savings.
Missouri CAN Capacity - Helping us help you
CAA Operations and COVID-19 Resources
We're dedicated to keeping you informed of developments relevant to serving low-income Missourians. We continue to update this resource regularly with advocacy updates, information on CAA operations across the state, guidance from federal partners, and more.
If operations have changed at your agency with the new wave of COVID-19 cases, please let us know. We'll keep your operations information current online for people seeking assistance.
Upcoming Meetings
We continue to hold our trainings and meetings virtually. Stay up to date on the schedule of our virtual meeting dates through our online calendar of events.
Community Action Agency Stories - Sharing Your Successes and Innovative Programs
Share Your Successes With Us!

We've assembled stories from all 19 Missouri CAAs to share with legislators, partner organizations, and the general public. We want to show the world how Community Action is helping people and changing lives during this pandemic.

However, we know you continue to innovate with programs due to COVID-19. Share your stories with us, and we'll share what creative things you are doing with the full Network.
Let's stay connected! E-mail Us | Missouri CAN |(573) 634-2969