


POPS Study Updates

Attention all POPS practitioners and study staff!

Register now for the POPS Study Updates Webinar on November 10th at 12:15PM. This will be a 45-minute update on the study's progress presented by Dr. Walji, the POPS principal investigator; Dr. Tungare, Postdoctoral Research Fellow; and Dr. Alan Law, a practicing endodontist and POPS study practitioner. All National Dental PBRN network members involved in the study can receive 0.75 CEU for attending.

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FreSH on Smoking Cessation

Smoking cessation decreases the incidence and progression of many oral health problems. Most smokers attempt to quit, but the majority of quit attempts are unaided by smoking cessation medications and end in relapse. To combat this, we recommend dentists and dental hygienists utilize the Ask-Advise-Refer method (AAR). By asking patients if they smoke, advising them to quit, and then referring the patient to national quitlines for counseling, patients are connected to evidence-based treatments that increase their chances of quitting. Smoking cessation decreases the incidence and progression of many oral health problems. Most smokers attempt to quit, but the majority of quit attempts are unaided by smoking cessation medications and end in relapse. To combat this, we recommend dentists and dental hygienists utilize the Ask-Advise-Refer method (AAR). By asking patients if they smoke, advising them to quit, and then referring the patient to national quitlines for counseling, patients are connected to evidence-based treatments that increase their chances of quitting. 

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Current Studies in 2023

PAAS is a randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of adjunctive antibiotics versus placebo for the treatment of periodontitis. We need 36 practitioners from the South Central, South Western, and Western regions to enroll patients with periodontitis undergoing scaling and root planing. Contact us if you are interested! 

Periodontal Adjunctive Antibiotics - PAAS

Inviting all practitioners from the Network’s Midwest and Northeast Regions only to participate in this trial to help their patients quit smoking.

Dentists will enroll patients who smoke, and then deliver a brief intervention called Ask-Advise-Refer. Patients will receive a free bag containing an electric toothbrush or Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) samples. 

Free Samples for Health - FreSH

The POPS study is an exciting research project that aims to provide insight into pain experienced by patients after dental procedures. The goal is to recruit 170 practitioners to enroll a maximum of 3,147 patients who have undergone a surgical dental procedure. With approximately 150 practitioners and over 2,000 patients participating already, the POPS study is in its final stretch. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this research and contribute to the understanding of pain management in dental procedures.

Post-Operative Pain  - POPS

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to contribute to this pioneering effort and help improve dental implant therapy outcomes! The registry aims to investigate the success of implant therapy and the rate of complications by tracking 2,000 total dental implants nationwide. This is the first national implant restoration registry funded by the NIH/NIDCR. By enrolling just 10 patients with dental implants at the time of prosthesis placement and following them for three years, you can contribute to this groundbreaking study.

Dental Implant Restoration Registry - DIRR
To join a clinical study, contact us today!

Improving the nation's oral health by improving

the knowledge base for clinical decision-making

and moving the latest evidence into routine care

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The National Dental Practice-Based Research Network is supported by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), grants U19-DE-028717 and U01-DE-028727

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