As WRFI's Social Media Manager, who works remotely, I have lots of opportunities to chat with our community virtually, but rarely get the chance to make connections face to face. That changed in a big way over the past few weeks as I visited Missoula and traveled throughout Colorado to recruit on several campuses. It has been such a joy to spend time with WRFI office staff, incoming students, alumni, course instructors, as well as so many new friends - students, professors, and advisors who welcomed me to their schools and were excited to learn more about WRFI. I was reminded how passionate all of these people are about experiential education and environmental work, and it was truly inspiring. WRFI has held a special place in my heart since I took Environmental Ethics in 2016, but my love deepened during this trip as I got to witness just a fraction of the widespread impact it's had on people across generations and the country.
On top of all that, Colorado absolutely showed off for me in all its late winter glory. I enjoyed many warm, sunny days in the Front Range, happily strolling through the Colorado State, CU Boulder, and CU Denver campuses in my WRFI t-shirt. Over the weekend, I visited the incomparable Rocky Mountain National Park and got to slip and slide across frozen Emerald Lake and watch the local elk herd laze about in Estes Park. My drive to Western Colorado University was stunning, with a dusting of snow falling in the evening light as I drove over Monarch Pass. I arrived in Colorado Springs to a cotton candy sunset and a gorgeously clear next day. I can't thank the beautiful people and landscapes of Colorado enough for the warm welcome. I so hope WRFI and I can return the favor and welcome you to Montana this year!
My time on this recruiting trip is coming to an end, but I'm already looking forward to the next time I'll get to visit this very special place. Thank you WRFI for this opportunity and thank you, as always, to our community for being here with us.