Dear Steve,
DID YOU KNOW that more than two-thirds of those who work after age 50 say that working boosts their physical health, mental health, and/or their overall wellbeing, according to a new report from the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging?
Nearly half (46%) of those who work say that having a sense of purpose is a very important reason for doing so. The same percentage strongly agrees that working keeps their brain sharp.
Those who were still working past age 65 were more likely to report that work has very positive impacts on their health and well-being, and to strongly agree that working keeps their brain sharp.
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Bonnie C. Minsky Award Winner
Congratulations to Tasneem Ali for winning this year's scholarship! Read more about her and the scholarship at this page.
Steve Minsky MS, HWC
As a Health and Wellness Counselor, Steve analyzes and offer solutions to optimize human functioning not only with food, but every aspect of your lifestyle, whether for prevention or healing. More info on Steve's services.
This is a reminder if you are eligible to expense through your HSA or FSA account, use it for our services, labs, and supplements.
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Text Us If Convenient at (847) 497-0902
Text is the quickest way to communicate with us (questions for Bonnie need to be by email).
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Pet Wellness
Our dietary supplement line for dogs and cats, ThorneVet, has an impeccable reputation among veterinarians. Carolyn Martinelli "Coach Care" can answer your questions about ThorneVet pet supplements at Please leave detailed contact information as well as the name, age, sex, breed, and/or health issue(s) and med(s) of your pet so Carolyn can respond accordingly. To order from our wellness shop, please visit here (for prices, enter the Guest Area password: discount2018).
Online Gift Cards
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Standard Blood Work
For a list of standard blood tests for new or existing clients, please go to this page and look at Steve or Bonnie's wellness forms.
Stool Analysis
For gastrointestinal, autoimmune, or allergy-related maladies, stool analysis is a wonderful way to detect how to heal from the inside out.
Genomics Testing
For lifestyle and diet-related genetic predisposition, go to the "Pure Insight" section below.
Food Reaction Testing
Because true food allergies are rare, please Email Steve or Bonnie for authorization to get our IgE food allergy, IgE mold/fungus allergy, or celiac panel. For questions about the tests and how to prepare, contact our office staff.
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For Prevention or During Infection
Year-round infection is the new normal. We are exposed to many endemic viruses including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), monkeypox, and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Support your immune system with our Free Prevent and Fight Infection 2.0 Protocol here.
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Warning: Counterfeit, Adulterated Supplements Online | On the internet, especially at Amazon, there is an epidemic of counterfeit, adulterated, and purposely mislabeled dietary supplements. A recent analysis of SAMe supplements sold on Amazon found 20 of 24 failed potency tests. Aman was arrested for selling counterfeit Pure Encapsulations products. A study from JAMA Network Open found that half of immune products analyzed from Amazon had labels that did not match the contents. Know yor supplier! | |
Have a happy, healthy day! Steve and Bonnie Minsky | |
- WC Feature* Methylation
- Never Follow These Diets Long-Term
- March 20% OFF Sale
- Case Report
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- Chiro Corner NEW!
- Pure Genomics
- Blog Briefs - Why We Have Long Scalp Hair
- Well Connect Member Benefits
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*This article is reserved for paid NCI Well Connect Membership. | | |
Eating Styles We Never Recommend Long-Term | | |
Steve: The first two we do not recommend long-term. The third one we do!
Processed Plant-Based
Many vegans find that their choices are limited if they adhere to a strictly unprocessed plant-based eating style. Now that processed vegan foods are ubiquitous, they are just as harmful as any other ultra-processed eating style, according to a new study from The Lancet Regional Health - Europe. The authors found that eating such plant-based junk foods dramatically raised bad cholesterol and hypertension and can lead to heart disease and early death.
Ketogenic Diets
A continuous long-term ketogenic diet may induce senescence, or aged, cells in normal tissues, with effects on heart and kidney function in particular, according to research from Science Advances. A ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that leads to the generation of ketones, a type of chemical that the liver produces when it breaks down fats. While a ketogenic diet improves certain health conditions and is popular for weight loss, pro-inflammatory effects also have been reported. It should only be used short-term unless otherwise instructed by your health professional.
Higher Protein, Fiber, and Individualization
A study from Obesity Science & Practice purports that participants on a self-directed dietary education program who had the greatest success at losing weight across a 25-month period consumed greater amounts of protein and fiber. Personalization also was key in creating plans that participants could adhere to over time. At the one-year mark, 41% of successful participants had lost 12.9% of their body weight, compared with the remainder of the study sample, who lost slightly more than 2% of their starting weight.
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*Use password discount2018 at Guest Area to access pricing
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On-Call Bathroom Behavior Solved | |
Steve saw a lovely older woman with collagenous colitis. Even on high-dose budenoside, which is a steroid, her diarrhea was so bad that she was deathly afraid to be anywhere where a bathroom wasn't close by.
Steve presented evidence that there were myriad diet and lifestyle factors contributing to her situation. She admitted that following the plan was going to be very difficult because not only were many of the foods ones she had been eating for decades, but there were significant emotional and cultural connections to these foods. Luckily, she had a very supportive family to help her adjust to her new diet and lifestyle.
After Steve checked in with her at 30 days, she had obviously followed everything to the letter. The diarrhea had stopped, as had her cramping and pain. Her bloated belly was much better. Other symptoms, such as burning in her toes and right foot stopped about four days into the new regimen. Night cramps in her legs also stopped. In conjunction with her physician, she is working slowly to wean her off budenoside.
Her disposition is now even lovelier then when she first came in :)
Did you have a great experience working with us? Please let others know by leaving a review here.
Disclaimer: Case reports are not intended for self-healing. Case reports are for references purposes only and should be discussed with your health professional.
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A Boy With Cerebral Palsy | |
In Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul there’s an account of a boy with cerebral palsy, named Tim. Tim had grown a lot during adolescence yet the insurance company had delayed the construction of an appropriately sized wheelchair for him. A year of not fitting properly in his current wheelchair left him in a fetal position with intense pain in his back and belly.
Tests at a children’s hospital were negative and the pain medication they prescribed caused constipation. His father decided to bring Tim in to see his chiropractor because of the pain and because Tim hadn’t pooped in 10 days. He was so weak that he could barely whisper and his dad had to carry him into the clinic.
The chiropractor felt his spine and noticed that the top bone in his neck, called the Atlas, was way out of alignment. Tim remained in the fetal position as he lay on his side for his neck to be realigned. A moment after his adjustment Tim exclaimed, “that felt great.” The color flooded back into his face and his body straightened.
His dad offered to carry him back to the car but Tim responded, “I think I’ll try to walk Dad - will you help me?” As he walked to the front desk the receptionist said, “I’ve witnessed a lot of recoveries over the years, but nothing like that.” After Tim’s first adjustment he received chiropractic care every week for more amazing recoveries!
Dr. Liselotte Schuster is a Holistic Family Chiropractor and has been in practice with Nutritional Concepts since 1989. She uses a variety of techniques, including low level laser, to help patients reach their full potential. Contact Dr. Schuster at (847) 509-9067 or
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Why PureInsight (formerly Genomics)? | | |
PureInsight (formerly )Genomics harnesses the science of nutrigenomics so you can understand the relationship between your genes, nutrition, and wellness at the deepest level. Covering 72 genes in 11 trait categories, we've used Pure Insight since 2015 to help clients live longer with better quality of life. | |
How to Get Started
- Order a genetic kit directly from or and send back your saliva specimen.
- When your results are ready, request that we set up a PureInsight account for you. We just need your full name, email address, and date of birth.
- You will receive an email invitation from PureInsight with a link to set up your account and instructions for how to upload 23andMe or Ancestry data.
- You will receive a confirmation from PureInsight when your report is ready and we can then set up an appointment to go over your results.
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What Is a Paid NCI Well Connect Membership? | | |
Twice Weekly eNewsletters with Tons of Extra Content
Long-form issues on Mondays and Wednesdays address all aspects of wellness including nutrition, mental and emotional health, physical activity, cooking, brand awareness, dietary supplements, medical breakthroughs, and much more.
Pure Genomics Wellness Screening
Results are free. Analysis with Steve or Bonnie is a separate fee.
Website Page Dedicated to Members Only
Only paid members have exclusive, password protected access to our 48 title Action Plan Library, Natural Foods Shopping List (updated quarterly), and the most recent 100 issues of our email newsletter.
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*Use password: discount2018 in Guest Area | |
*If you prefer to call in or email your orders, continue to do so. Whatever is convenient and comfortable is what we want for you.
Password Required For Website Orders
To make purchases, enter the password discount2018 when prompted at the "Guest Area" firewall, which is necessary for us to show our discounted pricing.
Easy Search
Whether on your computer or mobile device, find anything you want quickly using our website search feature.
Reorder Easily By Registering At Our Website
Registering as a member of our website will allow you to reorder items quickly. At our homepage, simply click on "Log In" and sign up. There, you can create a profile and see all of your previous orders, as well as make a wishlist of items you frequently order. Click the heart icon next to the add to cart button to add any item to your wishlist.
There are two passwords returning customers need to have.
- Password to log into your account. This is the password you entered when you first registered at our site. Only you know this password.
- Password to get past the "Guest Area" firewall: discount2018. The password will always be discount2018 unless we notify you.
3 Options for Fulfilling Your Order at The Wellness Shop
- Place your order to be shipped.
- Place your order for pickup at our office.
- Place your order online but pay offline by calling in your credit card info.
Pay for Appointments
Pay for your appointment directly from our wellness shop under Service Fees.
Self-Help Action Plans
Inexpensive self-help protocols covering myriad conditions. These do not replace individualized consultations. View all 48 titles under Action Plans.
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Password protected webpage reserved for paid NCI Well Connect Members. Access the Members Only Archives Page here and enter the password. | |
If you don't already get by email, we post our free newsletter at our website blog. | |
Text, email, or ask questions directly from our website. | |
We appreciate your continued patronage and support.
Have a happy, healthy day.
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Bonnie, Steve, Lilo, Lori, Sharron, Cindy, Diana, and Marisa | |
1535 Lake Cook Road, Suite 204
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone 847-498-3422
Text 847-497-0902
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Hours Of Operation
Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM
Saturday 9AM to 4PM
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Use discount2018 at Guest Area to for pricing
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PE Reduced Glutathione
PE Buffered Ascorbic Acid Caps MT UltraFlora Acute Care
MT Bone Builder with Boron
MT UltraFlora Triplebiotic
MT Silymarin 80
Carl Super Omega-3 Fish Gems
Now Lutein & Zeaxanthin
Nature's Way GTF Chromium
Ab GF Grain-Free Flatbread
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