Paving of the roads in the Darby Road West neighborhood is scheduled to begin on April 27 with the milling of driveways, followed by asphalt overlay on all roads in this area will occur May 1-6.
Background: This is the first installment of an overall program to maintain our roadways. In 2021, the GCA hired Applied Pavement Technology (APT) to perform a road assessment and prepare a repair plan for the next 30 years. This study was incorporated into our Reserve Analysis. This work was planned for 2022, but due to the County's CIP project it was postponed until spring of this year. SL Williamson was the successful bidder, and the cost is approximately $290,000 which will be paid for out of our Reserve Fund
Residents of Darby West Neighborhood: A letter, complete schedule of the work in the area and a color coded map of streets effected has been emailed and a copy placed in your mail cubby.
All other Glenmore residents: Please review the schedule and map referenced above and restrict your travel to effected streets
Your support and cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact the CARB Chair at