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December 23, 2023

Holiday Trash and Recycling Pick-up

Because Christmas and New Year's Day fall on Monday, Trash and Recycling will be collected one day later.

Tuesday, Dec 26 - Trash

Tuesday, Jan 2 - Trash & Recycling

Be careful out there...

Glenmore's terrain and low lighting, combined with holiday season partying and merriment are a recipe for accidents. Please drive carefully.

Remember to garage your vehicles, and remind your guests to lock theirs. Do not leave valuables, e.g. purses, wallets, cell phone and other electronics or gifts and packages, in unlocked cars.

If you experience vandalism or theft, call 911, first. You may also report incidents to Gatehouse personnel, but they are not law enforcement officers and cannot respond to your concerns.

...and register your guests, any service workers and others with the Gatehouse.

Help traffic move through the Visitor gate efficiently: Register your guests, contractors, household workers, caregivers, etc. with the Gatehouse. Remember construction and lawn care work is not permitted on Sundays, and holidays, Christmas and New Year's which fall on Monday.

Please register all visitors using the TEKControl Visitor Management app which you can download to your smartphone or tablet from the appropriate app store. 

With more than 900 residences in Glenmore, the volume of phone and email messages to our gatehouse is often quite heavy. By using the app, you will help our gatehouse staff better manage gatehouse traffic. 

Of course you can still communicate with the gatehouse staff as always:

Mark Your Calendar!


GCA Annual Meeting


The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Glenmore Community Association will be held on: 

Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Club at Glenmore Ballroom. 

Christmas Tree Pick-up

GFL will collect Christmas trees throughout January, the starting date TBA.

Your recycled tree should be:

  • Stripped of all ornaments, tinsel, etc. 
  • NOT be bagged,
  • Cut it in 3 foot sections,
  • And please, no artificial trees.

2024 GCA Annual Assessment

The Board of Directors of the Glenmore Community Association, Inc. has approved the attached budget for 2024 with a 10% increase over 2024. Assessments will increase from $315.70 to $347.27 per property per quarter on January 1, 2024. Click here to review the Operating Budget and explanatory document.

For your convenience an Assessment Payment Booklet has been mailed to you. 

If you pay your assessment quarterly, it is due on the following dates

January 1 • April 1 • July 1 • October 1

If your assessment is paid within 60 days of the due date, no late fee will be charged. After 60 days, a 5% late fee will be assessed.

If you choose to pay your annual assessment quarterly, and want to make use of the coupon book, please use the first coupon and mail it and your check to:

Glenmore Community Association

c/o Associa Community Group

P. O. Box 27898

Newark NJ 07101-7898


Use one of the secure and flexible options to pay on-line.

  • Set up a payment on with Pay instantly with a one-time payment or setup recurring payments with auto pay (fee applies) by going to
  • Or you can use free of charge, to set up a fixed automatic payment or initiate and control each payment directly from your bank account.

If you have not received your booklet, please contact Associa Owner Services Department in Richmond, Virginia at 804-270-1800

Quick Calendar

December 26: Regular Trash Pick-up

December 23 - 26: Associa office closed

December 26 - January 1: Kwanzaa

December 31: New Year's Eve

January 01: New Year 2024

January 02: Recycling and Trash Pick-up

January TBA: Christmas Tree pick-up

January 04: GCA Board Meeting (if needed)

January 15: Martin Luther King Holiday

January 15: Recycling Pick-up

January 18: Regular Meeting of GCA Board of Directors

January 29: Recycling Pick-up

February 29: GCA Annual Meeting, 7:00 pm

Link to the GCA Web Calendar

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