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June 11, 2023

"Flush-able Wipes...NOT!!!"

The Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) has asked that we remind everyone to not flush wipes, diapers, or other similar objects. These items are wreaking havoc on the waste treatment systems. A new grinder pump has had to be installed at the pump station on Sandown Lane. At the end of the day, we all end up paying more.

Read more...about what not to flush.

Wait for the Gate

As you approach the Resident Gate, slow down, maintain distance between vehicles and wait for the green light.

Please don't tail gate, allow the gate to come down and recycle before you proceed forward, making sure the vehicle in front of you has cleared the area.

If the green light does not illuminate, please stop and wait for guard clearance to avoid vehicle damage from gate arm.

Just a little, just a little, just a little Respect…R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Our community continues to incur costs due to the misuse and flagrant disregard for Glenmore’s Common Areas and Properties. This includes the sports field and equipment, roadway signage and street right of ways.

Of recent concern:

Common Area

  • Removal of rocks placed at the Glenmore Way/Piper Way median to protect the ground cover continually destroyed by reckless driving.
  • What appears to be a golf cart driving in circles in the sports field, causing damage to the turf.
  • Use of the trash cans at the sports field for personal/residential trash.
  • Driving on medians and doing damage to frontage lawns

Common Decency

  • Pitching golf balls into the common area and beyond to neighboring yards.
  • Dogs off leash on walking trails.

Please use our common areas as if they were your own, for indeed, they are!


Prior approval from the ARC is required for all modifications which impact the exterior of your property, including color changes, extensions or alterations affecting appearance, external structures, fences, landscape design changes, and tree removals (pines over 6" and others over 3" diameter). Please allow 30 days for a response from the ARC. Use the on-line form to submit your application.

Quick Calendar

June 14: Flag Day

June 15: Regular Session - GCA Board of Directors, 5 pm

June 18: Father's Day

June 19: Recycling Pick-up

June 19: Juneteenth

July 3: Recycling Pick-up

July 4: Independence Day

July 6: Work Session - GCA Board of Directors 5 pm

Link to the GCA Web Calendar

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