June 28, 2024

Important: See below for upcoming cutoff date reminders in letting section

New $41 billion Multi-Year Improvement Program largest in state history

Roads, bridges, transit, rail, airports and ports throughout Illinois will receive a record-breaking $41.42 billion in improvements over the next six years in the latest multi-year program.


Read more.

Illinois rest areas: Learn more about these essential stops when travelling

To enhance traveler safety and comfort, IDOT maintains a system of 53 rest areas throughout the state. We ensure locations are kept clean, safe and updated with travel-related amenities.

Click here to discover Illinois’ rest areas and its amenities.

Peoria Orange Barrels batter up with IDOT for safety

Fans had loads of fun with IDOT and the Peoria Chiefs, who temporarily became the Peoria Orange Barrels in the name of competition and safety. On the field, they scored a 9-2 win and Highway Maintainer Brandon Daulton from District 4's Morton Yard threw the first pitch. Fans left with more than great memories—they took home crucial tips on how to stay safe in work zones.

Catch IDOT and the Peoria Chiefs/Orange Barrels again on Friday, Aug. 23, and Saturday, Aug. 24. A Street Fair will be held on Aug. 24 from from 3 to 7 p.m.

Region 1, District 1: The public is invited to learn more and comment on the Illinois 173/Keystone Road intersection improvements near Richmond in McHenry County. The improvements are necessary because of the crash history and frequency at the intersection.

Learn more about the project at www.il173keystone.com. Comments will be accepted through Monday, July 1.

Region 2, District 3: A $4.1 million project to replace the deck of the Iroquois County Highway 9 bridge at the interchange with Interstate 57 in Buckley began June 17. Work began with a two-night closure of I-57 to demolish half of the bridge. Other work includes milling and resurfacing the bridge approaches and lighting replacement. The project is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Letting Update


Aug. 2 is the next letting for statewide construction projects that are scheduled in 2024. Here are some dates to note in advance of the letting.

  • June 28 at 10 a.m. Transportation Bulletin release (Official advertisement of projects). 
  • July 12 at 4:30 p.m. Prequalification cutoff (Date that contractors must be qualified to bid on contracts).
  • July 26 at 4:30 p.m. Joint venture cutoff (three contractor limit. Date for these groups who want to bid can do so).   
  • July 30 at 4:30 p.m. Request for authorization to bid cutoff (Final date for contractors who are authorized to bid on contracts). 
  • Aug. 2 at noon Letting (Bids can be submitted until 11:59 a.m. on the day. Bids are shut down at noon). 


If you are new to the IDOT bid letting process or need updated information, following are some helpful resources:


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