Live Webinar CME Series
PANDAS/PANS parents and physicians please promote these events amongst parents and physicians alike.

The target audience for this series is pediatric generalist as well as specialist physicians. The program is designed for pediatricians, family physicians, psychiatrists, rheumatologists, immunologists, neurologists, and infectious disease physicians. These meet the requirements of Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)

Though the series is designed for physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners will find the series valuable to their practices as well.

If you have questions, please email us: .

Please note, you may cancel your registration at any time, however, registration is non-refundable.

* Parents are welcome to register for and attend the webinars. Please note parents are not allowed to ask questions during Q&A as this series is geared toward medical providers and fulfilling the requirements of ACCME.  

Please note that ACCME credit is available only for those who are able to participate in the live events and a recording will likely not be available.