Spring 2018 - Issue 1
USDA California Climate Hub
News, Notes & Events
These monthly newsletters are a means to share useful and timely information with our partners and stakeholders in the forestry, range and agricultural sectors to help manage climate risks and ensure resilience and productivity of their systems .
Drought Monitor as of May 3rd for California
Much of the state is abnormally dry or experiencing moderate drought conditions with a smaller fraction in serve of extreme drought along the southern CA coast and inland areas. You can click directly on the map above to access the US Drought Monitor (USDM) portal. And for tutorials on understanding the USDM outputs click here for link to US drought mitigation centers website.
UC Extension Resources for Rangelands
The University of California cooperative extension rangelands group works to develop and advance science-based knowledge to diverse management and policy stakeholders to promote agricultural and environmental sustainability on California's grazing lands.

In response to the devastating 2017 fire season a conference is being help focused around promoting fire-resilient communities and landscapes in an era of global change. The conference is being held from May 7th-9th on the campus of Sonoma State University

New Report on the Effects of Climate Change on California Agriculture

UC Cooperative Extension Specialist in Climate Adaptation at UC Merced Dr. Tapan Pathak is lead author of a recently published review on the trends and potential impacts of Climate Change on California Agriculture

California Nevada Climate Application Program
There is a NOAA RISA team for the Californian Nevada region called CNAP or California-Nevada Climate Applications Program. CNPA mission is the improve resilience in CA and NV by providing decision makers usable climate information through integrating cutting edge physical and social science.

Article on the Sierra Nevada Tree Mortality and Fire

In an article, by Mette Lampcov published in BuzzFeed news reports on the tree die-off dynamic in California forests. In this article Mette describes the various events and factors that collectively contributed to the die off epidemic and shares an accompanying photo diary of some of her travels through the Sierra Nevada. Click here for a link to this article.
Stay in Touch

Let us know if you have news worthy items, outputs or products or associated resources that may be of use to the USDA California Climate Hub community. Please click here to email USDA Climate Hub staff or email Climate Hub Director, Steven Ostoja at steven.ostoja@ars.usda.gov directly