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A new Opioid Response Network (ORN) Virtual Community Collaborations (VCC) course is available. It includes eight recorded modules to share evidence-based resources around effective interventions in prevention, treatment and recovery to impact the opioid epidemic across all populations. This course is for everyone: those already working in prevention, treatment and recovery; legislators and policymakers; law enforcement; tribal leaders; faith-leaders and the faith-based community; family members; healthcare providers; health departments; educators; social workers; and community-based organizations. A Spanish-language version of this course also launched today and is open for Spanish-speaking community providers; providers working with Spanish-speaking communities; key stakeholders; and other groups as identified by state or territory Spanish-speaking communities.

*7.5 Hours Continuing Education or Certificate of Completion Available 

El programa La Red de Respuesta a Opioides (ORN) Colaboración de Comunidades Virtuales en Español (VCC) incluyen ocho módulos grabados para compartir recursos basados en evidencia sobre intervenciones efectivas de prevención, recuperación y el impacto de tratamiento sobre la epidemia de opioides en todas las poblaciones. *Hasta 7.5 horas Educación continua (CE) o Certificado de finalización. Los módulos pre-grabados incluyen:
  1. La Epidemia De Opioides: Enfoque De Prevención Basado En Evidencia
  2. La Epidemia De Opioides: Enfoques De Tratamiento Basados En Evidencia
  3. La Epidemia de Opioides: Mejorando Los Resultados De Recuperación
  4. Impacto Del Estigma Sobre El Cuidado
  5. Los Adolescentes Y El Trastorno De Consumo De Opioides: Prevención, Tratamiento Y Recuperación
  6. Cuidado Y Tratamiento Del Trastorno Por Uso De Opioides Centrado En La Familia
  7. Red De Respuesta A Opioides
  8. La Epidemia De Opioides En La Era De COVID-19: Cómo Los Determinantes Sociales De La Salud Crean Impactos Diferentes 401-270-5900
The Opioid Response Network (ORN) was created as a result of the SAMHSA-funded STR-TA and SOR-TA grants. ORN provides free technical assistance to organizations, healthcare centers, single state agencies, and individuals in the prevention, treatment and recovery of opioid use disorder.

Funding for this initiative was made possible (in part) by grant nos. 1H79TI083343 and 6H79TI080816 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.