Volume 5 | NOVEMBER 2019
Introducing the Ontario Caregiver Helpline
You’re there for them. We’re here for you.
Ontario Caregiver Organization is proud to launch the Ontario Caregiver Helpline. Created in response to extensive research asking caregivers what they need, it provides caregivers with a one-stop resource for information and support.

The Ontario Caregiver Helpline is available to all caregivers – regardless of age, diagnosis or where they live in the province – making it the only resource of its kind in Ontario.
As part of the Ontario Caregiver Helpline launch, OCO is conducting an awareness campaign. Look for it on TV, radio, print and social media beginning November 2019.

If you’re caring for someone and you need support or have care questions, call the 24/7 Ontario Caregiver Helpline: 1-833-416-2273 or use our live chat Monday - Friday 7 am to 9 pm at ontariocaregiver.ca.

Join the #wecareforcaregivers conversation on social media and help share this new resource! 
Spotlight on Ontario’s Caregivers 2019
This year, the Ontario Caregiver Organization has partnered with The Change Foundation in its Spotlight on Ontario’s Caregivers Report, the annual survey of caregivers from across the province.

This report collects information on who caregivers are caring for, what tasks caregivers are responsible for, where caregivers are turning for information and support, how caregiving impacts the lives of both the caregiver and the care receiver, how caregivers feel about their role as part of the healthcare team, and what additional supports or information could help caregivers in their role.

The report indicates that 77% of respondents want one place to go for information and support. To address this need, OCO launched the 24/7 Caregiver Helpline. A dedicated resource for all caregivers, regardless of age, diagnosis or where they live. OCO will continue to use the Spotlight Report to guide its work and co-design new supports and services with caregivers.  
Volunteer with Us 
Co-Create Workshops
November 20 & 23

We are leading several caregiver workshops to co-create new supports and services. These co-create workshops will focus on young caregivers, working caregivers, caregiver mental health   and caregivers who support children, youth or adults with mental health challenges. 

Workshops will be held in Toronto. Travel expenses and respite will be covered, in addition to an honourarium. For more information or to apply, please contact: Stacy Chung at stacyc@ontariocaregiver.ca or 416-362-2273 ext 1011.
Caregiver Advisory Group
Deadline: Nov. 25, 2019

We are currently seeking applications for passionate and committed volunteers to actively participate on our Caregiver Advisory Group. We need your expertise, guidance and insight to discuss challenges, opportunities and to help guide our next steps.  
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