
February 2024

We love crafting at the library and there are many opportunities to get making at any of our locations this month.

Our Basic Sewing from a pattern class will take place February 22nd, where you can try making a scrunchie, handwarmers, or apron. Don't worry, we will also be hosting this class again at Hicksville in March.

We will also be finishing up the Laser Etched Hearts as well this month. Both sessions are full, but the waitlist is open. While participants wait on their laser etchings to finish, supplies will be provided to make Valentines.

The MakerSpace is also teaching needle tatting at our Sherwood and Hicksville locations. It's easier than shuttle tatting and creates beautiful lacework.

Questions? Want to make a MakerSpace appointment?
or 419.782.1456 EXT:1108

While supplies last starting

February 6th

Defiance - Adults

Take-and-Make: Exploding Valentine's Day Card

Upcoming Maker & Tech Events

February 5th

Sherwood - Adults

Penguin Family Pebble Art


Registration Required

February 5th

Hicksville - School Age

Make A Valentine's Day Mailbox

5 pm

February 6th


Laser Etched Hearts

5 pm

Registration Required - Class Full Waitlist Open

February 10th

Sherwood - PreK to 17

Kids Cupid's Arrow Wall Hanging

10 am

Registration Required

February 12th

Defiance - MakerSpace

Laser Etched Hearts

5 pm

Registration Required - Class Full Waitlist Open

February 13th

Defiance - MakerSpace

Fiber Arts Club

4 - 7 pm

February 13th

Defiance - 1st-6th grade

Lego Club

4:30 pm

February 15th

Defiance - 1st-6th grade

Lego Club

10:30 am

February 19th

Defiance -Teens 6th-12th grade

Crafterteens: No-Sew Heart Pillow

4 - 6 pm

February 20th & 27th


Needle Tatting

5 pm

Registration Required

February 19th & 26th


Needle Tatting

5 pm

Registration Required

February 20th

Hicksville - Teens & Adults

A Matcha Made in Heaven

5 - 6:30 pm

February 22th

Defiance - Reading Room

Basic Sewing With a Pattern

5 pm

Registration Required

February 26th

Defiance -Teens 6th-12th grade

Crochet For A Cause

4 - 6 pm

February 27th

Hicksville - Ages 7 to 12

Lego Club

4 - 5:30 pm

See Our Calendar & Register
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New 3D Printer

Thanks to a generous donation the MakerSpace has a new 3D printer, the Bambu Labs Carbon X1. This updated printer can print multiple colors and has a higher resolution than our older MakerBot. This means higher quality prints with the ability to add color details.

Files made to be printed in multiple colors can be found on, but .stl files from and other 3D file sources can also be printed in a single color. You can also create your 3D models in a variety of 3D modeling software where you can design them to be printed in multiple colors. Here in the MakerSpace, we are just learning how to do this so more information will be shared as we learn.

Printing costs will remain the same 5 cents per gram of filament to be used. Also, the MakerBot and Anycubic Photon will still be available to use for your projects depending on what you need. The Photon resin printer is still better for smoother and miniature prints, but the new Carbon X1 is a great alternative to having to paint prints.

This new printer is very exciting and we would like to extend a big thanks to our donor.

Images: (Left) Grogu "baby yoda" print with 3 colors and support material. The purge tower next to it is created when changing colors in each layer. Support material is made to be easily removed.

(Right)Pictured from left to right print from Bambu Labs Carbon X1, MakerBot Replicator +, Anycubic Photon.

The X1 also in the purging process will make these little spirals that are often referred to as poop. So this is our first "pooping" 3D printer in the MakerSpace. We are looking into ways to reduce and reuse the purge materials so that it doesn't go to waste.

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