New Hybrid Adult Study Series at TAA!

All are Welcome!

Hybrid on

Sunday Morning after Minyan Service

from 10-11am

Zoom Registration


March 19th-

Turi Tuvim – Former Soviet Union Dissident will speak on the future of democracy.

Three Study Sessions with Rabbi Kudan-

April 2nd-

The Haggadah - History and modern meaning -

In preparation for Passover.

April 9th-

Jewish Magic and Superstition (Slides and Lecture.)

April 23rd-

Yiddish Proverbs -

Wit and Wisdom.


Dr. Yuri Tuvim -

Yuri Tuvim was trained as an engineer and had a highly successful career in the USSR and in this country. Tuvim was a prominent dissident in the former USSR. He was a close friend and associate of the late Nobel Peace Prize Winner Andrei Sakharov. In this country, Tuvim has been a strong advocate for citizen participation in the formation of government policy, and has consulted with government

agencies, and private institutions. His moving personal story and years of activism give him a unique

perspective on the current challenges to democracy, the Soviet invasion of Ukraine, and the future of our nation and Western society. Yuri is a TAA Member and longtime Gloucester Resident.

Rabbi David Kudan-

MAHL, MA is a student of Hebrew Bible, Jewish history, Yiddish, and Semitic languages. He is currently Interim Rabbi of

Temple Ahavat Achim.