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In 2021, three leading professional societies representing patient and health care advocacy: HealthAdvocateX
came together to form the Health Advocacy Collaborative Ethics Task Force (HACE). The purpose of their first-ever collaborative project was to review and update the Code of Ethics to align with the current times.

While it is normal practice for professional organizations to review and update relevant standards and codes on a regular basis, the past few years have introduced new pressures on organizations to ensure their ethics policy is a living document. The pandemic, advancing DEI initiatives, media information/disinformation and technology disruptions to name a few, point to the dynamic changes affecting our world. Significant disruptions like these prompted the formation of the HACE task force.

Educational institutions and employers often fall short in providing training and resources to support ethical professional conduct[1]. As an emerging professional practice, patient and health care advocacy professional societies must fill that void. In fact, guiding members through professional ethics is a central responsibility for professional societies.

In theory, ethical decision-making should be the standard of behavior and not need to be formally taught. In practice, however, ethical misconduct occurs frequently, and as technology advances, the opportunities for unethical behavior increase each year. A code of ethics clarifies roles and responsibilities within a profession and provides guidance to the professional for addressing common ethical questions. Ethics involves making value-laden choices. As such the Collaborative Code of Ethics for Patient and Health Care Advocates outlines the ethical principles to aid in the advocates’ execution of their duties as members of the profession.

Advocates in particular come from very diverse backgrounds and may be guided by several codes of ethics and standards of practice that relate to their respective industries, licensures, certifications and employer relationships. These codes may be complementary or contradictory, requiring the advocate to exercise judgment about the framework that applies to a specific ethical question or situation.

The HACE plans to continue collaborative efforts to help inform a competent workforce of patient and health care advocates. A NAHAC webinar about the Code and the development process is planned for June. The task force hopes to encourage broad adoption of these Standards across the professional advocacy community and invites all interested parties who wish to learn more.


NAHAC is dedicated to improving patient outcomes through the promotion of the profession of healthcare advocacy through education, community, and collaboration.
HealthAdvocateX is a national nonprofit with the mission to transform people into active participants in their care. HAdvX educates, connects, and inspires people to include advocacy in all aspects of health and healthcare.
PACB is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to manage and maintain a universally recognized certification for patient/health advocates; establish and maintain relevant knowledge domains, skills, ethical standards, and best practices for advocates; collaborate with healthcare consumers to achieve patient and family centered care; establish professional development for certified advocates; and promote and professionalize patient advocacy.

[1] https://www.ethics.org/wp-content/uploads/Global-Business-Ethics-Survey-2019-Third-Report.pdf
Here's to your good health,

Beth Droppert (Vice Chair) and the Team at HealthAdvocateX
Professional Networking – May 2022
When: May 5, 2022 | 9am – 10am (PT)
Where: Online via Zoom (Register Here)
Cost: $15 for Members | $20 for Non-Members

Join Professional Advocates and other allied professionals in a virtual networking event designed to support your health advocacy business. Be ready to learn and share what is working in terms of business development and practice. Note: You do not have to be a HealthAdvocateX member to attend this event! The objectives of Professional Networking sessions include:
  • Grow your network of advocates you know and trust
  • Exchange ideas about advocacy best practices
  • Learn new information related to health advocacy
  • Receive peer feedback on challenges and opportunities

Each networking session has a specific focus. If there are topics/ideas/speakers you would like to suggest, please email us at info@HealthAdvocateX.org
Community Conversation - May 2022
When: May 9, 2022 | 11am – 12pm (PT)
Where: Online via Zoom (Register Here)

We will host our monthly Community Conversation with Dr. Dale Reisner, MD, Medical Director (OB/GYN Quality and Safety) at Swedish Health Services. The topic will be updates on the pandemic where we will review the latest stats and sort out information we know and do not know about COVID-19. Please join us for this free monthly conversation. You can find the registration link on our website here, and feel free to view or share all our posted conversations, found on our Past Events page.

Case Review - July 2022
Case Review – July 2022
When: July 14, 2022 | 4pm – 5:30pm (PT)
Where: Online via Zoom
The Professional Networking group has requested HealthAdvocateX host periodic ‘peer case review’ sessions to help advocates learn about how their peers are handling cases. The purpose is mutual information exchange and continual improvement of advocacy services. 
The HealthAdvocateX Board has approved this activity with the following caveats:
  • Only HealthAdvocateX Professional Members in good standing will be invited to participate
  • Meeting participants will sign a confidentiality acknowledgement in keeping with professional standards at sign in as a requirement to participate
  • Cases will all be presented in a similar format and will be submitted to HealthAdvocateX at least one week in advance of the meeting for consideration
  • The Advocate presenting the Case will do everything to de-identify the person featured in the case review
  • No case information may be shared outside the case review meeting
  • The meetings will be a free, one-hour meeting as a benefit of professional membership
For more information, contact us at info@HealthAdvocateX.org
Are you looking for a way to extend your opportunities to educate the public about health and patient advocacy? HealthAdvocateX licenses two presentations and offers a ‘Train the Trainer’ package for these two topics:
  • The ABCs of an Effective Doctor Visit
  • Taming the Medicine Cabinet

Each Train the Trainer Package includes:
  • PowerPoint presentation and script for the topic represented, which will include an introductory slide for the presenter approved to give the presentation
  • Electronic copies of materials including:
  • Handouts of Scenarios/Role-Plays
  • Self-Learning Quiz (where applicable)
  • Feedback From
  • Flyer Template
  • Presentation Description

To license the presentations and register for the training:
- Sign and Return the License Agreement/s - (ABCs of an Effective Doctor Visit & Taming the Medicine Cabinet)
- Pay for the Presentation Train the Trainer (we will invoice you as soon as we receive your signed license agreement(s)).

Do you have questions about this? Email us at info@HealthAdvocateX.org
Many advocates have been contacting us as you are trying to finish up earning your CEs for the year. We have more than 20 CEs currently available with bundled pricing available for two conferences:
  • Health Advocacy Now: Lessons From the Pandemic 2021 Conference (11 CEs Available)
  • Whole Person Advocacy: Integrating Mental Health 2020 Conference (10 CEs Available)
  • Health Literacy: The New Vital Sign (1 CE Available)

For more information and to have access to these CEs, visit: https://www.healthadvocatex.org/ces/ 

HealthAdvocateX Calendar
May 5: Professional Networking (Register Here)
May 9: Community Conversation (Register Here)
June 2: Professional Networking (Register Here)
June 13: Community Conversation (Register Here)
July 11: Community Conversation (Register Here)
July 14: Case Review (HealthAdvocateX Members Only!)
August 4: Professional Networking (Register Here)
August 8: Community Conversation (Register Here)
September 7: Professional Networking (Register Here)
September 12: Community Conversation (Register Here)
October 10: Community Conversation (Register Here)
October 13: Case Review (HealthAdvocateX Members Only!)
November 3: Professional Networking (Register Here)
November 14: Community Conversation (Register Here)
December 7: Professional Networking (Register Here)
December 12: Community Conversation (Register Here)
Programs & Presentations
Although HealthAdvocateX speakers can give presentation on many topics, here are a few of our popular presentations: 

  • Advance Care Planning (In partnership with Honoring Choices)
  • Taming Your Medicine Cabinet
  • The ABCs of an Effective Doctor Visit
  • Patient Know More...Patient No More!
  • The Emerging Field of Health Advocacy 
  • Safe & Sound in the Hospital: A Short Course in Patient Safety 
  • Volunteer Health Advocate Training: Understanding the Role & Skills to Be Effective

To schedule a speaker for your community, please submit your request here: https://www.healthadvocatex.org/presentations/

Have a topic you wish we offered? Let us know - let's talk!

HealthAdvocateX is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. We acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe. We invite you to join us in acknowledging and thanking indigenous people for their ongoing stewardship wherever you are located.
Land Acknowledgement Challenge

Will you help us? We invite YOU to research and submit the name of the people, your location and how you would word your own personal land acknowledgement. Our Board will be selecting and reading land acknowledgements from across the country at our Monthly Board Meetings. You can submit it here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/hadvx-land-acknowledgement

Do you have something you would like to share with the HealthAdvocateX community?

Please submit ideas to info@HealthAdvocateX.org