NASED took a big step forward this month with the publication of the Request for Proposals (RFP) on Dec. 14. This marked the launch of the procurement process for the new Aloha Stadium and surrounding district. The issuance of the RFP is the first in a three-stage procurement process which is intended to result in one or more contract(s) with a single private entity to be engaged as a Master Developer to masterplan and deliver the NASED project.
The RFP comes from months of hard work and development, derived from our now concluded, successful market sounding process. This process captured immensely valuable market feedback on NASED and the proposed procurement process, and ultimately provided for a high-quality RFP that is “pre-tested” with the market.
Prospective offerors and all interested parties are invited to participate in a voluntary Pre-Response Conference which is scheduled for Jan. 10. The deadline for proposals will be in Summer 2024, with the selection of a preferred offeror targeted for Fall 2024, and final execution of an agreement targeted for Summer 2025.
To access a copy of the RFP and register for the RFP Pre-Response Conference click here.