September 2023

Aloha Maui

The terrible tragedy that has impacted Maui is unimaginable in its scope and devastation.


We, the members of the NASED team, join our entire community in expressing our support and aloha for the residents and businesses on Maui affected by the recent wildfires. The road to recovery will be long and difficult and we encourage everyone to continue to uplift and support the people of Maui.

You can help by donating to:

Maui Strong Fund - Hawai‘i Community Foundation
Kāko‘o Maui Fund - Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement
Maui Fire Relief Fund - Aloha United Way

Project Update

Planning work continues for NASED, and this month saw the Project complete an important step. The market sounding process that began with a public webinar in June 2023 has concluded, and the Market Sounding Report has been approved by the State project team.


One of the key findings of the report is confirmation that there is market interest by prospective offerors. The report also highlights a path forward to resolving the outstanding issues that were identified and discussed.


The market sounding process was conducted in response to the new direction for the NASED project announced by Governor Josh Green, M.D., in May 2023. It proposes a new model that provides for both the new Aloha Stadium and the surrounding district to be delivered jointly as one integrated public-private-partnership (P3) project.


As this is a relatively unique and complex procurement and delivery model, the State took this action to engage with prospective offerors and interested parties to discuss, validate, and refine the approach to ensure strong market interest and competition.


The kick-off public webinar was attended by a total of 165 interested parties and prospective offerors who received key details about the Project. Following the webinar, the State published a Request for Information (RFI) on the NASED website which sought feedback from prospective offerors. Sixteen written RFI responses were received, providing robust market feedback. The State then conducted a series of one-on-one meetings with RFI respondents and other parties to gain additional industry insights regarding the Project.


The Market Sounding Report highlights outstanding issues the NASED project team is currently working to resolve with prospective offerors as we commence the procurement process by issuing the first stage of the request for proposals later this year.

A copy of the Market Sounding Report can be found here.

In the News

Hālawa TOD Zone Changes Recommended

On July 26, the City and County of Honolulu Planning Commission recommended the rezoning of 227 acres of land around Skyline's Hālawa station. This area includes the 98 acres of land designated for the new Aloha Stadium and surrounding entertainment district.

The recommended zoning changes would help implement the Hālawa-Area Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan allowing for mixed residential and commercial uses at higher densities and heights, and support the vision of a walkable community with a gateway connecting the transit station with the new stadium.

The Planning Commission's recommendation for approval will now go before the Honolulu City Council to be considered for adoption. For more information, follow this link for a story that ran in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.


Q: What does approval of the Hālawa TOD Special District and zone changes mean for NASED?  

A: Approval of the Hālawa TOD Special District and zone changes will more accurately reflect envisioned land uses in and around the Hālawa station as well as help establish and pave the way for implementation of NASED’s vison for a mixed-use, vibrant live-work-play-thrive community and destination, with a new multi-purpose stadium serving as the centerpiece.

One of the most important changes is rezoning from single (R-5) to mixed-use (BMX-3) zoning. This allows for both residential and commercial on the same property, at higher densities and heights, while ensuring future developments are pedestrian-friendly, resulting in more comfortable gathering spaces and connections between the Hālawa station and the NASED site.  In addition, approval of zone changes will provide developers the unique opportunity to utilize the “community benefits bonus” to both shape growth and development in the Hālawa station area and realize community values and needs. To utilize density and height bonuses community benefits will be required. Examples of community benefits include affordable housing, open space/parks, right-of-way (ROW) improvements, improvements to existing community amenities, or enhancement of pedestrian and multimodal transportation.


What's Going on at Aloha Stadium

Swap Meet & Marketplace

Vendor Spotlight

At the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet & Marketplace, you can find discounts on a wide selection of high-quality products from clothing, accessories, Hawaiian souvenirs, and pre-packaged ethnic foods, to fine jewelry and vintage antiques. Beautifully handcrafted products and exclusive art pieces are made and sold by the artists themselves. Rediscover what the Swap Meet has to offer as we spotlight one vendor video each month. You can also follow us on Instagram @alohastadiumhi for more vendor videos.

This month we’re highlighting Aloha All Day Hawaii. Find your favorite island totes and pouches perfect for all occasions. Whether you’re heading to the office or beach, their totes will have you feeling the spirit of Aloha All Day. Be sure to follow them @alohaalldayhawaii on Instagram to find them in the Marketplace every Wednesday, and Saturday. 

Swap Meet & Marketplace Hours

Wednesday & Saturday: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

Sunday: 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m.

Admission Rate

All parking gates are CASH ONLY

$2.00 general admission for 12 years and older

$1.00 admission for Kama’aina and Active Military w/ valid ID

Free admission for 11 years and under

Summer Recap

As the summer comes to an end, we take time to reflect on all the past Aloha Stadium events that made this season unforgettable. 


Saturday, September 23

Rebel Souljahz – Move with Love Tour

Tickets available at

This Month in History

UH Spotlight

After coming up short at their season opener against Vanderbilt on Aug. 26 and first home game this past Saturday against Stanford, the Rainbow Warriors are hungry for a win!


Come out to support the Bows as they meet up for the first-time ever and host UAlbany this Saturday, Sept. 9. Kickoff is at 6 p.m. at the Clarence T.C. Ching Complex and be sure to come early for exciting game day promotions. Starting at 3 p.m. fans are invited to attend “Kickoff at the Les”! The entire field at Les Murakami Stadium adjacent to the Ching Complex will be open to fans with music, entertainment, vendors, food, and drink options as well as a Keiki Zone. 

Read More

In the Community

Giving Back to the LOKO IʻA PĀʻAIAU 

In early August, the Stadium team along with DAGS and NASED project team members came together to help restore the 400-year old royal Hawaiian fishpond, Loko I’a Pāʻaiau, located in the Kalauao ahupua‘a in the ‘Ewa moku on the mokupuni of O‘ahu.

The sacred site is currently stewarded and restored with the loving hands of many, as a community-based partnership between the U.S. Navy, the Ali‘i Pauahi Hawaiian Civic Club, the ‘Aiea Community Association, the descendants and residents of Pā`aiau, ‘Aiea and Kalauao, and the larger community.

For more information on how you can volunteer, contact or visit their website at


Kapa Hui ‘O Mānoa

Visitors are welcome to watch kapa practitioners demonstrating kapa making!

Saturday, September 9 & Sunday, September 10

10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.


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