Greater Houston Creation Association

Creation News
Acquiring and Distributing Knowledge Regarding God's Creation
Webinar Meeting: December 3rd, 7 pm
New Archaeological Evidence
of the Hebrew Sojourn in Egypt

Over the past year the GHCA has given a series of presentations on many different aspects of the new archaeological evidence of the Hebrew sojourn in Egypt. In those presentations we have focused on particular characters or events involved. In this presentation we will put it all together into a single big picture with an emphasis on the most important details.

The characters and events involved range from Joseph interpreting the dream of Pharaoh Sesostris II in 1885 BC to the Exodus in 1446 BC under Pharaoh Amenhotep II. A few months after the Exodus this pharaoh invaded the Levant to round up and bring back over a hundred thousand slaves. There is relative abundance of evidence in both Egyptian and Hebrew inscriptions and archaeological excavations and materials also. Further, it seem quite certain that more will be discovered as time passes. 
Archaeologist Dr. Douglas Petrovich is the source of most of the new evidence. A key to the success of his work is a more complete decipherment of the earliest inscriptions using an alphabet. This earliest alphabetic writing first appears in Egypt and Dr. Petrovich shows they are best deciphered as the first written form of Hebrew. These inscriptions started appearing shortly after the time Jacob entered Egypt with Joseph second in command over all but the pharaoh.

We will look at how these Hebrew inscriptions tie the Egyptian inscriptions and other evidence together and identify the Biblical characters in the course of the Biblical events. We will see how the Hebrew people descended from the top of the world as Joseph’s kinsmen to a despised and feared people subjugated by enslavement.

Who is Sobekemhat, to whose burial mastaba the Pharaoh brought offerings and listed the titles as “Member of the elite” (pharaoh’s inner circle), “Foremost of hand”, “Controller of the entire land”, and “He who has authority over every preeminent office”? And who is it that Sobekemhat appointed the ruler of Retjenu (people from the Levant). Who is Hebeded whose name means ”he who was disfavored” and was the brother of the Ruler of Retjenu? Hebeded made many expeditions to the turquoise mining area in the Sinai where he erected large engraved stone slabs documenting the expedition including a picture identifying himself at the bottom. One of these engraved pictures announces, “ 6 Levantines: Hebrews of Bethel, the Beloved”. The young man leading Hebeded’s donkey is identified as “Shekam”. 

We will also look at the excavations of the area in Avaris where Jacob and his clan was settled. There is strong evidence that Jacob’s house and family cemetery has been identified all of which is distinctly Levantine in style and construction. Immediately above this archaeological stratum is a dual Levantine house that was progressively expanded into a Egyptian styled palace. In grave three of the cemetery a seal ring was found identifying Hebeded as the brother of the “Ruler of Retjenu” who was appointed by Sobekemhat.

Late in the Second Intermediary Period of Egypt the Pharaohs gathered the strength to eject the Hyksos invaders who had forcefully taken control of much of Egypt and put their capital near Avaris, much of that area was destroyed. Later still in the mid 1200’s BC of the New Kingdom, Rameses build a large fortified district of temples and palaces and support facilities near and partly over Avaris and named it Pi-Rameses. This is the name for this location that appears in the Bible. Likely Moses wrote the name Avaris but later scribes changed that name to Rameses because that is the place name in use at the time. That name change has caused many to falsely conclude that Rameses II was the pharaoh of the Exodus. However, the hypothesis that Rameses II is the Exodus pharaoh requires several additional inventions to fit with the historical time intervals specified in the Bible. It is time to recognize the evidence that Avaris was abandoned at the Exodus in 1446 BC. Around two hundred years later Rameses built there because the location is strategically important for military security and for trade.

My discussion above is just a start on the big picture Petrovich has produced. This body of knowledge is far beyond what is commonly know or taught. It is a shame that more professionals are not paying attention; some have refused to read his work or even accept a visit to discuss it personally. It is also disappointing that more Christian leaders are not become aware.

Join us at the GHCA webinar via Zoom on December 3rd at 7 pm.
Just click the link here or above a little before the start time of 7 pm. 

Frank Mayo, President
Greater Houston Creation Association
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Frank Mayo, President
Greater Houston Creation Association
Examples of Important YEC Scientific Evidences 
Some major examples of physical evidence we point to include:
  • Remains of original soft tissue still found in dinosaur bones. Along with that tissue is C-14 that would decay completely away in less than a hundred thousand years, a tiny fraction of the dinosaur fossil's supposed age.
  • For many years geologists have found C-14 in fossil carbon throughout the fossil record. So, the entire fossil record is less than 100,000 years old.
  • The origin of the information and molecular machinery in the first living self-reproducing cell remains a complete enigma for biologist and biochemists.
  • In the origin of the universe, big bang theory is being recognized as a dead end by increasing numbers of secular scientists. The hypothesized inflation has nothing to start it, drive it forward, or stop it. Without inflation fatal flaws appear with the absence of predicted antimatter, magnetic monopoles, or any means for the whole universe to come to the same precise background temperature. Then the formation of the first stars is as enigmatic as the origin of the first biological cell. Dark matter and dark energy are as enigmatic as the galactic motions they are needed to explain.
At the root of all standard science are many assumptions that may be quite incorrect. At the top is that there is no God. Another is that present process can be used to explain everything in the past. When we look at a canyon we are taught to assume the river at the bottom cut the canyon. But perhaps tectonic events made the canyon and there is a river at the bottom because water always flows downhill. At the root of big bang theory is a pure assumption that has been named the "Cosmological Principle". Perhaps inaccuracies there are responsible for the big bang's multitude of problems.   
There is more about the role of assumptions in science found on our website here. There are many more resources on young earth and young universe evidences here.