New Beginnings 11/17/2023

Reflection from Fr. Joseph

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving next week, it’s a good time to look back at the founding of our country and the essential role that Catholicism had in our nation’s early years.

The first Catholic Mass in America was held in the Spanish Mission of Florida in 1526. Since the Spaniards and French were significantly more Catholic than the British, the territories they colonized brought our Catholic Faith well before the Thirteen Colonies. Already there were Franciscan missions in California by the 1760s, while Catholicism came into French Canada in the late 1600s (which included parts of modern-day America such as Michigan and New Orleans).

Among the Thirteen Colonies, Catholicism was centered in Maryland. The first Mass in the colonies was celebrated by Fr. Andrew White in 1634. Shortly thereafter, the Jesuits set up missions in southern Maryland along the shores of the Chesapeake Bay and Potomac River, christening St. Mary’s City as the capital of the new Catholic colony. Ostensibly, Maryland was named after the British Queen Henrietta Maria – but that was the “official story” told to placate the Protestant king of England who granted the land charter. In fact, Maryland was actually named after Our Lady: Mary’s Land. 

Maryland was the only Catholic colony – there were penal laws throughout much of the rest of the 13, which prevented Catholics from owning property, voting, or building churches or schools (although Pennsylvania was also pretty lenient toward Catholics). But Maryland was the primary place for Catholics to settle - founded by Catholics who were exiled from Great Britain (including the family of John Carroll, the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence). Maryland was also the only colony to pass a law officially tolerating every faith – from which our Declaration would take its “freedom of worship” inspiration.

Meanwhile, back in New England, the settlers were preparing to share a feast of Thanksgiving with their Native American neighbors, through the help of a man who was probably himself a Catholic – Squanto, the Patuxet man who served as an intermediary between the Pilgrims and the Natives. Squanto had been sadly captured by the British on an earlier expedition and brought to Spain to be sold into slavery, but was rescued by Franciscan monks in Spain, who freed him and gave him an education in the Catholic Faith. It is said that he believed and brought his faith back with him to the New World. On his deathbed, Squanto asked “the Governor to pray for him, that he might go to the Englishmen's God in Heaven” (as recorded by Governor Bradford, who became close friends with Squanto).

From the very beginning of our nation, Catholicism has graced our land with its rich blessings and traditions. Since the word “Eucharist” means “Thanksgiving”, then truly every Mass is a celebration of one of our most treasured holidays!

Confession Weekend 

Come and have your sins forgiven! The weekend of November 25-26, Confessions will be available before and after all Masses. Start Advent off on the right foot with a soul cleansed by the Mercy of God!

We have had an amazing first nine months of our 50thAnniversary Year!


November 18: 9:00am Mass of Thanksgiving – Pastors, Priests and Deacons

                          who have served in our parish

                           Social to follow

December 3: Rededication of our Church by Bishop Frank Caggiano

                        Blessing of new relics for our altar

                        Social to follow


Please join us for any and all these events


As our 50th Anniversary year is drawing to a close, we have some interesting memorabilia available for you to enjoy!

Each week we will have one or two posters in the Lobby highlighting events or celebrations which occurred over the years.

All of these posters will also be available on December 3rd at our Rededication Mass and Reception.

It is our hope that they bring back fond memories of the history of our wonderful Parish.

Bookstore News

Advent items are in. We will be selling wreaths, candles, calendars, ornaments, cards, Fr Joseph’s books and CD’s after Thanksgiving Day Mass, 11/23, weekends of 11/25 &26, 12/02 & 03. More information call Fran - 203-400-5119. 

Parish News

Rosary Making ~ Open to All!

Annual Parish Pilgrimage Coming Up in November!

On Saturday, November 25, Join us for an inspiring Parish Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Waterbury followed by a visit to the Abbey of Regina Laudis. We plan to meet at Saint Jude at 9 am and carpool from there. We expect to be back to Saint Jude around 2 pm

E-mail Jessica if you're interested in joining us!

Family News and Updates

Knights of Columbus

"Keep Christ in Christmas" Poster Contest

Children in grades K - 8 are invited to submit a poster centered around the theme “Keep Christ in Christmas”. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to be creative, to be involved in their faith, and to have fun while experiencing the true meaning of Christmas! Posters must 11×17. (If pastels, chalk, or charcoal are used, the poster must be laminated or covered in clear plastic).

Posters must be submitted to the parish office by December 4th. Prizes will be awarded for winning entries. Winning entries will also be advanced to the district and then to the state.

Materials can be picked up at the Family Ministry Table, at the Parish Office or at Religious Education. For entry form and rules, see here

Save the Dates for Christmas Caroling!

Sunday, December 3rd - 3:00 pm Join Kid's Club Families to sing Christmas Carols to the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in Monroe!

Tuesday, December 19th - Homebound and Senior Caroling. 3:30 pm Spring Meadows in Trumbull across from Saint Stephens and homebound caroling to follow.

Email Jessica Iannotta for more information and to join in bringing Christmas cheer to our community!

Advent Wreath Lighting SIgn Up this weekend

Encounter this Friday 11/17!

Youth Encounters

All of our young people grades 6-12 are invited to join us for our Youth Encounters! These nights of games, food, fun, prayer, fellowship, and honest conversation about our Catholic Faith have been awesome...come and join us for a new year! This year for the first time, we'll be having separate tracks for high school and middle school. 7-9pm at St. Jude Social Hall.

Next Kid's Club 12/3 will meet at Sisters of Nazareth

in Monroe

Mom's Group Announcements

Our next monthly mother's Zoom rosary is Wednesday 12/6 at 9 pm and will continue on the first Wednesday of every month e-mail Jessica Iannotta for more information. To submit prayer intentions for our monthly Rosaries, click here.

Next meeting is Thursday, 11/30 (NOTE THIS WILL BE THE ROSARY MAKING EVENT)- email if you're interested in helping with set up or clean up or bringing an appetizer or snack.

Bring home Saint Jude's traveling statue of

the Holy Family.

Materials will be included to do a 7-day preparation for Consecration to the Holy Family. To learn more, visit: May God bless you and your family through the intercession of the Holy Family!

Click here to sign up

Blessed Sacrament Gift Card Drive for the TEENS

November 26th—-December 4th.

We are collecting Gift Cards and Monetary donations for the TEEN’S at Blessed Sacrament Church.

Fr. Skip suggestions were—Gift Cards to Chipotle Mexican take out—Subway, McDonalds, Burger King, Dunkin Donuts, Walmart or Target.

Thank You!




A party for children with their ‘grown ups’,

focused on the real meaning of Christmas.


Saturday, December 2, 2023

10am to 12:30 pm

in the St. Jude social hall


Sponsored by the Columbiettes


Arts and crafts*****Games *****Caroling

The Christmas story***** Birthday Cupcakes

Christmas/Nativity set drawing


No admission, but please bring a food or toiletry item for Blessed Sacrament’s pantry as a gift to Jesus for his people in need. Thanks!   

RSVP for Happy Birthday Jesus Party

Knights of Columbus

Food Pantry Update

As Thanksgiving draws closer we are still in need of the “traditional fixin’s” for our upcoming holiday distribution. We are in need of gravies, broth, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, and canned vegetables. Of course, please keep the boxed children’s cereals coming. This item is always in high demand. 

Additionally, we are still accepting donations of frozen turkeys. If you are interested in contributing, please contact Liz Romeo at [email protected] or call/text Jeff at 914-954-1160 to make arrangements for drop-off.


Your continued support generosity is what makes all of this possible and is greatly appreciated. Thank you!”

Hopeline Pregnancy Center Diaper Needs

Hopeline Pregnancy Center has a need for disposable diapers. They are currently low on sizes newborn, 3,4,5,6 and wipes, as well as bottles and pacifiers. Should you wish to help you can leave the diapers in the outer vestibule of the church. Monetary donations, with checks made out to the Hopeline Pregnancy Center, as well as gift cards from Amazon, Target and grocery stores are most welcome. As always, your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Please remember in your daily prayers:

Marge Tranzillo, David Nicolett, Maria Bertone, Vincent Daniello, Joe Pinto, Zoey Frigo, Daniel Louis Bianco, Max, Hung Vu, Alfred Zawadski, Dr. John Kezel, Francisca Testa & family, Catherine Belanger, Stephen Henn, Manny Cambra, Bennett Gulyas, Tom Pleva, James Buturla, John Sansone, Paul Verespej, Patti F. , Anne DeVita, Anna Harper, Jack Lane, Robert Freeman, Frank Kerekes, Marian Nanchy, Rosario Pacheco, Antonia Tedeschi, Charles Metoyer, Liz Guaglianone, Mary McDonald, Douglas Stanley, Jenn Katz, Judy Thomas, Barbara Tranchese, Ed Brady, Mary Lopresti, Lou DiMartino, Lor C., Viola Cleo Bradshaw, Susan W. and Janet C, Larry Pisani, Vincent Pisani, Greg, Kaiti and Cameron Kessler, Michael Merola & Family, Martha Mencseli, Mildred Blasko, Father Krzysztof, and Baby Henry Taylor, Garren Kiett, Becky M.

All healthcare workers, first responders, caregivers and the men and women in the military.

If you have anyone that you would like to add to the list, please call the office or email with the name to be added.

Monthly Parish Petition

Please join us in praying our Monthly Parish Intention.

Our Petition for November is:

Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Through the intercession of the Patron Saints of these souls, St. Nicholas of Tolentino, St. Gertrude and St. Padre Pio we pray:

Eternal rest grant unto them, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God,

rest in peace. 


Upcoming Mass Intentions

Mass Intentions for  November 18 – November 26


Sat    Nov 18       9:00am                 In Thanksgiving for all clergy who served at

                                                         St Jude Parish


Sat    Nov 18      4:30pm                 Luis & Elvira Ferreira and Jennifer Cannon


Sun   Nov 19       7:30am                 St Jude Parishioners


Sun   Nov 19       9:30am                 The Pinto and DeAndrade Family


Sun   Nov 19       11:30am               Maria Emilia Monteiro


Mon  Nov 20       9:00 am                Bill Thibodeau     


Tue  Nov 21       9:00am                 Barbara Ann Sholtes      


Wed  Nov 22       9:00am                 Isabel Dupont


Thu   Nov 23       9:00am                 Marganta DeCostanzo


Fri    Nov 24       9:00am                 St Jude Parishioners


Sat    Nov 25      4:30pm                Fred Capozzi and Robert Koch


Sun   Nov 26       7:30am                 Edward Burns


Sun   Nov 26       9:30am                 St Jude Parishioners


Sun   Nov 26       11:30am               Enzo and Alda Melissano


Tabernacle Candle: In memory of Marie Goss during the month of


Adoration Candles: In memory of Mary Charlotte Braccio during the month of


Mass Schedule

Weekday Masses (Monday thru Thursday) will be in the main Church at 9 am and live streamed.

The Weekend Masses inside the Church are Saturday at 4:30 pm and Sunday at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30. Only the Saturday Mass at 4:30 pm and the Sunday 7:30 am and 9:30 Masses are live streamed.

(Live-streamed Masses may be viewed at ) Please note that the link is slightly changed from the previous link due to the change in the website.

Online Giving - Thank you for your offering!

Men’s Bible Study

The Men’s Bible Study will begin meeting September 23, on Saturday mornings at 8:00 AM, in the school building. Each week we will take up the readings for that weekend. All men of the parish are welcome. For more information, contact Bob Lux at [email protected].

Saturday Rosary Sign up.

We have a wonderful way to prepare for Saturday Mass and that is to say the Rosary before Mass starts. We start 30 minutes before Mass so we start at 4:00 every Saturday.

Please join us as we pray. Also, please prayerfully consider joining this ministry.

If you would like to join you can sign up at

We look forward to you joining us as we pray the Rosary together.

First Friday

Eucharistic Adoration

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Matthew 11:28-30

The time that we spend with Jesus in front of the Blessed Sacrament is the best time we will spend on earth. Please join us on the first Friday of every month from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.

Divine Mercy Chaplet

Wednesdays at 3 pm in the Church

"Jesus we Trust in You"

Mary's Messengers Prayer Group . Email Jessica for more information

We learn to say the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and other special prayers for the intentions of our families and Parish.

Flame of Love Rosary

Thursday mornings after 9 am Mass

"Spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity"

St. Jude Religious Gift Shop

St. Jude Religious Gift Shop is located downstairs in the Msgr. Sabia Social Hall. Fr. Joseph's Books and CD's are available in the Gift Shop. Also new items: Communion Gifts and cards, statues, rosaries and more.

Come in and browse. Call Fran Cambra 203-261-2573 or Parish Office 203-261-6404.

Confession Hours

Confessions on Saturday afternoon will be in the day chapel at 3:30 to 4:15 pm on Saturdays. Come take advantage of God's great mercy by coming to the Sacrament of Confession.

Confessions are also by appointment, please call 203-261-6404, to set up an appointment or email the office.  

Parish Office Hours

MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00 – 3:00

Please call (203-261-6404) or e-mail ([email protected]) before coming to the office. Much can be accomplished through a phone call or email, such as requesting masses/mass cards; sacramental records; registering for Baptism; etc. 
Email Us
St Jude Parish
707 Monroe Tpke
Monroe, CT 06468