New Beginnings 02/23/2024

Reflection from Fr. Joseph

A rather interesting court case was adjudicated at the Alabama Supreme Court this past week. The judges declared that frozen embryos, produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF) are persons, and are therefore cannot be destroyed. As a result of this, the largest hospital in Alabama has chosen to stop IVF, and many pundits have weighed in – most decrying this judicial decree.


It is certainly understandable that people who suffer with infertility would go to great lengths to have a child. It is a desire written in many couples’ hearts, to be blessed with new life. And infertility is a tremendous cross, which is sadly becoming more common than in years past.


Not all treatments for infertility are morally legitimate, however. Many couples do not know what the Church teaches about IVF – so what does Christ reveal through His Church about this procedure and the right use of scientific techniques to bring about pregnancy? Here is what the Catechism states:

2373 Sacred Scripture and the Church's traditional practice see in large families a sign of God's blessing and the parents' generosity. Couples who discover that they are sterile suffer greatly.

2375 Research aimed at reducing human sterility is to be encouraged, on condition that it is placed "at the service of the human person, of his inalienable rights, and his true and integral good according to the design and will of God."

2376 Techniques that entail the dissociation of husband and wife, by the intrusion of a person other than the couple (donation of sperm or ovum, surrogate uterus), are gravely immoral. These techniques (heterologous artificial insemination and fertilization) infringe the child's right to be born of a father and mother known to him and bound to each other by marriage. They betray the spouses' "right to become a father and a mother only through each other."

2377 Techniques involving only the married couple (homologous artificial insemination and fertilization) are perhaps less reprehensible, yet remain morally unacceptable. They dissociate the sexual act from the procreative act. the act which brings the child into existence is no longer an act by which two persons give themselves to one another, but one that "entrusts the life and identity of the embryo into the power of doctors and biologists and establishes the domination of technology over the origin and destiny of the human person. Such a relationship of domination is in itself contrary to the dignity and equality that must be common to parents and children." "Under the moral aspect procreation is deprived of its proper perfection when it is not willed as the fruit of the conjugal act, that is to say, of the specific act of the spouses' union .... Only respect for the link between the meanings of the conjugal act and respect for the unity of the human being make possible procreation in conformity with the dignity of the person."

2378 A child is not something owed to one, but is a gift. the "supreme gift of marriage" is a human person. A child may not be considered a piece of property, an idea to which an alleged "right to a child" would lead. In this area, only the child possesses genuine rights: the right "to be the fruit of the specific act of the conjugal love of his parents," and "the right to be respected as a person from the moment of his conception."

2379 The Gospel shows that physical sterility is not an absolute evil. Spouses who still suffer from infertility after exhausting legitimate medical procedures should unite themselves with the Lord's Cross, the source of all spiritual fecundity. They can give expression to their generosity by adopting abandoned children or performing demanding services for others.

So, the Alabama Supreme Court is quite in accords with the Catholic teaching in saying that these frozen embryos are fully persons worthy of respect and dignity. One of the main reasons why IVF is gravely immoral is because it always requires the creation of multiple embryos. The ones not implanted are either destroyed or frozen, both of which are terrible destinies for these unborn children who have the full dignity of any human being created in the Image of God.

I know that many people have used IVF in the past to bring forth their children, whom they cherish. And the Church’s perennial teaching on this topic is in no way meant to denigrate the value of the children who are such gifts to our families, even if they were conceived in this unnatural and objectively immoral way. God brings good out of everything!

For couples who are experiencing the burden of infertility: trust in God, persevere in prayer, find other ways to make your marriage fruitful, and seek medical treatment from a faithful Catholic health clinic (such as the Gianna Center in NYC, or finding one through God loves you and will bring good out of even this cross.

Heart to Heart Adoration Nights

Back by popular demand!

Please join us for a powerful night of Adoration, praise and worship music, prayer teams, and a dynamic talk from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.

A great way to experience the love of Christ this Lent!

March 15 from 7-9pm at St. Jude's Parish. 

Ash Wednesday and Fridays Fasting & Abstinence

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting and abstinence. This means:

Fasting - All Catholics ages 18-59 are obligated to have only one meal (and up to two small snacks, not equaling one meal) on Fast Days.

Abstinence - All Catholics ages 14+ are obligated to abstain from meat on every Friday during Lent. Fish is allowed.

Remember why we fast and abstain - by doing some sort of penance, we unite ourselves to Our Lord Who sacrificed everything for love of us.

Stations of the Cross Schedule

February 16 - 5:30pm Stations, Heart-to-Heart Adoration begins at 7pm

February 23 - 7pm, followed by silent Adoration until 8:30pm

March 1 - 7pm, followed by silent Adoration until 8:30pm

March 8 - 7pm, followed by silent Adoration until 8:30pm

March 15 - 5:30pm Stations, Heart-to-Heart Adoration begins at 7pm

March 22 - 7pm, followed by silent Adoration until 8:30pm

March 29 - Living Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm

Parish News

From the Organ Bench

The Quiet & The Cards

We live in a busy and noisy world. Lent is a great time to disconnect from distractions and connect with the Holy. As such, during the weeks of Lent, some changes to music will be made. Music before Mass has been eliminated as well as interludes and postludes.

This will allow quiet time before, during, and after Mass for prayer.

Additionally, more piano music will replace the organ for a more contemplative tone. Lastly, as was done last year, a card can be found in the pews with music photocopied on it. This card will be used during the Sunday Masses and include all the parts of the Mass in one convenient place. Please pick up a card, join in song, and after using it gently return it where you found it.

Please click here to continue reading the entire text about additional important explanations and noteworthy changes!

Medical Look At Crucifixion

We all know that Jesus was crucified for us, but what is crucifixion? How was it practiced during Jesus' day? What, exactly, are the physical sufferings that Jesus endured for us and for our salvation? Please join Fr. Joseph for an enlightening talk on A Medical Look At Crucifixion on Thursday, March 14 at 7pm in the Social Hall. It will help you approach Good Friday with a deeper appreciation of what Jesus endured for love of us!

Parish Business Manager Needed!

Our parish business manager is taking a new position, and we are looking for a new business manager/bookkeeper. This is a part-time position (approx. 16-20 hours per week), and duties include entering donations into Quickbooks, organizing payroll, handling invoices and checks, and interfacing with vendors. If interested, please contact Fr. Joseph at [email protected] .

Camp Veritas Catholic Summer Camp!

It's time to start signing up for Camp Veritas Catholic Summer Camp! Each year we get a group to go to the best week of sleep-away camp you will ever experience. Camp Veritas ( combines sports, swimming, boating, zip-lines, go-karts, and all the fun camp activities with daily Mass, Rosary, Adoration, spiritual talks, and a powerful encounter with Jesus. Every single kid who went last year had a blast and we hope to double attendance this year! We are offering a special scholarship for kids who are part of Youth Encounter - $300 off! Sign-up online and experience the fun!

Free Half Day Retreat for Married and Engaged Couples!


Good Friday

March 29th

10 A.M.

Hosted By The Knights of Columbus

Family News and Updates


Camp Adore 2024 

June 17-21 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

For children entering Grades 1-6

E-mail Jessica if you are an adult or teen interested in volunteering

(In the case of excessive snow days, our backup dates are August 19-23)

Camp Adore Registration

Save the Dates for 2024 Family Ministry Events!

March 10 3:00 pm: Family Formation Bible Workshop

May 5, 2:30 pm: 2nd Annual Bingo with the Sisters of Nazareth

May 31, 6:30 pm: Women's Craft Night - Making Wooden Wall Rosary Holders!

June 17-21: Camp Adore VBS for children entering grades 1-6 (registration is now open - see below)

email Jessica if you have any ideas for events you would like to see in 2024!

Youth Encounters

All of our young people grades 6-12 are invited to join us for our Youth Encounters! These nights of games, food, fun, prayer, fellowship, and honest conversation about our Catholic Faith have been awesome...come and join us for a new year! This year for the first time, we'll be having separate tracks for high school and middle school. 7-9 pm at St. Jude Social Hall.

Please click on the image to view the flyer.

Mom's Group Announcements

INVITING ALL PARENTS (mothers and fathers) to our 2024 monthly Zoom Rosaries on the First Wednesdays at 9 pm. Please email Jessica Iannotta for more information. To submit prayer intentions for our monthly Rosaries, click here.

*Zoom Rosary will be offered weekly during Lent.

Next Mom's Group meeting Thursday February 29 at 7:30 pm in the social hall. New members are always welcome!

Knights of Columbus News






Proceeds To Benefit Msgr. John Sabia Scholarship Fund

Supporting St. Jude Students at Holy Trinity Academy



QUESTIONS? KEVIN 203-570-4372

Palm Cross Order Form

Knights of Columbus Family Pilgrimage

Saturday, March 16, 2024

All Saint Jude Parishioners and families are invited to join the Knights of Columbus to visit the the Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center and Saint Mary's church, his final resting place.


9:15 AM: Meet at Saint Jude to carpool

10:00 AM: Tour of McGivney Center

1:00 PM: Tour of Saint Mary's Church

The McGivney Center welcomes visitors to learn about this holy priest’s life and legacy, imitate his benevolent outreach to the needy and outcast, and invoke his heavenly intercession for needs great and small in their own lives. There are many beautiful exhibit to visit (see here)

St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut, is deeply tied to both Blessed Michael McGivney and the organization he founded – the Knights of Columbus. It is a special place of prayer and pilgrimage that contains the sarcophagus where the bodily remains of Father McGivney are entombed.


The Saint John XXIII Council 5987 Knights of Columbus

Invites You to A St. Patrick's Day Celebration with


Cabaret style

Concert Saturday, March 9th at 7:30 p.m.

Rev. Monsignor John Sabia Social Hall



Corned Beef Sandwiches, Hot Dogs Will be Sold


Tickets $20 Reservations Required

Bill Davoren (203) 521-5445

Eric Terkildsen (203) 240-3141

Food Pantry Update

As we enter into the Lenten season, let’s remember the Pillars of Lent: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving, and with this in mind please consider bringing one or more of the following to Mass or other parish activities with you each weekend. The items in greatest need at this time are: jarred pasta sauce, canned tomatoes, coffee, tea, chili, and boxed children’s cereal. Thank you for your continued support.

St. Stephen Bereavement Support Group

For anyone grieving a loss, St. Stephen Church, Trumbull is offering a 10 week support group starting on Tuesday, March 12 from 2:30-4:00. Registration is required. Call rectory at 203-268-7217.

Please remember in your daily prayers:

David Nicolett, Maria Bertone, Vincent Daniello, Joe Pinto, Zoey Frigo, Daniel Louis Bianco, Max, Hung Vu, Alfred Zawadski, Dr. John Kezel, Francisca Testa & family, Catherine Belanger, Stephen Henn, Manny Cambra, Cambra, Bennett Gulyas, Tom Pleva, James Buturla, John Sansone, Paul Verespej, Patti F. , Anne DeVita, Anna Harper, Jack Lane, Robert Freeman, Frank Kerekes, Marian Nanchy, Antonia Tedeschi, Mary McDonald, Douglas Stanley, Jenn Katz, Judy Thomas, Barbara Tranchese, Ed Brady, Mary Lopresti, Lou DiMartino, Lor C., Viola Cleo Bradshaw, Susan W. and Janet C, Larry Pisani, Vincent Pisani, Greg, Kaiti and Cameron Kessler, Michael Merola & Family, Martha Mencseli, Mildred Blasko, Father Krzysztof, and Baby Henry Taylor, Garren Kiett, Becky M., Flo Guite, George Goss, Michael J. Russell, Mary Ann Voytek

All healthcare workers, first responders, caregivers and the men and women in the military.

If you have anyone that you would like to add to the list, please call the office or email with the name to be added.

Monthly Parish Petition

Please join us in praying our Monthly Parish Intention.

Our Petition for February is:


World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life Feb. 2nd ( Celebrated in Parishes Feb. 4-5).

May we pray for all Sisters and Brothers who have committed to the Consecrated life, that they may have the grace to persevere and serve with open hearts and willing spirits...


    We pray to the Lord

Mass Intentions for  February 24 – March 3


Sat    Feb 24        4:30pm       Jose Rosa


Sun  Feb 25        7:30am       Laura Burns


Sun   Feb 25        9:30am       St Jude Parishioners


Sun  Feb 25        11:30am     Brett Southard


Mon  Feb 26        9:00am       Theresa Scaglione


Tue   Feb 27        9:00am       Deceased members of the Buonassisi Family


Wed  Feb 28        9:00am      Margaret Baranosky and Cathy Klosky


Thu   Feb 29        9:00am       Joseph Byrne


Sat    Mar 2         8:30am       St Jude Parishioners


Sat    Mar 2         4:30pm       Deceased members of the Tranzillo Family


Sun  Mar 3         7:30am       Vito Melfi


Sun   Mar 3         9:30am       Thomas McMullen


Sun  Mar 3         11:30am     Maximino Monteiro



Tabernacle Candle: In memory of Luis Ferreira during the month of February and

                               Angelo Magliocco during the month of March

Adoration Candles: In memory of Margaret Tranzillo during the month of March

Mass Schedule

Weekday Masses (Monday thru Thursday) will be in the main Church at 9 am and live streamed.

The Weekend Masses inside the Church are Saturday at 4:30 pm and Sunday at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30. Only the Saturday Mass at 4:30 pm and the Sunday 7:30 am and 9:30 Masses are live streamed.

(Live-streamed Masses may be viewed at ) Please note that the link is slightly changed from the previous link due to the change in the website.

Online Giving - Thank you for your offering!

Men’s Bible Study

The Men’s Bible Study will begin meeting September 23, on Saturday mornings at 8:00 AM, in the school building. Each week we will take up the readings for that weekend. All men of the parish are welcome. For more information, contact Bob Lux at [email protected].

Saturday Rosary Sign up.

We have a wonderful way to prepare for Saturday Mass and that is to say the Rosary before Mass starts. We start 30 minutes before Mass so we start at 4:00 every Saturday.

Please join us as we pray. Also, please prayerfully consider joining this ministry.

If you would like to join you can sign up at

We look forward to you joining us as we pray the Rosary together.

First Friday

Eucharistic Adoration

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Matthew 11:28-30

The time that we spend with Jesus in front of the Blessed Sacrament is the best time we will spend on earth. Please join us on the first Friday of every month from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.

Divine Mercy Chaplet

Wednesdays at 3 pm in the Church

"Jesus we Trust in You"

Mary's Messengers Prayer Group . Email Jessica for more information

We learn to say the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and other special prayers for the intentions of our families and Parish.

Flame of Love Rosary

Thursday mornings after 9 am Mass

"Spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity"

St. Jude Religious Gift Shop

St. Jude Religious Gift Shop is located downstairs in the Msgr. Sabia Social Hall. Fr. Joseph's Books and CD's are available in the Gift Shop. Also new items: Communion Gifts and cards, statues, rosaries and more.

Come in and browse. Call Fran Cambra 203-261-2573 or Parish Office 203-261-6404.

Confession Hours

Confessions on Saturday afternoon will be in the day chapel at 3:30 to 4:15 pm on Saturdays. Come take advantage of God's great mercy by coming to the Sacrament of Confession.

Confessions are also by appointment, please call 203-261-6404, to set up an appointment or email the office.  

Parish Office Hours

MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00 – 3:00

Please call (203-261-6404) or e-mail ([email protected]) before coming to the office. Much can be accomplished through a phone call or email, such as requesting masses/mass cards; sacramental records; registering for Baptism; etc. 
Email Us
St Jude Parish
707 Monroe Tpke
Monroe, CT 06468