Honoring Promises Made
NEW - 2019 State Administrative Advocacy Agenda 

Once a bill or budget becomes law, the work of making new policies into on-the- ground realities is the responsibility of administrators in state departments and local agencies. We look to state administrators to uphold the promise of new laws, and together, make California hunger free.

Today we're sharing our state administrative advocacy agenda that calls out opportunities our state departments can seize now, within current authority, to help more Californians in need. 

We all deserve food, dignity, and meaningful opportunities to thrive. It's time to put California values into action. Please join us in advocating a hunger-free California.

Questions? Contact Elyse Homel Vitale at  elyse@cfpa.net or  858.449.3597. 
Evidence to Action
NEW - 2019 Research Agenda 

What we understand, we can change. CFPA envisions our state as a place of well-being and opportunity for all. Our team commits to advocating evidence-based policy in pursuit of that vision. We ground our work in truth and facts that illuminate problems, inform solutions, and measure impact.

Today we're sharing our priorities for understanding the evidence that should drive policy change. 

Please join us in bringing this work to life!
We rely on the partnership of funders, researchers, and Californians with lived experiences of hunger and poverty, among many others, to pursue the facts, perspectives, and understanding necessary to guide policy change that will improve the lives of low-income Californians.

To share input, ask questions, or otherwise partner on research for change, please contact Tia Shimada at  tia@cfpa.net  or 510.433.1122 ext 109.

Lost Dollars, Empty Plates 2019
How does CalFresh impact state and local economies?

California has consistently ranked among the lowest states for participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP -- known as "CalFresh" in California). The low rate of participation harms state and local economies as well as low-income Californians. CFPA's most recent  Lost Dollars, Empty Plates analysis examines the impact that increased participation in CalFresh would have on state, local, and household budgets. 
Low CalFresh participation means less for all Californians: less nutrition assistance for eligible households, less economic activity, and less sales tax revenue for the state and local governments. These losses can be mitigated by eliminating unnecessary barriers to CalFresh participation. 

For more on priority actions to improve CalFresh, please see our  CalFresh page .

Questions? Please contact Jared Call at  jared@cfpa.net.
Advocates Convene to Advance Health Equity
Photos from ENACT Day 2019

On April 30th, 2019 CFPA joined partner organizations and advocates from across California in Sacramento to build momentum for a healthy and equitable California. Together we discussed a range of issues affecting  health, including food access, housing and infrastructure , immigrant rights, and violence and community trauma prevention. 

To everyone who attended this year's ENACT Day - thank you for showing up to learn, share, and build our collective power together. 

Click to see more photos!

ENACT Day 2019 was hosted collaboratively by: CA4Health, Public Health Advocates, Public Health Institute, California Walks, California State University - Chico's Center for Healthy Communities, Community Partners, UC San Diego Youth Advisory Council, California Black Health Network, and California Immigrant Policy Center.

Here's to a successful event--see you next year at ENACT Day 2020!

Want to get involved with ENACT Day 2020? Contact Gabby Tilley at gabby@cfpa.net

We're Hiring! 

Want to help drive important policy change to reduce hunger and poverty across our state? Join the CFPA Team! 

We have one opening for a position in Southern California (Bakersfield, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange County, or San Diego).

We are seeking either a Policy Advocate or a Policy Associate.

Underrepresented individuals and those with a personal connection to our mission are encouraged to apply. All applicants are given careful consideration. The position is open until filled.

Please email your questions about the open positions and the hiring process to jobs@cfpa.net.