My Special Announcement at TFRW

In case you missed it, on April 15th, during the Texas Federation of Republican Women Board Meeting, I announced my candidacy for re-election as your RNC National Committeewoman. It has been an absolute honor to serve you, and I firmly believe that our collaborative efforts have had a significant impact on public policy and keeping Texas RED! However this is not a position where we can ever declare victory. Our Republican majorities must be strengthened and protected. Conservative governance requires vigilance and active grassroots participation. There is still much work ahead, and I am humbly asking for your help. I encourage you to visit my website today, where you can volunteer for my campaign or offer your endorsement. Your support is tremendously valuable to me, and I am immensely grateful for it!

Join My Team!
Endorse Me Now!

Watch my announcement below!

New Call to Action Series

Border Security

Calls Beginning June 16!

As we wrap up the 88th Legislative Session, our efforts continue without pause. Starting this summer, we will be adjusting our call schedule, holding sessions on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. Our upcoming call series will kick off on June 16. During these sessions, our primary focus will be on the border, the chaos that Joe Biden has helped exacerbate and what we can do to begin addressing this crisis. We are actively working on assembling a roster of qualified speakers from local, state and national levels who will offer valuable insights and discuss effective solutions. I look forward to seeing you all again on June 16th!

Call To Action

Border Security

Friday, June 16th

7:00 a.m. CST


If you have previously registered for our calls, there is no need to register again — your information is already on file.

The RNC Is Committed To Maximizing Pre-Election Day Voting

To Beat Joe Biden And Democrats In 2024, Republicans Are Working To Bank As Many Pre-Election Day Votes As Possible


  • Today, the Republican National Committee (RNC) is launching Bank Your Vote, a nationwide campaign focused on maximizing pre-Election Day voting for Republicans.
  • This campaign will encourage, educate, and activate Republican voters on when, where, and how to lock in their votes as early as possible.
  • Specifically, the campaign will emphasize in-person early voting, absentee voting, and ballot harvesting where legal.
  • The RNC is leveraging our full infrastructure, combining our data-driven ground game and multi-channel digital approach with our legal resources in order to deliver votes for Republicans up and down the ballot.
  • Working with partners across the ecosystem, we plan to build a historic all-fronts effort to mobilize our voters to take advantage of voting before election day.
  • To learn more and get engaged, visit bankyourvote.com the RNC's information hub on early voting.


  • Last cycle, the RNC built a robust election integrity operation that drew on our legal, political, data, and communications resources to protect the vote in states across the country.
  • This cycle, the RNC is building on our momentum to secure free, fair, and honest elections and increasing our overall number of pre-Election Day voters to secure victories in 2024.
  • While we are forced to accept the rules we are given, we will continue to work tirelessly to beat bad laws in the courtroom.
  • The RNC's legal operation has a proven record of holding Democrats accountable. Last cycle the RNC:
  • Engaged in nearly 100 lawsuits in 20 states. 
  • Hired 38 election integrity counsels in 19 states and retained 91 attorneys for Election Day litigation support in each critical battleground state with dozens of attorneys serving in a volunteer support capacity throughout the country.
  • Overall, the RNC engaged with 90 law firms throughout the 2022 cycle.
  • Last cycle, the RNC's historic election integrity ground game shattered recruitment goals. We:
  • Trained and recruited over 80,000 poll watchers and poll workers.
  • Conducted over 5,200 trainings for volunteers to prepare for Election Day.
  • In 2022, the Republican National Committee and Republican campaigns effectively targeted absentee voters, resulting in Republicans closing the gap on ballot return rates.
  • Republicans surpassed Democrats in several key states for 2024:
  • Florida
  • GOP rate: 66.16%
  • Dem rate: 60.25%
  • Georgia
  • GOP rate: 94.52%
  • Dem rate: 92.27%
  • Iowa
  • GOP rate: 97.19%
  • Dem rate: 95.99%
  • Montana
  • GOP rate: 79.56%
  • Dem rate: 76.20%
  • North Carolina
  • GOP rate: 84.48%
  • Dem rate: 83.35%
  • New Hampshire
  • GOP rate: 95.69%
  • Dem rate: 94.42%
  • In 2024, the RNC will look to expand on these numbers by strategically targeting voters that give us the highest return like low propensity voters or voters at risk of not turning out to vote.


  • Since 2020, the RNC's election integrity operation and our volunteers have produced high-profile wins on the ground in states across the country.
  • During the 2021 general election and 2022 primary and general elections, the RNC built fully functional legal command centers in 17 states for issue reporting and resolution.
  • In 2021, the RNC resolved 7,233 issues reported by the committee s trained poll watchers, staff, and attorneys.
  • In 2022, RNC volunteers using the party s reporting software were able to resolve over 20,000 election related issues in the field.
  • In Texas, the RNC successfully held a local election official accountable for failing to do her job.
  • Harris County Election Administrator Isabel Longoria failed to run a competent and secure primary election.
  • Longoria failed at the most basic tenets of election administration: she did not credential Republican poll workers, she did not train enough Republican poll workers, some polling places were not open until 9:30 a.m., and she did not provide adequate support for election officials on Election Day.
  • The RNC, State, and County Parties called on Longoria to resign, and she resigned one week after Election Day.
  • In Pinal County, Arizona, the RNC faced similar issues in the state s 2022 Primary.
  • Over 63,000 mail-in ballots were delivered to the wrong voters and there were ballot shortages throughout Pinal County on Election Day.
  • The RNC and AZGOP issued a joint statement calling for the resignation of the Pinal County Elections Director, who following the pressure resigned the next day.
  • In Virginia, during the 2021 general election, the RNC achieved 100 percent poll-watching coverage with thousands of poll-watchers spread across 37 key counties.
  • Virginia's Elections Commissioner described the election as running as smoothly as we could ask for.


  • As Democrats attempted to undermine commonsense election integrity laws and weaponize the Department of Justice attempting to allow non-citizens to vote and weaken election safeguards the RNC's legal team fought back in courtrooms across the country.
  • Since 2020, the RNC has intervened to defend election integrity laws in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, and Texas, including DOJ lawsuits in Arizona, Georgia, and Texas.
  • Our efforts have defended commonsense laws that regulate drop boxes, require voter ID, restrict ballot harvesting, and ensure that only U.S. citizens can register to vote in our elections.
  • The RNC has also done more to protect the rights of poll watchers to transparently observe our elections than ever before.
  • Last cycle, the RNC engaged in legal action in North Carolina, Nevada, Michigan, Arizona, and Wisconsin to ensure poll workers rights were protected.
  • Already this cycle, the RNC has achieved a massive election integrity victory in Florida.


  • Regardless of Democrats attempts to delegitimize election integrity laws, voters are seeing the results of making it easier to vote and harder to cheat.
  • In Georgia, Democrats lied about SB202, Georgia s election integrity law, which led to a Democrat-backed boycott meant to hurt small businesses.
  • On Election Day in 2021, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote that voters saw short lines, few problems, and no obstacles at the polls.
  • In 2022, turnout in Georgia reached a record number of voters for a midterm, with over a million people voting early across the Peach State.
  • In Florida, Democrats disgustingly attempted to smear Florida s election law SB90 as Jim Crow in an attempt to generate outrage.
  • On Election Day 2021, reports from Florida's counties were that the elections went off without a hitch, with no reports of malfunctions, long lines or other issues at polling places.
  • For the congressional special election in Broward and Palm Beach counties, election officials reported smooth voting and no issues related to the state s new election law.


  • Americans see through Democrats lies, instead supporting Republicans commonsense election integrity initiatives by a wide margin.
  • This year a poll of North Carolinians found that more than 65 percent of voters agreed that an ID should be presented when casting a ballot in person.
  • More than 60 percent of North Carolinians also said they would be more confident in the election results if the state had voter ID.
  • A poll of voters in Nevada this year found that 74 percent support the implementation of a voter ID law, with 55 percent strongly in favor.
  • A Republican National Committee poll found that:
  • 80 percent of voters support voter ID.
  • 87 percent of voters are against ballot trafficking.
  • 78 percent of all voters endorse a proposed voting plan with five common sense measures: presenting voter ID, signature verification, chain of custody controls, bipartisan observers, and cleaning up voter rolls.

Republicans set Aug. 23 for the presidential debate in Milwaukee with the potential for a second debate the next day

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Bill Glauber

June 2, 2023 – 2:14 PM


It will be lights, cameras and political action in Milwaukee on Aug. 23 as Republicans officially announced the date and criteria for their opening presidential debate.

And if enough candidates qualify to make it necessary, there will be a second debate on Aug. 24, the Republican National Committee said Friday.

The move will ramp up the campaign season in the city where Republicans will host their national convention next year. The debate will be broadcast by Fox News in partnership with Rumble and Young America's Foundation.

"The RNC is committed to putting on a fair, neutral, and transparent primary process and the qualifying criteria set forth will put our party and eventual nominee in the best position to take back the White House come November 2024.” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement.

To get on the stage, contenders will have to meet criteria in four major areas: candidate status, polling and fundraising along with signing a series of candidate pledges including "agreeing to support the eventual party nominee."

There's a minimum polling threshold of reaching 1% in a variety of ways. And a minimum fundraising measure of 40,000 unique donors.

The Republican field is already getting crowded and includes former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and U.S. Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina.

Former Vice President Mike Pence and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are expected to launch their candidacies next week as is North Dakota Gov. Doug Bergum. New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu is also weighing a potential run. Lesser-known candidates Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur, and radio host Larry Elder have also filed.

One big question remaining is will Trump show up for the opening clash?

Earlier this year, The New York Times reported that Trump  is "likely to skip at least one of the first two debates" and "has made it clear that he does not want to breathe life into his Republican challengers by sharing the stage with them."

Here's the full criteria list from the RNC announcement:

Candidate Status:

  • Be eligible to run (natural born U.S. citizen, resident for 14+ years, 35 years or older). 
  • Have declared his or her candidacy.
  • Have an active FEC Form 2 (Statement of Candidacy) filed with the FEC in which they identify as a candidate for the Republican nomination. 
  • Have an active FEC Form 1 (Statement of Organization) filed with the FEC designating the candidate’s principal campaign committee. 


  • Poll at least 1% in three national polls or 1% in two national polls and 1% in one early state poll from two separate “carve out” states (Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina) recognized by the RNC.
  • For a poll to be recognized, it must:
  • Survey at least 800 registered likely Republican voters through a mix of live calls, integrated voice response, online panels, and/or text message.
  • Not overly weight responses of any individual cohort beyond the margin of the error of the poll.
  • Ask the question on presidential preference prior to any question which may allow potential bias.
  • Not be a conducted by a polling company affiliated with a candidate or candidate committee.
  • Meet this polling requirement no later than 48 hours prior to the first scheduled debate and must be conducted on or after July 1, 2023.


  • Have a minimum of 40,000 unique donors to candidate’s principal presidential campaign committee (or exploratory committee), with at least 200 unique donors per state or territory in 20+ states and/or territories. 
  • Present this evidence to the RNC no later than 48 hours prior to the first scheduled debate. 

Candidate Pledge:

  • Have signed pledge agreeing not to participate in any non-RNC sanctioned debate for the remainder of the election cycle. 
  • Have signed pledge agreeing to support the eventual party nominee. 
  • Have signed RNC data-sharing agreement. 

Present signed pledges and agreement to the RNC no later than 48 hours prior to the first scheduled debate. 

*The full RNC Pundit Prep will be posted on my website.

For more information, please click here.

Republicans Deliver Economic Leadership

In Biden's economy, families are forced to pay more for travel, gas, and groceries all while seeing their paychecks shrink because of Bidenflation. 

What you need to know:

  • Thanks to Biden's economy, Americans are struggling to afford basic goods as their paychecks continue to shrink.  
  • Overall wage growth is slowing while inflation remains high, meaning workers are seeing a massive pay cut under Biden. 
  • U.S. average gas prices currently sit at $3.57 per gallon which is more than $1.00 higher than when Biden became president. 
  • Americans are not happy with Biden's economy. 
  • Almost 80% of Americans say Biden’s policies have not helped them, with almost half saying that Biden’s policies are actively hurting their family.
  • Just 33% of Americans approve of Biden's handling of the economy according to an AP-NORC poll.
  • Only 37% of Americans approve of Biden's handling of inflation according to a recent Harvard/Harris poll.
  • 83% of Americans say the economic situation is negative and almost 80% say that Biden’s policies have not helped them according to the latest Fox News survey.
  • Republicans are doing everything in their power to combat Democrats' disastrous economic agenda and deliver economic prosperity for the American people. 
  • Republican-led states are the ones creating jobs and leading the economic recovery.
  • The latest state jobs report shows that 8 of the top 10 states for jobs recovered since the coronavirus pandemic began are led by Republican governors, and all 10 states have Republican-controlled legislatures.
  • Out of the top 10 states with the lowest unemployment rates, 8 are led by Republican governors.

The bottom line:

The numbers don’t lie and the contrast in leadership is stark – while Joe Biden creates crisis after crisis, Republican governors are creating jobs and economic opportunity. Biden’s failed agenda causes suffering for American families while Republican-led states continue to keep Americans working, children in schools, and small businesses operating.

What We Are Reading

RNC Research

Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you as your Texas Representative to the RNC! As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have at [email protected], or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at the links below. Thank you for being a strong Texas Republican, and together, let us work to Keep Texas RED!

Learn More: RNC
Learn More: Texas GOP
Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas 
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