
March 1, 2018   Community o f the Transfiguration   513 771 5291 
Introducing our new Chaplain General
The Rev. Geoffrey Butcher

Geoffrey Butcher


Associate and Oblate Candidate 
Geoffrey Butcher was elected to be the next Chaplain General for the Community. He follows Bishop Price who served as interim Chaplain General and Fr. Han who was our beloved Chaplain General for many years.

Geoffrey is priest-in-charge of Trinity Church, Russellville, KY.  He was formerly Canon Pastor at Christ Church Cathedral, Nashville, TN, from 1992-2010. He was called to Christ Church from St. John's Cathedral, Albuquerque, NM, where he held positions as Organist/Choirmaster, Canon Precentor, and Sub-dean (1968-1991).

From 1980-1986 he was a member of the Standing Commission on Church Music which was responsible for the production of the Hymnal 1982. He is
a past-president of the Association of Anglican Musicians and has been
on the faculties of major church music conferences.

He enjoys leading centering prayer retreats and has led several retreats at the Convent. His education includes degrees from Hobart College, The General Theological Seminary, New Mexico Highlands University, and McCormick Theological Seminary.

Geoffrey is grateful for the history he has with the Community. His mother became an Associate in 1946 and he was received as an Associate in 2005.  He is now an Oblate candidate. Geoffrey says he is delighted to have the privilege of serving the Community in this new capacity.  

Live every moment as a seed of eternity. 
Henri Nouwen