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June 12, 2024

New Deacons and a New Strategy for Forming Clergy

The Diocese of Western New York’s three newest bivocational deacons could not have known they would be part of a new approach to priestly preparation when they began the spiritual journeys that led them to the altar at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Buffalo last month.

But Bishop Sean Rowe is trying innovative methods for forming new clergy, seeking to tailor their training and formation to meet both their own needs and the needs of the dioceses they will serve. So, the Revs. Phil Cunningham, Rich Inserra and Jeffrey Tooke find themselves involved in something of an experiment.

“The approach we’re taking here is that they can complete their academic training during their transitional diaconate,” the bishop says, referring to the phase between ordination to the diaconate and ordination to the priesthood. “This will allow them to have a meaningful period of diaconal service and for them to be placed into service in congregations. And the reality on the ground is that we need this.”

Read the story.

image (l-r): the Revs. Cunningham, Tooke, Bishop Sean, and Inserra

Toward GC 81: General Convention Media Hub

Bishop Sean and the deputations from Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania will attend the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church from June 23 to 28 in Louisville, Kentucky. 

The GC81 Media Hub is a one-stop website for links to livestreams in the House of Bishops and House of Deputies, including the June 22 Episcopal Revival, convention worship, and legislative business in both houses of convention.

On June 21 at 2 p.m., nominees for president of the House of Deputies are scheduled to participate in a forum that will be livestreamed; at 4 p.m. the same day, nominees for presiding bishop, including Bishop Sean, will take part in a livestreamed forum. Check the GC81 Media Hub for updates on the forums.

The presiding bishop election is scheduled for the morning of June 26. The vote to confirm the election in the House of Deputies is scheduled for that afternoon and will be livestreamed. Learn more about the election process.

Learn more about General Convention at the media hub and see a draft General Convention calendar.

St. James, Batavia Celebrates Pride

Send Pride events and photos

On Saturday, June 8, members of St. James, Batavia marched in the Batavia Pride Parade with the Pullman Memorial Universalist Church in Albion and Batavia First Presbyterian Church.

Congregations participating in or hosting events for Pride are invited to send information and any photos to

Save the Dates: Upcoming Events with the Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination

Save the date for these upcoming events hosted by the Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination:

Congregational and Communication Strategies August 3

This one-day program (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) at St. Mark's, Erie, will teach participants strategies for dismantling racism in their congregations and through local communications. Lunch will be provided.

Pre-Convention Dinner and a Movie October 11

Join members of the commission on the evening of October 11, for a pre-convention movie night at the Cathedral of St. Paul in Erie. The evening will include worship, dinner, a screening of My Name is Pauli Murray, and a brief discussion. This event is not part of diocesan convention, but is intended for those who may be arriving the night before.

Regional Conversations: “Practicing the Way” October 26 and November 9

This fall, the commission will be hosting two regional conversations based on the fourth quadrant of the Becoming Beloved Community labyrinth. The October 26 conversation will take place at the Diocesan Center in Tonawanda, and the November 9 conversation will take place at St. Mark's, Erie.

Watch future newsletters for more information.

Education for Ministry Enrollment Open for September

Education for Ministry (EfM) is an adult learning program that covers the basics of a theological education in Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, church history, liturgy and theology, with a strong emphasis on theological reflection. 

EFM participants commit to one year at a time, and the full curriculum is covered over four years. For more information, email Certified Mentor Karl Costello or Partnership Coordinator for Education for Ministry Linda Makson.

Chapel of the Good Shepherd Open Tuesdays

Prayer vigil on June 25

Chapel of the Good Shepherd, also known as Brookside Chapel in Lockport, will be open every Tuesday through September 17. At 7 p.m. on those days, the chapel will host a service or event. On June 25, the evening before the election of the next presiding bishop, the chapel will host a special vigil.

The chapel is located at 4221 Day Rd. in Lockport. Email the Rev. Martha Farone with questions.

photo credit: the Rev. Sare Anuszkiewicz

2024 Diocesan Conventions on October 12

Submit resolutions and nominations by August 12

Hotel room block now available

The 2024 Diocesan Conventions of the Dioceses of Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania will be held at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie on October 12.

  • Resolutions may be submitted online for the 2024 Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania conventions by August 12. Submit a resolution.

The following positions will be elected:

In Western New York:

  • Standing Committee - 1 clergy, 1 lay
  • Diocesan Council - 1 clergy, 2 lay
  • Trustees - 2 lay

In Northwestern Pennsylvania:

  • Standing Committee - 1 priest, 1 lay
  • Diocesan Council - 1 priest, 1 deacon, 1 lay
  • Constitution and Canons Committee - 1 clergy, 1 lay

  • A block of rooms has been reserved at the TownePlace Suites for a rate of $149/night. This rate will be available through September 9. Reservations can be online or by calling 814.866.7100 and telling them you are with the Episcopal Diocese. Reserve a room.

  • Pre-convention meetings will be held on Zoom on September 25 at 7 p.m. and on September 26 at 4 p.m. Look for more information in future newsletters.

Email Canon Vanessa Butler with questions.

In-Person Evaluation Listening Sessions in October:

Save the dates

In October, the partnership evaluation consultants will hold a series of listening sessions for clergy and laypeople in both dioceses. Save the dates for these in-person listening sessions, several of which are being held in conjunction with the partnership convention on October 12:

  • October 11, 4 p.m.: Northwestern Pennsylvania clergy listening session, St. Mark's, Erie

Watch future issues of the newsletter for more information coming soon about Zoom listening sessions, which will take place after convention, and an online evaluation survey coming later this summer.

Read more about the evaluation.

Newsletter Summer Schedule in July and August

In July and August, we publish a diocesan newsletter every other week that combines our regular biweekly diocesan and leadership newsletters. Look for summer newsletters on July 10, July 24, August 7, and August 21. The normal publication schedule will resume on September 4 with General News.

Congregational News

Memorial Service for the Rev. Glen Fuller on July 27

The Rev. Glen Fuller died on November 24, 2023. A memorial service will be held Saturday, July 27 at 12:30 p.m. at St. Mark's, Orchard Park. The Rev. Jack Marshall will preside. A private interment will be held at a later date.

Read his obituary.

May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Holy Trinity, Brookville and Church of Our Savior DuBois Share Trinity Sunday

On May 26, Holy Trinity, Brookville and Church of Our Savior, Dubois came together in Brookville to celebrate Trinity Sunday, with a special joint service, followed by a potluck luncheon in the church hall.

Martha Farone Blesses Markers for Historic Graves

On May 26, the Rev. Martha Farone dedicated gravestones for the Van Cleve family at the Village of Lewiston Cemetery. The Van Cleves lived in Lewiston in the 19th century, and Captain James Van Cleve was an early steamship captain who sailed the Great Lakes. He and his wife previously had no gravestone.

New Quilting and Sewing Group at St. Paul's, Lewiston

St. Paul's, Lewiston is starting a mission quilting and sewing group to work on community-related projects. The group will meet on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. in St. Paul's undercroft. Those interested should bring their sewing materials, a desire to help the community, and any ideas for projects. All skill levels are welcome.

For more information, email Desne Wills.

Congregational Events

Flag Day Salad Bar Lunch on June 14

On June 14, Flag Day, St. Mark's, North Tonawanda and Church of the Advent, Kenmore will hold a salad bar luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Mark's, North Tonawanda.

The menu includes all-you-can-eat salad, ham, cheeses, rolls, desserts and beverages. Tickets are $20 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under, and are available at the door.

To make a group reservation, call Faith Elliot at 716.951.0704.

Pipe Organ Presentation and Recital June 15

St. Peter's, Niagara Falls

On June 15 at 2 p.m., St. Peter's, Niagara Falls will cohost a pipe organ presentation and recital with Heritage Pipe Organs. It is free to the public and refreshments will follow in the St. Peter's community space.

Concert at St. Matthias, East Aurora June 19

On June 19 at 7 p.m., St. Matthias’, East Aurora's music ministry will present "Goodness! Gracious. Living in a world of give and take," an evening of sacred and secular music about thankfulness, gratefulness, and understanding. Admission is free with a donation at the door to Journey’s End.

Trinity Episcopal Church Community Services Fundraiser

On June 20 from 12 to 6 p.m., Trinity, Buffalo will hold a chicken barbecue fundraiser. Dinner includes a half chicken from Chiavetta's, sweet potatoes, beans and cornbread for $15. Curbside pick up online.

Tickets may be purchased by calling 716.248.8581 or online.

Drive-Thru BBQ Dinner on June 21

St. David's, West Seneca

St. David's, West Seneca is hosting a drive-thru barbecue dinner on June 21. Dinners will be available for pick up from 3 to 6 p.m. or until sold out. The BBQ dinner includes 1/4 rack of ribs, slaw, potato salad, roll and butter for $14. For large orders, please call ahead to 716.674.4670 and leave your name and number of meals. Cash only.

Ten percent of the fundraiser profits will support outreach in the larger community. In 2023 this amounted to more than $1000 split among four agencies: The Matt Urban Center, Friends of the Night People, St. Luke's Mission of Mercy, and South Buffalo Community Table.

Strawberry Fest June 22

St. John's, Youngstown

St. John's, Youngstown, will hold its annual Strawberry Fest on June 22 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition to homemade strawberry shortcake made with local berries, freshly baked shortcake and real whipped cream, the Youngstown Lions Club will be grilling a variety of foods.

Donuts D. Clown will perform from noon to 3 p.m. and the Nickel City Blues Band will perform starting at 2 p.m. The church, built in 1878, will be open for self-guided tours.

Learn more online.

Strawberry Festival and Chicken Barbecue on June 22

Good Shepherd, Buffalo

On June 22 from 4 to 7 p.m., Good Shepherd, Buffalo will hold a Strawberry Festival and Chicken Barbecue. In addition to chicken dinners and strawberry shortcake, the event will include a basket raffle and silent auction.

Chicken dinners are $14 for pre-orders or $15 on the day. Pre-order dinners must be placed by June 21 at 12 p.m. and picked up by 6 p.m. on June 22. Orders for dinner may be placed online.

Learn more online.

Tour The Underground Railroad of Mercer County September 14

On September 14, join St. John's, Sharon for a tour of Underground Railroad sites in Mercer County. Reservations are required and the tour is already 30% booked. Make your reservations with Tracy Schliep by calling 724.699.7247 or emailing

This tour is supported by a grant from the Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination.

Schoolgirl Samplers of WNY: Jane Boyer 1834

October 19 retreat

On October 19, join St. Mark’s, LeRoy for "Schoolgirl Samplers of Western New York: Jane Boyer 1834,” a day-long retreat being held by St. Mark’s and at the LeRoy Historical Society. The retreat costs $125, and will begin at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at 5 p.m. About 25 spots remain.

Almost 200 years ago, Jane Boyer of LeRoy completed a large cross-stitch sampler which now resides in the collection of the LeRoy Historical Society. The retreat will be centered on Boyer, her sampler and life in LeRoy in the 1830's. Boyer and her family were devoted Episcopalians as evidenced in several historic sources, including St. Mark’s early vestry minutes. Other activities include two special stitching projects base on her sampler, visits to the historic LeRoy House and to the Jell-O Museum, a catered lunch, and more. 

Learn more and register online.


Register Now for Summer Camp

The diocesan partnership will offer another summer camp August 11-14 at Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center in Bemus Point, New York. It is open to youth entering 3rd grade through graduating seniors.

The cost is $240 and scholarships are available. Contact Wendy Schumacher for more information.

Register for the August session of camp.

Dismantling Racism Grants Available

The Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination offers grants to congregations with initiatives inspired by the commission's newly updated Pledge of Faith and Action Against Racial Injustice: LEARN―PRAY―ACT―ADVOCATECongregations may request updated pledge cards by emailing Susan Woods.

The commission has also developed a new vision statement for the journey toward Beloved Community.

Congregations holding a book study related to dismantling racism or other forms of discrimination, hosting guest speakers, or visiting a historic site or museum like the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center, can apply for grants from $25 to $500 using this grant application.

For more information, email the Rev. Stacey Fussell or the Rev. Helen Harper. for grants from $25 to $500 using this grant application.

Make Gifts and Pledges to Congregations Online
Though congregations are now meeting in person, the bishop's office will continue to maintain an online giving platform that accepts gifts and pledge payments for any congregation. The partnership dioceses will absorb payment processing fees so contributions will go entirely to local mission.

Publication Schedule
Anyone can subscribe to the leadership newsletter and the general newsletter, which are published on alternate Wednesdays, with a modified summer schedule.

The general newsletter contains stories, congregational event listings, and other news of general interest. The leadership news focuses on governance and administrative updates and reminders, leadership events and clergy news. Updates are also available on the partnership Facebook page and the partnership website.

Please send news about your congregation's ministry, mission and events to To contribute photos, stories, or event announcements to the newsletter, please see our submission guidelines.
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